Not sure if posting links is good but this article has it...

http://www.gdhardware.com/ed/gaming_cyn … ss/001.htm

Also the best sever message I ever saw.

- Spawn Camping, Base Raping, Bunny Hopping, Dolphin diving, is all part of the game deal with it, ITS WAR.
- If you decide to punish that's your decision.

And anothe one
Don't punish your mistakes
yeah, I've played on that one, and I agree - War is HELL... 
Get C4, here!

Games shouldn't be hell.  When I'm not in hell (war) I want to have fun.  Gaming is one way I have fun
Yep, played on that server too. I agree with beeng though...... I too play for fun, if it's too much like hell, and I mean 'HELL'... not just getting killed a few times or it's difficult to kill, I'll go elsewhere. However, if I'm in the mood for 'hell', then so be it ... but mostly for fun
"It's Recharging!"

". wrote:

I’ll take it as a compliment – but we started playing multiplayer shooters back with the original Doom and ever since have always appreciated FPS games that use a similar formula of “pureness” in the sense that you can actually hit what you aim at *gasp* – what a concept!

In what seems to be a constant nod to the smacktards, we have begun to see nearly all the major publishers putting out trashy-playing multiplayer games which cater to the insanity in ways that alienate those of us who cut our teeth on games like Medal of Honor, Quake, the original Unreal Tournament, and Doom, just to name a few.
If you ask me, he's the one who sounds like a candy ass pansy. What hes basically doing is whining about the fact it has realism in it. And how come he talks about 'honing skills' when the kinds of games hes supporting doesnt require any skill? wtf?
The author's logic is all f-ed up.  It's harder to hit stuff in new games, but old games when there's no such thing as recoil are for the "truly" talented.  He just doesn't make sense...

I want to agree with him because I'm one of those people who "cut my teeth" on Quake, Unreal Tourney, etc...but he just sounds like he's complaining but he's not sure what about.
Silent but deadly...
+1|7129|Nellis AFB (Las Vegas, NV)

vjs wrote:

Hardly. I bet alotta panty wastes out there do not have an clue what WAR is.
Insert witty comment here
+3|7071|Brixham, UK
I really hope that war isn't anything like BF2.

I mean, the US army doesn't have half it's troops waiting at a helicopter pad or airstrip waiting for a Blackhawk or jet to magically appear out of thin air, does it?
T5 gemustert
I like servermessages like "my server is better than yours" ^^
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

well, I've read through the whole article, including the list at the end, and I can't get this guy's point. Does he believe that modern day FPS don't require skill at all, or is he just complaining that a couple of hours of training will be enough to develop good skills ?

I can partly understand his background, but what he doesn't seem to understand is that not everone has that. Most of the kids playing today probably have never seen, let alone played FPS long enough to develop this "old school gamer mentality", which he holds ever so dearly...

does it make him a better person just because he played the original Doom or because he can memorize every freakin' Quake map ? Not from my point of view, but he seems to think it does.

It might be true that the modern day gamer does not want to invest as much time in really learning a game as gamers used to, but that is largely due to the growing number of FPS titles and shorter product lifetimes.
The industry has one interest only, and that is profit. Accordingly, they would rather want you to buy 6-10 games per year and play them a little than buying only 2 or 3 but really mastering those. They don't care about your gaming skills, they care about you as a potential customer for the next product.

You cannot blame the industry for that. They need to make every game as big as a commercial success as possible.

Furthermore, I don't know where the author gets the idea of his that he has the final verdict on how online FPS are supposed to be played ? This ain't 1997 any more and times have changed. If for better or worse is up for everyone's personal judgement. And in that regard, his opinion is no better or no more important than mine or the next guy's.

I pity his arrogance.
Paper Is My Hobbyhorse

B.Schuss wrote:

well, I've read through the whole article, including the list at the end, and I can't get this guy's point. Does he believe that modern day FPS don't require skill at all, or is he just complaining that a couple of hours of training will be enough to develop good skills ?

I can partly understand his background, but what he doesn't seem to understand is that not everone has that. Most of the kids playing today probably have never seen, let alone played FPS long enough to develop this "old school gamer mentality", which he holds ever so dearly...

does it make him a better person just because he played the original Doom or because he can memorize every freakin' Quake map ? Not from my point of view, but he seems to think it does.

It might be true that the modern day gamer does not want to invest as much time in really learning a game as gamers used to, but that is largely due to the growing number of FPS titles and shorter product lifetimes.
The industry has one interest only, and that is profit. Accordingly, they would rather want you to buy 6-10 games per year and play them a little than buying only 2 or 3 but really mastering those. They don't care about your gaming skills, they care about you as a potential customer for the next product.

You cannot blame the industry for that. They need to make every game as big as a commercial success as possible.

Furthermore, I don't know where the author gets the idea of his that he has the final verdict on how online FPS are supposed to be played ? This ain't 1997 any more and times have changed. If for better or worse is up for everyone's personal judgement. And in that regard, his opinion is no better or no more important than mine or the next guy's.

I pity his arrogance.
100% agree.
[Expert Smoke Grenade]
+44|7088|Hamburg, Germany
I only got the:
"Games are competitions where a specific set of rules apply and only practice at those games and God-given skills will result in your success. so stop whining" part

Last edited by Aruba-Prime (2005-10-27 06:46:03)

Aussie Outlaw
Decent players should have to deal with mentally defected bunny hoppers/dolphin divers and EA's failed coding.

If i had a server i would kick/ban for dolphin diving/bunny hopping.
Crazy has a mind of its own

vjs wrote:

- Spawn Camping, Base Raping, Bunny Hopping, Dolphin diving, is all part of the game deal with it, ITS WAR.
- If you decide to punish that's your decision.
I hate this mentality. Going by this rationale you could use "ITS WAR" to excuse anything, including but not limited to Hacking, TKing, Exploits, etc etc.

These same people will have no problem doing the same thing a million times over if it means they will get kills. Personally I think its boring.

Personally I think they should code the game to punish people for behaviour that the majority of the players depise.

Do you really want to brag to your "friends" about what a great bunny hopper you are?

B.Schuss wrote:

If for better or worse is up for everyone's personal judgement. And in that regard, his opinion is no better or no more important than mine or the next guy's.

I pity his arrogance.
So eloquently and professionally put. I echo your sentiments
Carpe Noctem
What is Dolphin Diving?
+0|7072|Sacramento, CA


I really hope that war isn't anything like BF2.

I mean, the US army doesn't have half it's troops waiting at a helicopter pad or airstrip waiting for a Blackhawk or jet to magically appear out of thin air, does it?
^definately. or killing eachother for said vehicles for that matter.

i don't consider myself a candy ass.. from the article writer's standards anyways. *and might i add that those are HIS standards...* i played doom back in the day on SNES and as the games got more advanced and more difficult i haven't complained when i couldn't get a shot off or if i died under really crappy circumstances. it always took me a long time to get a hang of playing a certain game, and i expect/ed to die. end of story.

(i really don't know what i was trying to accomplish with ^, but anyways...)
This guy neglects a huge side of FPS gamers I'm very old school gamer and meet half his little standards hes posted, but theres always been two types of FPS gamers though. 

Theres your games like him,  Duke Nuke,Doom, Quake, Unreal tourney.. bunny hoppin, fast paced, kill everything and every body right now, instant action!

and then theres the Delta force, Rainbow 6, Day of defeat,  Patient, calculated movement, try to stay alive at all costs, wishes the game was all bolt actions, doesnt mind defending a flag, will take 5 mins to isolate and kill a sniper instead of just running out to get shot by him so he can tell where he is and just respawn. 

They're are different types of players and there are candy-asses of each and normally when a candy ass sucks at one he claims to be the other and complains.  I dont know if anyone plays paintball its the same as a Speedballer vs a Scenerio player.  I also head up a scenerio team in 26 hour combat scenerios.  I hate bunny hopping and rocket jumping. and dont mind moving on foot through entire bf2 maps.  It bothers me when games dont give respect to these kind of players though by for example making the sniper rifles not do the kind of damage they should.  Make sniping hard but not by making the gun do crap damage, make it like FlashPoint where you have to adjust your scope to the average height of a man to calculate proper drop but make it one shot kill to chest and head if your good enough to hit him.  Wouldnt be to hard to do.  I dont think any game should be easy this caters to candy asses and they go play the realism card when they suck.  and frankly you go and put all those "its not real enough thats why I suck" into flashpoint 90% will still suck and that game is as real as Ive seen for gamin.

Crazy has a mind of its own

MatRx9 wrote:

What is Dolphin Diving?
Jumping, then going prone in mid air. And doing it over and over.

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