can we make the bf2s US server mass D? i dont care if its IO or not, there is a serious lack of servers out there with this map.
I second this motion. But to make it not be a 24/7, could we possibly throw Surge in there as well? Of all the Special Forces maps, I seriously love these two. They're very underrated. I don't want none of that Ghost Town or Warlord sheeut
OK ... I set it up as Mass and Surge with Vehicles. Post here or PM me if there are any problems.
We're all in here. Or at least me and hank... lets get this populated yeah.
I loved that map.
rip sf
coolstorybro wrote:
rip sf
I disagree with this motion. Of all the Special Forces maps, I seriously hate this one. It's very overrated. I'd rather have 24/7 Ghost Town or Warlord.
fuck off matty. you suck at bf2 anyway.
iron gator tho
iron gator or that night map
best maps ever
best maps ever