not mad nope, as ever. just really puzzled that you have this screenshot folder, somewhere, of you getting a silver star for acquiring 100 kills with each gun. i mean... congrats? that 'feat' takes all of about 3-4 rounds on an operation metro 24/7 server. it's hardly as if you're screenshotting your 250hour bf2 medal acquirement, is it? like... why do you actually, actually, actually take screenshots of it? you haven't achieved anything that anybody with a spare hour and the will to could not earn. confusing. i think you have been taken in and fooled by bf3's system of 'reward every player for doing absolutely fucking nothing', because you seem to think that these platinum stars mean something. teds was the same with bad company 2... 'must get every platinum star with every gun'. why? cause it looks nice on your stats profile? meaningless.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.