This guy neglects a huge side of FPS gamers I'm very old school gamer and meet half his little standards hes posted, but theres always been two types of FPS gamers though.
Theres your games like him, Duke Nuke,Doom, Quake, Unreal tourney.. bunny hoppin, fast paced, kill everything and every body right now, instant action!
and then theres the Delta force, Rainbow 6, Day of defeat, Patient, calculated movement, try to stay alive at all costs, wishes the game was all bolt actions, doesnt mind defending a flag, will take 5 mins to isolate and kill a sniper instead of just running out to get shot by him so he can tell where he is and just respawn.
They're are different types of players and there are candy-asses of each and normally when a candy ass sucks at one he claims to be the other and complains. I dont know if anyone plays paintball its the same as a Speedballer vs a Scenerio player. I also head up a scenerio team in 26 hour combat scenerios. I hate bunny hopping and rocket jumping. and dont mind moving on foot through entire bf2 maps. It bothers me when games dont give respect to these kind of players though by for example making the sniper rifles not do the kind of damage they should. Make sniping hard but not by making the gun do crap damage, make it like FlashPoint where you have to adjust your scope to the average height of a man to calculate proper drop but make it one shot kill to chest and head if your good enough to hit him. Wouldnt be to hard to do. I dont think any game should be easy this caters to candy asses and they go play the realism card when they suck. and frankly you go and put all those "its not real enough thats why I suck" into flashpoint 90% will still suck and that game is as real as Ive seen for gamin.