So I spent the afternoon hacking around my EEE PC 900. Got the latest version of Joli OS 1.2 running on there (hadn't turned the machine on in about a year) and then reformatted the 4GB primary SSD in the machine and installed Chromium OS on there (took a while since I had to dig a bit deeper into Linux than I am otherwise accustomed to).
The Flow builds have automatic updates, so there's no reason to install a fresh image and lose all your settings whenever something new drops. Works pretty nicely, be sure to read the multi-boot guide if you want to run two OS's alongside as I did (running them on two separate HDDs also complicates things slightly).
If you want nightly builds of Chromium OS, you can try this out. They're compiled automatically and not really tested at all, but they're supposed to auto-update on your machine just like Flow.
Not sure if anyone has heard of Hexxeh, but he's a pretty reputable guy. Back when I had my Cr-48 last year a lot of the work he did in hacking through Chrome OS and Chromium OS helped me fix a lot of the bugs that otherwise kept coming up in the dev software. The guy knows his stuff and his builds are supposed to be some of the best around.
Has anyone else on the forums gone through this of getting a Chromium OS build running on a non-ChromeOS device???
The Flow builds have automatic updates, so there's no reason to install a fresh image and lose all your settings whenever something new drops. Works pretty nicely, be sure to read the multi-boot guide if you want to run two OS's alongside as I did (running them on two separate HDDs also complicates things slightly).
If you want nightly builds of Chromium OS, you can try this out. They're compiled automatically and not really tested at all, but they're supposed to auto-update on your machine just like Flow.
Not sure if anyone has heard of Hexxeh, but he's a pretty reputable guy. Back when I had my Cr-48 last year a lot of the work he did in hacking through Chrome OS and Chromium OS helped me fix a lot of the bugs that otherwise kept coming up in the dev software. The guy knows his stuff and his builds are supposed to be some of the best around.
Has anyone else on the forums gone through this of getting a Chromium OS build running on a non-ChromeOS device???