I don't have that yet.
this was related to it.. loltuckergustav wrote:
I don't know if this has been shared here before...but I have to pass this on. It is kinda like the video in the movie 'The Ring' ...if I don't pass it on I fear it will come back to haunt me in 7 days. Prepare your self, it is very disturbing.
NSFW!! Not safe for consumption by the general population. In fact, they should track this person down and post surveillance on him...because he is going to do something creepy(even more creepy than this video)
In fact...I am not even going to youtube tag this.
I always felt sorry for that poor CoyoteAussieReaper wrote:
Ahahaha that was hilariousKuSTaV wrote:
fucking best accentKuSTaV wrote:
Last edited by FFLink (13 years, 3 months ago)
ROFLFFLink wrote:
E: Potentially NSFW..? Maybe?
I wonder how much a phone call from Scotland to nowheresville China costsKuSTaV wrote:
meteorologist wrote:
The answer lies in this: ice crystals, especially long needles, tend to become aligned with the ambient electric field.
So what you are seeing is sunlight reflecting off ice crystal faces that are constantly being oriented by the developing electric field just above the [cumulonimbus] top. Then there is a discharge in the cloud, and the field collapses momentarily, and the crystals begin to realign again. Then this just keeps happening over and over.
Last edited by FloppY_ (13 years, 3 months ago)
Last edited by FloppY_ (13 years, 3 months ago)