I was almost always the highest ranked person in bf2. I got corporal, sgt and staff sgt before almost anyone else and when they added officer ranks i skipped all the way from staff sgt to LtCol. When i got full bird col pretty much the only others i ever saw were in TOP. Every time i played people in my squad were like holy shit u must be good. Same thing in bf2142 except with the condensed ranks i never got the same attention. Nor in any COD title or BC2 (actually my laptop played bc2 at 25 fps and i could never manage to get above a 3kdr). This 100 levels of colonel shit is a fucking joke lol. I loved all that attention in bf2 i got just because i had my "look everyone i have no life and play games all day" award. Even more awesome when i got my 3 star general and lead my team by 40 points every fucking round. Game producers just keep dumbing down every aspects of games to make them more enjoyable for the casual console gamer. What else is going to happen though, companies make these games. They're goal to make money and to make the most they can they want to appeal to the most people they can (and most people are fucking terrible at games). You think they give a shit about the minoriy (l33t uber pwner types that like to take the time to master a game and run everyone else over because they know all the little secrets of the game mechanics)? Fuck no! Me and my team used to empty servers due to the enemy ragequiting. Good players are bad for business, so they dumbed everything down including ranks so that these uber l33t people dont even stand out as much as they would in older games.