Today I was playing on Sharqi as usual on a ranked server that was no TK.  I was waiting on the chopper along with 2 other guys that obviously thought the chopper was theirs since they put c4 all around my feet and blew me up into the air only to fall to my death.  Anyways on respawn and after they crashed I started dodging around them and managed to get into the gunner seat when the heli respawned.  The pilot then proceeds to crash the hell out of the heli and tells his friend to wait.  I respawn again and manage to get in the gunner seat again.  This time he flies as high as he can go screaming 'Bail Out' over and over again.  This is nothing new to me because I play quite a bit of Sharqi and I do like to mess around in the heli from time to time and I know how some people can be real stupid about the heli.  Well I got stupid back.  Next time it respawned I ended up in the pilot seat and the idiot that was pilot ended up in the gunner seat.  I flew south of the spawn point behind the mountains and parked the heli, staying in the pilot seat.  I said 'Welcome home bitch.'  He said he wasn't going to get out.  I said 'Fine I gotta go shit brb'.  Anyways, we ended up being parked the entire round and not getting a single kill until there were about 5 tickets left when I bailed out of the chopper over a capped flag and took it over and smacked some guy that was there.  He took over the chopper again and didnt get a single kill.  Fuck you chopper whores that think the heli belongs to you.  Other people paid their hard earned money for the game and would like to play other vehicles too.
That is an awesome way to get rid of people like that.  I'm going to try that   I wonder how bored he was..
+0|7073|The Hairy Mole On Earth's Ass
I love you and your ideas........
The Forum Alien
+89|7119|The planet Tophet
that made me laugh first time in a while
Laughed my ass off.   Great post.
haha cheers elbow, well said.
almost the exact same thing happened to me.. I waited for the chopper and 2 other guys came (they was from same clan) I got pilot.. I wasnt that good on chopper then and since these guys seemed to have played longer and more experienced I switched to gunner.. the pilot then shouted bail out and refused to fly .. then he crashed it.. and so on goes the story..
I bet it was the same 2 assholes u bumped into.. I dont remember their name and clanname thou ..

but shit happens I decided to just go on playing and not let that ruin my play evening
Hehe good one!
I have noticed that helis will not be destroyed if they are abandoned somewhere.
Was on the valley map (bad with names!) Someone had parked the MEC chopper on a building and it stayed there the whole round!
Maybe next time, if they are annoying you, take their heli and hide it somewhere!
They will NEVER get it back!
If they are parked they'll all explode in time - if they are damaged...
Dunno but it was sitting there for quite some time and never exploded.
I gotta go shit brb'  LMFAO  thats a good one
Mass Media Casualty

Well done man. Sacrificing your time to teach others a valuable lesson. Still, someone of your caliber should not have to do that.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
for those of you who havent seen it, you can get asshats like that and take them to the boundary line and hold just to nose over and they will get killed by the game, it's so funny, cause they get -2 for it I believe.

first time I did this, my buddy josh and I were tearing it up on kubra dam, and this guy comes over and Tks josh out of the gunner seat with a m95 as we are taking off, then he jumps in, i tell him he's faggot and then did that to him, he wasnt pleased, but I was, along with every other decent human being in the world

redfoxster wrote:

for those of you who havent seen it, you can get asshats like that and take them to the boundary line and hold just to nose over and they will get killed by the game, it's so funny, cause they get -2 for it I believe.
F' ing brilliant.  I'll keep this in mind.
+7|7070|Boulder, CO
Personally I don't even try for a chopper or jet unless I see no one is going for it or it's the beginning of the round. It's a waste of your time to try to take a vehicle from someone who's camping it. Yes most of the ppl that play this game are total assholes but there's just nothing you can do about that. There is also an equal number of ppl that play this that think they're good and they're not, but stil insist on wasting the teams vehicles with their sub-par skills. It's just a waste of time to try toiling with them. Do yourself and your team a favor and take something else to get you to a flag. It's all too common to see a bunch of idiots trying to get a chopper instead of spawning on the only base the team owns in an attempt to actually win the map instead of hoping to pad their score.

Turtle wrote:

Personally I don't even try for a chopper or jet unless I see no one is going for it or it's the beginning of the round. It's a waste of your time to try to take a vehicle from someone who's camping it. Yes most of the ppl that play this game are total assholes but there's just nothing you can do about that. There is also an equal number of ppl that play this that think they're good and they're not, but stil insist on wasting the teams vehicles with their sub-par skills. It's just a waste of time to try toiling with them. Do yourself and your team a favor and take something else to get you to a flag. It's all too common to see a bunch of idiots trying to get a chopper instead of spawning on the only base the team owns in an attempt to actually win the map instead of hoping to pad their score.
This is usually what I did when it come to idiots like those.  I just thought for once I'd try and teach one of those doofuses a lesson.  It probably didn't work, but I felt a little bit of gratification out of it.  Not only did I get gratification for it, I got applause from telling my story on this forum which I am grateful for.  I figured most people would consider me childish for being such a pissant to these guys.  I rather like to think they deserve it.
i have been tked more then once when running to get to a chopper or jet .   only if i see on one going for it will i sometimes go for it  some peeps a real tards.

Last edited by madsolid (2005-10-28 11:39:23)

+7|7070|Boulder, CO

elbowdeeplove wrote:

Turtle wrote:

Personally I don't even try for a chopper or jet unless I see no one is going for it or it's the beginning of the round. It's a waste of your time to try to take a vehicle from someone who's camping it. Yes most of the ppl that play this game are total assholes but there's just nothing you can do about that. There is also an equal number of ppl that play this that think they're good and they're not, but stil insist on wasting the teams vehicles with their sub-par skills. It's just a waste of time to try toiling with them. Do yourself and your team a favor and take something else to get you to a flag. It's all too common to see a bunch of idiots trying to get a chopper instead of spawning on the only base the team owns in an attempt to actually win the map instead of hoping to pad their score.
This is usually what I did when it come to idiots like those.  I just thought for once I'd try and teach one of those doofuses a lesson.  It probably didn't work, but I felt a little bit of gratification out of it.  Not only did I get gratification for it, I got applause from telling my story on this forum which I am grateful for.  I figured most people would consider me childish for being such a pissant to these guys.  I rather like to think they deserve it.
Whatever jollies your roger!
noob on tour
The most annoying are omni-whores. If there is a jet they try to get it no matter how many tk's but if someone else manages to get the jet they turn right over to the next chopper.

Today I´ve been waiting 3 minutes for a jet when suddenly some guy from my team killed me to get the jet. Unfortunately for him an enemy jet just started a strafing run when he tried to take off, so I went to the place where the jet was about to spawn as a medic, stabbed him and just before entering the jet revived him and took off.
Later that round I was bored of jets and so I tried to get into the chopper when he suddenly came back again and tried to place C4 on it, so I switched to gunner seat and took him out, switched back to pilot and flew away. He then switched into my squad but as another one of my squad members spawned before him leaving the chopper out of his sight.

The next round he tried to destroy the chopper with a tank when I was just about to take off, but then he was kicked by an admin (at last...)
The Forum Alien
+89|7119|The planet Tophet
what an idot
+0|7092|Phoenix, AZ
I had some little punk bitch keep grabbing the chopper and taking off without a gunner. He wasn't really doing anyway but flying around, so I'm guessing he was just going for his aviator badge or something. People would keep asking him for pick ups and he kept saying negative. People were yelling at him saying to start bringing a gunner. Well the chopper got blown up. Luckily I spawned before him and grabbed the gunners seat. He didn't even say anything, just TK'd me and took off. I punished him and he was immediately kicked from the server. So I guess he must have TK'd too often. Next round he was back in doing it again. So I immediately just initiated a vote. Someone asked why, and I told them. The little punk then goes "Thats bullshit, the racist bastard called me the N-word". I said "oh come on". Someone else piped and and called BS on him that he saw what happened. This was the only time a vote worked somewhat. The admin came in and said if they saw him TK even one more person he would be banned. I haven't seen him back on that server since so I'm guessing he did.

I like your tactic though.
The Forum Alien
+89|7119|The planet Tophet
+7|7070|Boulder, CO
Just thought I'd share one of my vehicle whore stories.. it's short..
Last night I was flying a jet on wake, I had been taking the second jet from the airfield. Well, I died and apparently so did the other flyboy. So I'm standing there waiting for a jet and the other guy comes running up the runway. The jet spawns, I get in to take off and he throws a pack of c4 on the runway and blows it as I take off... Not enough to kill me butenough to piss me off, so I say "Wtf?!" You know another one spawns there asshole."
"You have been kicked by admin decision.
saying the word "asshole"

Is it just me or is that just backwards? Seriously people, this is not an "E" rated game. I think if you can't keep your kids from staring at your screen, you shouldn't be playing!
+-2|7115|The Seventh Circle of Hell
I play a lot with my brother and my cousin, and we all love flying the choppers. Well, I like gunning while they fly. Anyway, most of the time, if one of us gets in the pilot seat and someone else is in the gunner, we'll ask nicely for them to jump out and more often than not, it works. Sometimes that's all you have to do is ask nicely. But for the jackholes that don't get out, we just go off and do something else, and let them either just sit there, or get themselves kille by trying to fly the chopper.
+0|7081|New York
Well, I must apologize. I admit I have TKed someone for either a plane or a heli on multiple occasions. But I didn't start doing it until I got sick of having it done to me while waiting for one of them. And especially after people started TKing me without getting a TK for it (I won't repeat how to do it because it really bugs me)

What bothers me the most is when someone takes the F-15 or Su-30(4) by themselves, and then tries to use it as a fighter jet. If you want to fly by yourself, take the single seat jet. I'm perfectly happy to jump in the gunner seat and let you fly, but remember you have a gunner.

Alternatively, there are people who will use the F-15 as a taxi at the beginning of the map and jump out over the enemy base. If I've seen you do it before, I'll TK you before you get to the plane next time.

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