Me playing earlier today:

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diffuse =/= defuse-Whiteroom- wrote:
Anywho, I do find it funny that they made the MCOM attacker medal take 30 ribbons, while the much rarer defender takes 50...
Hence the /grammarnazi bit.-Whiteroom- wrote:
typing on phone = not paying much attention. thanks for caring though.
don't you mean medal?FatherTed wrote:
got melee ribbon
The moment when you feel like your heart is gonna explode because its beating soo fast...well atleast happens to me.Jaekus wrote:
The other day, Rush mode of Damavand Peak. Second set of MCOMs, we're the attackers.
We made one final push but it was looking hopeless. We had one station armed (one inside the little hut thing), the other still intact (one outside by the wall) and our tickets in the single digits. I had respawned and ran in to defend the other station and notice about 8 team mates needing a revive with enemies closing in.
I also noticed we were now on 0 tickets...
I revived two to three team mates to get our tickets back up to 2, killed an enemy or two disarming the MCOM and run back to cover in the space of about 5 seconds. Realising that we could actually do this by some form of miracle, and courtesy of a gap in the wall to provide me some dubious safe passage to the second MCOM, I then run to the second MCOM and somehow arm it without dying.
By now we're back on 0 tickets with troops running in. I kill a few and one opens up on me and gets a whole bunch of hits in but somehow I win the engagement with like 7% health remaining. By now the first MCOM is down, with the second beeping like mad and our team back on 0 tickets. it's definitely now or never...
More troops are running in, I kill another two and then I go down to gunfire from inside the main building.
My team mates have made it to support me and just manage to hold it for long enough. The MCOM is destroyed!
Next thing everyone on both teams start spamming the text box with shit like "OMFG that was fucking EPIC!!!" and even the enemies are saying stuff like "wow that was amazing, well done guys!" One guy starts demanding "did anyone record that??? please tell me someone recorded that!!" Someone said they did and it's going up to youtube...
Forgot the player's name and I haven't come across the video yet, but it was surely one of the most exhilerating moments I've had in a video game for a long time.
I'll join you. I don't mind doing the Co-Op missions with someone semi-competent.FatherTed wrote:
lf; co-op buddy for one run-through of all the maps (i think thats enough to unlock the g3)
thats probably not me then ;_;FFLink wrote:
I'll join you. I don't mind doing the Co-Op missions with someone semi-competent.FatherTed wrote:
lf; co-op buddy for one run-through of all the maps (i think thats enough to unlock the g3)
As in... Doesn't shoot me or the sky or go AFKFatherTed wrote:
thats probably not me then ;_;FFLink wrote:
I'll join you. I don't mind doing the Co-Op missions with someone semi-competent.FatherTed wrote:
lf; co-op buddy for one run-through of all the maps (i think thats enough to unlock the g3)
Last edited by FFLink (2012-02-19 07:59:30)
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