rehosted, and yes it if is the operation metro map
Last edited by menzo (2011-06-30 08:48:31)

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Last edited by menzo (2011-06-30 08:48:31)
Last edited by Trotskygrad (2011-06-30 08:35:21)
Just like Bad company
Our efforts to let you play Battlefield 3 your way also means that you will have the option to play infantry only matches, for that up close and personal touch.
pic's not working
Yes and yes.Trotskygrad wrote:
looks just like fuckin rush mode.
probably that operation m'etro map
M.O.A.B wrote:
AK47's for everyone!
While were at it lets add nukes into the gameglobefish23 wrote:
Let's step realism up a notch:
Terrorists have the ability to use civilians as human shields for defending objectives.
If civilians die, the terrorists can blame the US army, which will give them even more negative points than destroying mosques.
If no civilians die, terrorists can kill them themselves and then blame the US army, which will give them even more negative points than destroying mosques.
On the other hand, the US have the ability to use spin doctors, war mongers and weapon lobbyists to manipulate politics and media, to allow them the use of shady and illegal tactics like finding solid evidence for WMDs, waterboarding, phosphorous ammo and renegade kill teams, the latter which can kill civilians without anyone noticing (and without negative points).
The fuck. Nooooo not infantry only. :@Roc18 wrote:
Just like Bad company
http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/battlef … rview.aspxYESwrote:
Our efforts to let you play Battlefield 3 your way also means that you will have the option to play infantry only matches, for that up close and personal touch.
It's going to have random deviation, i.e. guns, not lasers. So it will not be BC2.RDMC wrote:
Shall I pre-order this? I'd like to play it, but I fear that this will turn out into BC2.1 which I'll probably have to run on lowest possible settings with my obsolete E8400 and HD4870.. and will most likely quit playing it after 1-2 months..
It sounds like they're aiming to cater for most markets in one package.Sisco wrote:
Team Deathmatch Infantry only on small urban maps sounds very CoDish.
Pretty much. I mean they said they wanted to give a broad experience and the freedom of choice to play how one likes to. This might be the better CoD even.M.O.A.B wrote:
It sounds like they're aiming to cater for most markets in one package.Sisco wrote:
Team Deathmatch Infantry only on small urban maps sounds very CoDish.
You have the classic BF gameplay, then you have the more generic TDM style. Essentially, muscling in on CODs MP market while retaining the core gameplay.
why is the assault guy's m203 bay open?Roc18 wrote:
I hope they're not racist in BF3 as well making the "grunt" classes like assault and support black soldiers; while making the "smart" classes like engineer or recon white soldiers.
http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/images/ … blacks.PNG
http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/images/ … Whites.PNG
The ejection port is on the wrong side too..:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
why is the assault guy's m203 bay open?Roc18 wrote:
I hope they're not racist in BF3 as well making the "grunt" classes like assault and support black soldiers; while making the "smart" classes like engineer or recon white soldiers.
http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/images/ … blacks.PNG
http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/images/ … Whites.PNG
Looks like he has a grenade in hand, so maybe he's reloading?.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
why is the assault guy's m203 bay open?Roc18 wrote:
I hope they're not racist in BF3 as well making the "grunt" classes like assault and support black soldiers; while making the "smart" classes like engineer or recon white soldiers.
http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/images/ … blacks.PNG
http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/images/ … Whites.PNG
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