lol dave you fail.
yeah dave
fucking dave
Spoiler (highlight to read):
snape kills dumbledore
snape kills dumbledore

Way to ruin it
fuckin snape
snape is a messiah
i have quite a few pending requests, only a few of them i recognise. you're not in there rikkiRTHKI wrote:
phil why are you friends with those scots and not me
the two dutch guys and a girl from work are the only names i know in that list
he's friends with me
how long ago was it? i don't remember lol
no i'm not adams
no i'm not adams
yeah you are phile im sure of it
He's not friends with me...he must not be a true Canadian
no true scotsman

less of this now, david
eh i so am eh
got a pet polar bear and everything eh
got a pet polar bear and everything eh
it is a polar bear
polar bear