+30|6854|Good ol' Canada
I am tired of the multiple rules some servers decide to have on. I am sick of the whiny little bastards that play this game that are not capable of adapting to game play. While I realize I should go play elsewhere, I like some variety in the servers that I play. Just a little tired of the babies that don't like.... base raping, spawn killing and so on. Adjust your play you pussies. your thoughts?
I agree. "Base rapping" is a very legit tactic, and can be overcome if people would act as a team. For instance, the Commander can simply drop artillery in around the flag/CP, not ON the CP as most idiots do, this is counter-productive, as it kills teammates.

Base raping/Spawn Camping is a very good strategy. First off, your goal is to capture the flag, if people spawn there, kill them. Is that not the point of the game? Kill the enemy, capture the flag, advance...and so forth. Base raping can be easily prevented if people would act as a team. Such example is having your Squad Leaders stay away from the fight, so that people, five at a time, can spawn on you. This means that you can get five at a time in the battle, that means: more guns, more people, more destruction. Eventually it will overwhelm the opposing force if you act accordingly.

Second. People need to stop whining because they're dying. I find this the most ridiculous out of them all. "Guys stop killing me." or "You're cheating" is complete rubbish. It's a shooter for a reason, to kill people. You dint' want to die, buy a new game. People who sit there and expect to get kills yet can't taking getting killed back, upset me to no end.

And what's even more stupid, is the people who continuously spawn at the same CP over and over and over again. When they have like 4 others to choose from. If they had enough intelligence to spawn elsewhere, the problem would be solved.
Absolutely with you here!
No Raping...c''s WAR!
Imagine Saddam calling Bush asking him to please stop raping his city cause it's mean and his troops can't get out to cap villages taken by the US Army.
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6918|Land of =KBK=
So true.  The one thing that I truly do detest is being raped at non CP.  Over and Over and Over by the same guy.  If you feel the need to go into a nonCP then destroy the assets and get out.  Don't sit there spawn raping.  Just my one pet peeve.  Especially if it is the only point left to spawn.  If there are other points I'll respawn after being mowed down a couple of times.  Not worth the tickets.  Go elsewhere and spawn and then go back and cap that fool.  Or die trying anyway lol   Anyway.. my 2 cents worth.  Not much but hey.. it's still mine.
slow as you go
+124|6830|Canaduhhh.. West Toast
so your complaining and calling ppl that complain about you babies... does that mean you need your diaper changed aswell? .... they pay for the servers they can act however they want, you dont like it rent your own server and become one of them
Viva Mexico
I think base rape will be fair if respawn points were not static as they are.
You just need to know where are the static spawn points and just wait and kill.
I was playing on Moongamers Karkand Only and I was driving around in my LAV looking for kills. Of course as I pass spawn points around Hotel I stop and look. If someone is there, I kill them and keep driving. I killed a guy at the hotel in my LAV and the server boots me for spawncamping at Hotel in armor, which is prohibited in the rules. Now, what do you all think? Is moongamers being a little ridiculous here? First of all, i am helping my team by reducing the enemy's tickets. Second, I was not spawncamping. Spawncamping would be just sitting there and killing every spawn that pops up. I drove by, looked, killed whoever I saw, and moved on, and I got booted. Fair or not?
+917|6888|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Its frigin war! Base raping is allowed in war, I dont hear people in Iraq complaining about base raping and spawn killing.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
its a game not war
+30|6854|Good ol' Canada
I appreciate that I am not the only one that hates these pussy rules. I do though feel aweful bad that one of my fellow canadians is a fucktard, and gave me the suggestion I would only get from a fucktard. Superslowyo, please tell me where you play so I can base rape, spawnkill the shit out of you. Thanks again for the constructive feedback.

Kmal1 wrote:

Its frigin war! Base raping is allowed in war, I dont hear people in Iraq complaining about base raping and spawn killing.
It is not a war. BF2, despite it's subtitles, bears very little resembalance to actual warfare. Maybe you should stop playing "make believe marine" and realize that BF2 about as true to life as an episode of the teletubbies.

Germans did 911
+427|6951|Disaster Free Zone

APoundOfNuts wrote:

Absolutely with you here!
No Raping...c''s WAR!
Imagine Saddam calling Bush asking him to please stop raping his city cause it's mean and his troops can't get out to cap villages taken by the US Army.
Because in Iraq people just appear out of no where always in the same spot facing the same way so you can stay in the same place and not move and get people delivered to you with there backs turned... Sounds real to me. FFS people this is not WAR!! it is a game and is there to be enjoyed. If you find it challenging or stimulating to just stand behind where someone spawns and shot them with a tank every 15 seconds you are sick.

I play on servers which have the rule, "no attacking uncapturable spawn points in a vehicle". And i think its a great rule. If you don't like these rules, And they are allowed under EA's ROE so go find another server.
+31|7094|St. Louis, MO
As I said in the other thread on this topic,There should be no hiding places or restrictions on movements.I also play on some severs with such rules.I will respect them but I do not agree with them.

If your uncappable is your only spawn point you deserve a raping.Controlling the battle conditions in this way is allowed I know.It's just weak in my opinion.What if your on the team that doesn't have a uncappable spawn point?Are you just supposed to just sit back and let your enemy regroup?The best defense is a ruthless offense.

I realize many don't agree and I respect your opinion.Everyone plays a different game.I would probably have a higher rank if I played only on such servers but that just not my game.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Wth is wrong with some people?

'Base rapping'? FFS.

"Yo ma niggas this is my base, don't come to ma base ho, i'll set my niggas on yo'.


And no, still no rules whatsoever. I don't care if there're 2 APCs parked under your carrier, your heli has been stolen and J10s are raping you to kingdoms come, you're fucked. I just told this dude yesterday who was whining 'Stop raping us its against ROE' to 'shut the fuck up, bend over and die'.
This is why when I finally became an admin of a server, anything but purposeful TKing goes. Besides, I don't know the rcon command for kick/ban and I'm too lazy to alt-tab and kick through BF2CC
<b|k> lukie
This is a GAME! A game is intended to be FUN! So anti-main-base-rape rules assure FUN for 100% of the players and not only for 50%.

So some rules ensure FUN for ALL, and not POINTS for HALF of all.

And if your team suxx, you have absoluteley no chance of changing the situation, when being nailed to your uncap. DICE should have designed uncaps safer and more capable of self defense.

And it really suxx being on the baseraping team. It is so boring, absoluteley no challenge, nothing to do.
i rekn base raping is aight... but some maps its totally useless for the team doing it....e.g. sharqi. base raping with the USMC is so wrong! while the base rapers are base raping (nfi how to say it without it sounding funny ) their TV station or other flags are getting screwed over by the MEC.

a very simple technique to overcome base rapers, is not spawning there... thats if u do have other spawn points... but im one of those that spawn there just to pwn the base rapers cause i hate them

K8Kommunist wrote:

Kmal1 wrote:

Its frigin war! Base raping is allowed in war, I dont hear people in Iraq complaining about base raping and spawn killing.
It is not a war. BF2, despite it's subtitles, bears very little resembalance to actual warfare. Maybe you should stop playing "make believe marine" and realize that BF2 about as true to life as an episode of the teletubbies.

wtf are you talking about? Were not comparing BF2 to real life, BF2 is a WAR GAME its not a war, and its not a game, its both!

And its supposed to be fun, haveing all these stupid rules about where you can go where your allowed to stand, no jumping if your getting shot at, dont do this, dont do that, bla bla bla.

If you have no flags left and are getting raped it sucks, but just dont loose all the flags! and even if you do find yourself in that position its normally possible to sneak round and get some guys to spawn on you.
and if you do have flags and are getting raped at your main... Spawn somewhere else maybe???

As long as no one intentionally teamkills. just fuck off with all these lame ass rules.

polarbearz wrote:

Wth is wrong with some people?

'Base rapping'? FFS.

"Yo ma niggas this is my base, don't come to ma base ho, i'll set my niggas on yo'.


And no, still no rules whatsoever. I don't care if there're 2 APCs parked under your carrier, your heli has been stolen and J10s are raping you to kingdoms come, you're fucked. I just told this dude yesterday who was whining 'Stop raping us its against ROE' to 'shut the fuck up, bend over and die'.
lol "its against ROE" hahahahahaha
Death StatPadder
+228|7039|Human Meat Shield
Well my thoughts on this is whats good for one is good for the other right? well put yourself in the shoes of the person getting raped, granted you have 2 spawn points mostly, but you have tank at each one, now TRUTHFULLY tell me you will stay in that you wouldn't, that's why servers have these rules, to not take away your precious points, but to keep individuals in the servers and have great gameplay, many people are here for the fun in it, I don't care if your computer desk is full of camouflage and M*A*S*H tents with real weaponry hanging on the walls, people want to have fun - that'sthe bottom line, when you are constantly killing the same people over and over (wait that's another post about fav. victims..hmm..imagine) and before they can push 'W' they are mowed down by you. Of course it's great for you, hell I've layed down some lead and laughed myself, but also I like competitiveness, and to me spawnraping isnt very competitive, hell I was eating a sandwich and drinking beer at the same time while my wife was pushing the mouse button looking at me, hell she got 7 kills w/o looking at the screen! So don't tell me there is skill or it's part of the game, because I know for a fact you guys would leave the server if you were on the other end. You know its true.

My solution: Don't spawn. Period.

Last edited by imdead (2006-05-19 07:01:19)

+271|7026|United States of America
Yeah, no. I'm not tired of them, I like the no base raping rules, it allows the other team to put up a fight and maybe come back for a greater challenge. I don't know about you but it isn't fun to play without having something to do. Base raping the carrier, wow real fun, no skill needed what so ever.
Howdah Lysozyme
+21|6897|Pittsburgh, PA
There is a SF server that I play on quite a bit.  the server message says "Base Raping is Allowed...War is hell, deal with it!"  God do I love that.

*edit*  Just to make the point a little more clear...So on maps where one team doesn't have an uncappable flag, I suppose that you think it is "fair" to cap all flags.  Face it, the "no base raping rule" is fucking retarded.  I am in complete agreement with smacktardthefirst...if you can't adapt then go play with your Barbies.

Last edited by FoShizzle (2006-05-19 07:14:10)

+244|6959|arica harbour
AM i sick of some of the rules that these servers have... Absolutely

Base raping: common i mean what am i supposed to do when i am near their flag or uncapturable flag and someone from the other team spaws and sees me: "Just say hi to them".yeah he will say hi to me by shooting me with his ak-101.  I mean since i love being spec ops, the first base i attack is their uncapturable bases and blow up their crap. I am a behind the lines operative and when i do just that i get a nice amount of kills and very little deaths.

What do these servers want me to do, run around the map and get my head blown off so that their clanmates can finish in the top 3 while i am ranked 10th place ( smells like poop).

Here is the thing of base raping prohibitation: The ADMNS bans or kicks everyone who does it but guess what, if you are in  a clan server, they let their clanmates base rape but you cant if you are not in their clan.
They can spawn kill, and you pay the price if you are not in their clan and you spawn kill. In other words.. ................HYPOCRISY!!!!!!!!!

Here is a stupid rule that i got banned for----------"Capturing flag and at the same time killing someone from the other team will get you banned"  I mean what do you want me to do, let him shoot me first.

Another rule.... "stealing vehicles will get you kicked"  I mean what am i supposed to do when my team has a severly damaged tank.. There is no way in hell i am going to wait for anotther tank in my base to spawn. Shoot ill get the other people tank in their main base assuming that its not taken.

But there is some legit rules that are out there like : NO RACIST COMMENTS, or NO TRASH TALKING.
I agree.  While I don't like it when I am on a team that is being base raped; t is part of the game and I work out of it.  That's the challenge.  I also get miffed at servers with the new rule "no Jihad" car bomb.  If the game allows it; I don't see why people can't defend against it.  There are many trick to stopping car bombers.

In short; I really dislike ego-trip admin's and clan members who get their first server and they lord over everyone that shows up.  Childish and immature.  We have a server and I can only think of one person I have banned or kicked for just being an outright tool.  The rules of combat are determined by what the game will allow.  EA can change the properties of C4 so it doesn't stick if they didn't want car bombs.  Sorry for the rant.  JMHO.
Death StatPadder
+228|7039|Human Meat Shield

FoShizzle wrote:

There is a SF server that I play on quite a bit.  the server message says "Base Raping is Allowed...War is hell, deal with it!"  God do I love that.

*edit*  Just to make the point a little more clear...So on maps where one team doesn't have an uncappable flag, I suppose that you think it is "fair" to cap all flags.  Face it, the "no base raping rule" is fucking retarded.  I am in complete agreement with smacktardthefirst...if you can't adapt then go play with your Barbies.
I play on the same one! among others. Basically to make it more clear, MANY people want a challenge, not meaning to get snapped in the back my a hovering chopper, but to  have a chance, but all in all, it is hella fun to do it, not saying you can't spec ops your way to the carrier and blow up shit on WAKE, not only that you have a little island and a Boat that is constantly bombarded with arty then you have J-10's swooping over then snipers just came onto it sniping troops, yeah its fun, because I do it, but on the other hand, I deal with it by not spawning, being put on someone's victim list because of my stupidity of spawning when I know a chopper is hovering. Not saying I don't mind, just saying that server will be emptied in a heartbeat. Thats why many people are having troubles with Wake right now that own servers, not all, some.

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