Really an enjoyable a map for the US when played with people who get their sh1t together.

In this very rare occasion, the US commander really coordinated the team well. At the beginning of the map, he sends out a squadful of men on the BH to do a high level heli-insertion, as opposed to a normal, land and cap on the Chinese airfield.

The minute the squad land on the airfield, squadleader takes cover while the rest cap the flag. Commander than broadcasts, "everyone on squad alpha!!". Next thing you know, the squad leader becomes a mobile spawn pt as at least 10 more soldiers spawn and leave the squad, fortifying the base and fanning out towards a two-pronged attack on each egress of the airfield. The entire map was SOOOO over within 10 minutes.

Extremely cool to watch. Even more awesome was to be part of it.

that is cool, but I don't like it. Kind of an exploit of the whole "spawn on squad leader thing". It's a brilliant tactic for sure.
Get C4, here!

Too bad most people don't listen to the commanders.

dshak wrote:

that is cool, but I don't like it. Kind of an exploit of the whole "spawn on squad leader thing". It's a brilliant tactic for sure.
How is it an exploit?
+0|7080|Northern Illinois University
something I had only dreamed of
It'd be nice if there were more commanders like that, and more squad leaders like that, and more squad members like that..don't expect to see that teamwork often
how is it an exploit???? You no longer have to take a beach head, you can just land one guy and all of the sudden your whole army is behind enemy lines? To me thats exploiting the whole -spawn on squad leader- aspect of the game. I never said it wasn't BRILLIANT, but its kind of an abuse of the systems the game employs.

That would take massive coordination though, the kind I have yet to see on any server. when I'm commanding I try to honor every request for supplies, arty, etc... then watch as nobody even pays attention to my orders. If I TK a guy with arty or can't resupply because they are reloading... BAM mutiny vote.

Thats a great startegy, but there is no way you'll convince me its not an exploit. Frankly its kind of exploitive when people in squads contstantly switch who the leader is so they always have a mobile spawn point. I do that all the time myself,  not as extreme by any means but still an exploit.

Sorry, you aren't going to convince me its not, so save your breathe trying. Its bloody smart though, a lot more intelligent than some of the other things that go on in this game.
Hotel California
+0|7106|Oakland, CA
I dont get it, how do you spawn on a squad leader when your not even in that squad?
+66|7154|Missoula, MT
This is a clan tactic I've recently become aware of.  It works well.  It's how the game is designed and not an exploit.  If someone calls it an exploit, then they don't understand it or are just on the receiving end and can't figure it out for their team.  Sounds like a good teamwork effort there.  I like it! 
+3|7094|Abilene, Texas

dshak wrote:

how is it an exploit???? You no longer have to take a beach head, you can just land one guy and all of the sudden your whole army is behind enemy lines? To me thats exploiting the whole -spawn on squad leader- aspect of the game. I never said it wasn't BRILLIANT, but its kind of an abuse of the systems the game employs.
Boo Wah!!!!! In 1940 Hitler took France using a tactic that they did not expect someone to use.  In June 1944 we hit Hitler where he did not expect it, in Desert Storm we hit Saddam where he didn't expect it.  So a tactic worked where the PLA failed to defend their prime base.  BRILLIANT!!!

This game is an exercise in teamwork, planning, and speed.  If you can't tolerate a team that is so well coordinated that they decimate the other side in minutes then you might wanna try another game.  May I suggest PONG???
Teh Milho
+0|7077|Sumter SC

KillerAFET wrote:

This game is an exercise in teamwork, planning, and speed.  If you can't tolerate a team that is so well coordinated that they decimate the other side in minutes then you might wanna try another game.  May I suggest PONG???
Doesn't anyone know the meaning of decimate anymore? If one team was completely beaten then they were obliterated or annihilated, if only a part of them was destroyed then they were decimated.

Sorry, that word is a pet peeve of mine, please ignore.

Last edited by (9)Kermit (2005-10-27 04:35:24)

BF2s' little helper

beeng wrote:

Too bad most people don't listen to the commanders.
I Definitly agree.. I always try to do stuff - but who listens? to be realistic, only 1/20 games a single squad listen to your basic commands..
The rest usually presses "page up" when they get an order (as if it was a question of forgiving or punishing the teamkiller - a whole other story) and never sets foot near the objective I just gave..

The commander feature is a cool feature - too bad people don't listen...
Δ > x > ¥
I like Wake from a commander's point of view.  Even though I don't have VOIP (will do next month or December) I give meaningful messages to my team and squads, things like "all the enemy's on north side, go take the south" or "next spawn is teaming, go on to the airfield" etc.

The only trouble is, as has been said, some squad leaders don't listen and just flick Page Up.

Btw, decimate = to reduce by a tenth.
+66|7154|Missoula, MT
1. To destroy or kill a large part of (a group).
2. Usage Problem.
    a. To inflict great destruction or damage on: The fawns decimated my rose bushes.
    b. To reduce markedly in amount: a profligate heir who decimated his trust fund.
3. To select by lot and kill one in every ten of.

wait... did hitler have all his soldiers magically spawn on one guy behind enemy lines? did I miss that? I never said I couldn't tolerate it... geez. what  abunch of spazzes. sometimes I wonder if people even read my entire posts.

For the record. just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I don't understand the tactic. For crying out loud. I love this site but unfortunately people completely lack the understanding of the difference between an objective and a subjective opinion.

How is it in the spirit of the game for everyone to spawn on a squad leader then leave the squad? You're not in that squad, you just used it for a mobile spawn point.

? tell me I just don't understand again. that will work.

Last edited by dshak (2005-10-27 10:42:28)

Cookie Monster
+0|7079|Shaw AFB

(9)Kermit wrote:

KillerAFET wrote:

This game is an exercise in teamwork, planning, and speed.  If you can't tolerate a team that is so well coordinated that they decimate the other side in minutes then you might wanna try another game.  May I suggest PONG???
Doesn't anyone know the meaning of decimate anymore? If one team was completely beaten then they were obliterated or annihilated, if only a part of them was destroyed then they were decimated.

Sorry, that word is a pet peeve of mine, please ignore.
Your wierd
Pojebany Hlop
+1|7153|Sicily, Italy
I have to remember this tactic, good one.  it will pay off on that freakin map.  i hate it more then clean sweep.

+0|7066|Brisbane Australia
couple this with a competant squadleader who uses VOIP and responds to squad member suggestions ("im spec ops, lets go raid their arty quickly") and you would have the best match, it would be like a dream.

[OBC]Ben wrote:

I dont get it, how do you spawn on a squad leader when your not even in that squad?
All they did was as soon as they spawned on the SL they left the squad so that they could let others take the empty places.
+0|7055|Amstelveen - Netherlands - EU
good for you that you had such a great experience with that commander. BUT...ever tried me as your commander?
Most of the folks who have played with me enjoyed my strategy command cause it is like  'riding'along with me ito the grocery store for some free shoping
That strategic way you experienced as and old one to conquer your enemy. I got lots more of those tricks to win. In the end its always fun to hear/read the experience of the oposite losing party that the game was over that quickly
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX

dshak wrote:

that is cool, but I don't like it. Kind of an exploit of the whole "spawn on squad leader thing". It's a brilliant tactic for sure.
I can see an entire army spawning on a squad leader's location esspecially if a clan who practices this.

Squad Leader Alpha gets into position with his squad of 6.
Each Squad Member then leaves the squad once on the ground and becomes a Squad Leader themselves.

Suddenly you have Squads Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo and Foxtrot.

If everyone joins those squads and spawns on their new Squad Leaders you suddenly have 36 soldiers on the ground in the original area of Squad Leader 1.

With coordination over Teamspeak and everyone on channel this could be achieved very smoothly with practice.

This could only be achieved by a solid Clan and in no way could be achieved with general public players. This type of coordination and teamwork is simply impossible from a random population of BF2 players.

I like it.

Last edited by kilroy0097 (2005-11-14 05:26:40)

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

beeng wrote:

Too bad most people don't listen to the commanders.
I find that as a squad leader I'm more likely to pay attention to the CO if he's talking to me, loud and clear enough for me to understand him, over VOIP, than if he's just spamming "enemy spotted" and sending me to odd points on the map from the command screen. I had a commander on Kubra Dam, who must have seen I was in the AA tank, and yet he kept sending me to wherever there was trouble (I was dominating) which I tried to comply with, but seeing as the tank is the slowest around, I rarely got to where I was going before he sent me somewhere else. In the end I stopped listening.

But if the commander asks his squad leaders to comply with specific orders, and actually commends them when they do something right, doesn't drop artillery on their heads, and warns them verbally when people are moving on their position, then I find squad leaders will start to rely on the commander more, and thus are more likely to listen. I'm not much of a commander, but I had a great run on Wake Island where we won 4 maps in a row with me as commander, and all I did in the first round was scan repeatedly and spot incoming planes/helis for our pilots, and respond to requests for artillery, UAVs or supplies. By the second map the players were quite happy to ask for specifics, and when I told them, VOIP-style to take/hold/etc, they usually did it. Sometimes it's not practical for the players to comply, and that's reasonable too, remember that.

If no one is listening, then, apart from stupid selfish troops of which there are plenty, I'll admit, it's likely that: a) you haven't been CO in a session long enough to impress your troops, or b) you suck.
+1|7042|Eindhoven, Netherlands
Yup, you do have some superb commanders.

I whas playing on (cant remember how the freakin map whas called, the swampy one) and our commander did everything via VOIP, letting us know when ever Arty,UAV or Supplys where reasy, gave us a warning about incomming Arty or enemy movement into our deriction, man if everybody would play like that, it realy would be some kickass gaming.

Commander is the high ranked person, squad leader do what he commands and then the squad members follows the Squad Leaders orders witch are given by CO.

this game is out since june this year? i still cant get the point of ppl not knowing this is actualy a squad/teamplay based game, if they cand play like that they might just aswell start playing supermario.

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
Teamwork requires putting the needs of a team over the needs of an individual.
Many kids do not understand that concept thinking only of themselves.
They don't even listen to their parents so listening to someone on a computer game isn't even a possibility.
Only those people who recognize teamwork and work towards that goal are willing to listen to orders.
The rest are lost and shall doom this world to destruction or something like that.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

KillerAFET wrote:

Boo Wah!!!!! In 1940 Hitler took France using a tactic that they did not expect someone to use.
Hitler must have been some kind of Voodoo Master, that he had his army magically appeared right behind his back.

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