Man I'm tired of those flyboy complaining they got punish for "accidental" punish.

Stop throwing bombs on tanks surrounded by blue dots...

I'm sorry but when someone fly a jet and do that 'cause he thinks he is the one entitle to this kill and if he TK people around it's OK and people "should understand it's accidental"... Well it's not... I'll punish until flyboy gets the message..."STOP throwing bombs where there is friendly around your target 'cause you will TK them".

Actually.. I'll give a guy a break the first time... but you look at the screen and only see TK from the guy... I'll have no regret to punish him.... none...zip...nada.

It's not an excuse to be stupid in a tank/jets/helo. If you are not careful with your toys, it normal to get punish.  Go learn on an empty server or in a single player map.
Dude I disagree, usually I'm too busy diving to make a good bombing and sometimes I don't get the chance to glance at the minimap, if you would fly with a plane you would notice that when I see the blue name from the plane, it's way too late, I already clicked the release button and I'm on the way pulling up. Usually I try to have a short glance at the minimap, although sometimes I don't get that chance, and the thing I most hate when you punish for no reason ! especially if you're not a better pilot ( you would use the plane if you're usually ) then don't critisize those who try their best on flying and you punish them for a TK, it's not like they aren't sorry, you think I like losing 4 points on each TK ? I hate that ! it sucks ! but I can't do shit about it because sometimes when somebody on my tale and I need to bomb because he's way too good for me to take him out I don't have lots of time to glance at the minimap.
Read again... go do target pratice on an empty server... if you are too busy diving and looping around... don't do random drop...

Stop the enemy progression, do not drop bombs on front line, commander will do it better then you.

Someone is on your tail... well switch weapon and get busy on his ass once you got him down get your attention back to ground battle.

Your stats:

Team damage: 493 / 117 / 134
Ban: 27 in 177 hrs played.

I guess my post felt personal for you.
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

Buzerk1 wrote:

Read again... go do target pratice on an empty server... if you are too busy diving and looping around... don't do random drop...

Stop the enemy progression, do not drop bombs on front line, commander will do it better then you.

Someone is on your tail... well switch weapon and get busy on his ass once you got him down get your attention back to ground battle.

Your stats:

Team damage: 493 / 117 / 134
Ban: 27 in 177 hrs played.

I guess my post felt personal for you.
You're being quite the ass.  It's nto a random drop, and never is.  To see the blue name, you have to be a certain distance.  By that time, it's too late.  Also, I can vouch that you don't look at your minimap often, especially when it is bugging up and zooming out to full like it is with me currently.

What readlly pisses me off is this: You are the pilot of a black hawk, you have many passengers, some stupid passengers step out while you are in the air and crash to the ground because they didn't opened their parachute, then that's your fault ! ! ! You'll get a teamkill for that. Then I asked: Why punish, it's all your fault !
Being a pilot is dangerous enough I think, and you can't defend yourself.

EA should lessen the punish rules, it's to much (punish for swearing, punish for bunnyhopping, punish for not being in a squad, punish for ...)

They take away a lot of fun. They better start punishing cheaters !
The All Rounder
+22|7072|Rotherham, England
i agree with buzerk, pilots dont need to see the blue tag above players you can jst look at the minimap, if there are any friendlys around dont drop bombs, simple as that. i use bomber sometimes and you have plenty of time to look at the minimap if you are flyin correctly. Admittedly though if you r dive bombing you dont have time but dive bombing is not the best way to bomb anyway, it takes up way too much time to mess around like that, and if you see all the best pilots in action, they hardly ever use this tactic because they are good enough anyway to jst drop bombs at right time. I suggest you go practice regular bombing runs in an empty server and then you will have time to look at minimap in ranked servers to make sure you dont get loads of tk's.
BF2s' little helper
Buzerk1... no offence.. but do not tell us pilots what to do (learning to bomb in a empty server) when you have these airplane stats:

Vehicle    Time     Kills    Deaths    Ratio    Road Kills    G.R.
Aviator  00:19:34   4        7           0.57        2           482,341

its clear you dont have any experience on this subject..
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
Agree, dont bomb if there are any friendlys in the zone. Look on your mini-map, im sure you can handle it.
I don't always have time to look at my minimap.

Last edited by divided (2005-10-29 10:28:10)

Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
I wish I could fly........
I hate ppl that punish before they look to see if a sorry was typed.. They automatically push Pg Down.. Losers..
+18|7095|Your six is my twelve
Vehicle              Time             ↑ Kills             Deaths            Ratio            Road Kills           G.R.   
Aviator           53:22:03           4,362              906               4.81               307                  1,208

I myself use planes a lot, and i can not stand the noobs that punish on a flyby bombing strike i only have 50 or so tks to my 4k kills, but it seems that 90% of them punished if a hostile tank stays in a flag for over 30 seconds, i presume my teammates are not competent enough to take it out, i will warn my team mates on voip to get out of the way, and usually they do.  Its not my fault that your dumb enough to try to take out a tank as an infantry when you know an airstrike is coming in.
BF2s' little helper
excatly... you are both right! (D-RuN[PsL] and [PHPR]-SpecialOps)... no more needs to be said.. (look at my tag for any more info )

Z-trooper wrote:

Buzerk1... no offence.. but do not tell us pilots what to do (learning to bomb in a empty server) when you have these airplane stats:

Vehicle    Time     Kills    Deaths    Ratio    Road Kills    G.R.
Aviator  00:19:34   4        7           0.57        2           482,341

its clear you dont have any experience on this subject..
Read again, I'm doing what I'm preaching... I tried it, I saw I needed practice, and that's what I do... Until I master it, I won't use jet.... got it??

At the moment, I used it just enough to get my wings badge on rank server... But i did practice... I never said it easy to do precise bomb launch... What I said is some guys think they master it because they have tonnes of hour played on it, but they still launch bombs on teammates and have the balls to say it's an accident. No it's not. Being bad at something is not an excuse.

I'm team player first (since you looked at my stats, look again)... If I wanted to play a game without taking that into account and just go for stats... there is plenty  of games out there for that.

If your a team player in a jet:

1) You WILL take the time to look at your mini-map to see where are the enemy flag and friendly flag.
2) You WILL remember remember which flag just switch hands
3) You will take down jet and helo first (that's why you have more AA missiles) this WILL help you team progression
4) You WILL bomb armored vehicules going toward your team FLAG but not yet at the front line.
5) You WILL look at your mini-map again (news flash... use the N key to zoom in and out)
6) You WILL listen to your commander, he spot enemy plane and helo for you (yes I know not all commander does it)
7) If you are VERY good and you did all of the above and there is nothing else to do, sure now you can try to bombs front lines, but you better be good at it.

But if you are not a team player, ignore what I just said, TK your team and then say it was an accident...hoping they won't punish you.

Those flaming me for this post with a tonne of KICK/BAN, forget it, you will never get... The world is agains you and no one will understand in what pain you are are
+76|7089|Antwerp, Flanders
I don't always have time to look on the minimap either. And when I do I still decide to drop the bombs anyway. Like two days ago on Daqing. The enemy had just neutralized one of our CPs so I went for a bombing run on that CP. Look at the map, see theres still one man on foot left there, start my dive, enemies come in sight: 2 tanks and 1 mobile AA. At this point I judge that I'm going to release anyway, that one guy won't stand a chance against that kind of opposition and I think it's more important to stop the enemy from taking over than it is to save his sorry little ass just so the hostile tanks can blow it up.

Get punished of course. Immediately. As if the first thing he does when he dies is press the punish button, just in case it's a TK. Can't the little ****** understand that he's just collateral? And had to die for the greater good?

[PHPR]-SpecialOps wrote:

Vehicle              Time             ↑ Kills             Deaths            Ratio            Road Kills           G.R.   
Aviator           53:22:03           4,362              906               4.81               307                  1,208

I myself use planes a lot, and i can not stand the noobs that punish on a flyby bombing strike i only have 50 or so tks to my 4k kills, but it seems that 90% of them punished if a hostile tank stays in a flag for over 30 seconds, i presume my teammates are not competent enough to take it out, i will warn my team mates on voip to get out of the way, and usually they do.  Its not my fault that your dumb enough to try to take out a tank as an infantry when you know an airstrike is coming in.
I think you do it the wise way and for those that may think I contredict myself, I said I don't punish automaticaly... If the guy show his careful, beleive me "we" on the ground can see it and it's easy to see a pilot that sucks... the list of TK appears on the screen (but some here just mention they don't have the time to look at it, which explain a lot ) And these once, they won't get any "merci" from me.
Get Claymores, Here!

Rosse_modest wrote:

I don't always have time to look on the minimap either. And when I do I still decide to drop the bombs anyway. Like two days ago on Daqing. The enemy had just neutralized one of our CPs so I went for a bombing run on that CP. Look at the map, see theres still one man on foot left there, start my dive, enemies come in sight: 2 tanks and 1 mobile AA. At this point I judge that I'm going to release anyway, that one guy won't stand a chance against that kind of opposition and I think it's more important to stop the enemy from taking over than it is to save his sorry little ass just so the hostile tanks can blow it up.

Get punished of course. Immediately. As if the first thing he does when he dies is press the punish button, just in case it's a TK. Can't the little ****** understand that he's just collateral? And had to die for the greater good?

To many times i've bombed CP's that we just lost to no less than 2 APCs and a Tank only to kill the three friendlys down there. I know it sucks i've been that infantry before but sometimes you just gota lie back and take one for the team.
BF2s' little helper
ok... I see.. I've got a few comments :

a little tip for learning how to fly: YOU CAN'T learn to fly a plane in combat conditions in singleplayer or on an empty server...!! end of story! (yes you can learn to 'controll' it but trust me - thats not what does the trick )

and to follow up on your little list..:

1) I do
2) I do
3) partly.. I always take down planes.. BUT heli's are a whole other story.. you cant shoot em down, unless the pilot don't know how to drop flares... (or if you crash into them) you usually end up killing teammates - cuz the missile just targets the next target friend or foe - it doesnt matter!
4) I do - but my teammates can run outside our own outposts u know.. - like C4 people who are hard to spot on minimap with airplane speed!
6) pretty much... NEWSFLASH planes dont show up on map when commander spots it
7) I am

Last edited by Z-trooper (2005-10-29 11:01:42)


Rosse_modest wrote:

I don't always have time to look on the minimap either. And when I do I still decide to drop the bombs anyway. Like two days ago on Daqing. The enemy had just neutralized one of our CPs so I went for a bombing run on that CP. Look at the map, see theres still one man on foot left there, start my dive, enemies come in sight: 2 tanks and 1 mobile AA. At this point I judge that I'm going to release anyway, that one guy won't stand a chance against that kind of opposition and I think it's more important to stop the enemy from taking over than it is to save his sorry little ass just so the hostile tanks can blow it up.

Get punished of course. Immediately. As if the first thing he does when he dies is press the punish button, just in case it's a TK. Can't the little ****** understand that he's just collateral? And had to die for the greater good?
And won't say it's an accident? Don't you?

I just hope you do the same calculation when there is one enemy tank and 2 of your guys...

Last edited by Buzerk1 (2005-10-29 10:59:14)

Get Claymores, Here!

Buzerk1 wrote:

Rosse_modest wrote:

I don't always have time to look on the minimap either. And when I do I still decide to drop the bombs anyway. Like two days ago on Daqing. The enemy had just neutralized one of our CPs so I went for a bombing run on that CP. Look at the map, see theres still one man on foot left there, start my dive, enemies come in sight: 2 tanks and 1 mobile AA. At this point I judge that I'm going to release anyway, that one guy won't stand a chance against that kind of opposition and I think it's more important to stop the enemy from taking over than it is to save his sorry little ass just so the hostile tanks can blow it up.

Get punished of course. Immediately. As if the first thing he does when he dies is press the punish button, just in case it's a TK. Can't the little ****** understand that he's just collateral? And had to die for the greater good?
And won't say it's an accident? Don't you?

I just hope you do the same calculation when there is one enemy tank and 2 of your guys...
The calculation is its better to have 2 TKs and one dead enemy tank than two dead teamates, they're prolly gona get ganked by the tank anyways, and you keep the enemy from having a new CP. Esspecialy if it's one of the CPs that can turn the tide of the battle, i.e. Wake if we're loosing the airfield and I have to kill some teamates to keep the enemy from capping well I'm sorry little infantry dudes but I'm gona bomb the hell out of that place.

Last edited by spage (2005-10-29 11:07:35)


Z-trooper wrote:

ok... I see.. I've got a few comments :

a little tip for learning how to fly: YOU CAN'T learn to fly a plane in combat conditions in singleplayer or on an empty server...!! end of story! (yes you can learn to 'controll' it but trust me - thats not what does the trick )
Ok let me rephrase that... Got on a server with not enough people to start a game... but with enough people (2-3 each side) to have some fight. And if you can't get a moving tank on a single player map, you won't get it in in a multiplayer map either, so yes it's still practice, but not enough, I agree.

Mmmm, I was able to get helo with jet during my pratice... It's actually easier then using AA or Mobile AA. May be I should start TKing people in rank server to test it j/k

And if you are doing all I said and still have the time bombs front line... you must be "really" good.
BF2s' little helper

spage wrote:

Buzerk1 wrote:

Rosse_modest wrote:

I don't always have time to look on the minimap either. And when I do I still decide to drop the bombs anyway. Like two days ago on Daqing. The enemy had just neutralized one of our CPs so I went for a bombing run on that CP. Look at the map, see theres still one man on foot left there, start my dive, enemies come in sight: 2 tanks and 1 mobile AA. At this point I judge that I'm going to release anyway, that one guy won't stand a chance against that kind of opposition and I think it's more important to stop the enemy from taking over than it is to save his sorry little ass just so the hostile tanks can blow it up.

Get punished of course. Immediately. As if the first thing he does when he dies is press the punish button, just in case it's a TK. Can't the little ****** understand that he's just collateral? And had to die for the greater good?
And won't say it's an accident? Don't you?

I just hope you do the same calculation when there is one enemy tank and 2 of your guys...
The calculation is its better to have 2 TKs and one dead enemy tank than two dead teamates, they're prolly gona get ganked by the tank anyways, and you keep the enemy from having a new CP. Esspecialy if it's one of the CPs that can turn the tide of the battle, i.e. Wake if we're loosing the airfield and I have to kill some teamates to keep the enemy from capping well I'm sorry little infantry dudes but I'm gona bomb the hell out of that place.
I never bomb friendly infantry on purpose.. BUT you do make scense and yes I agree on almost everything you have said...

... I'm bored.. think im gonna go play instead of talking about it
Attends Shock Paddlers Anonymous

Buzerk1 wrote:

Man I'm tired of those flyboy complaining they got punish for "accidental" punish.

Stop throwing bombs on tanks surrounded by blue dots...

I'm sorry but when someone fly a jet and do that 'cause he thinks he is the one entitle to this kill and if he TK people around it's OK and people "should understand it's accidental"... Well it's not... I'll punish until flyboy gets the message..."STOP throwing bombs where there is friendly around your target 'cause you will TK them".

Actually.. I'll give a guy a break the first time... but you look at the screen and only see TK from the guy... I'll have no regret to punish him.... none...zip...nada.

It's not an excuse to be stupid in a tank/jets/helo. If you are not careful with your toys, it normal to get punish.  Go learn on an empty server or in a single player map.
I agree with the grenading around friendlies...
but are you stupid? 4/10 times you actually hit your target and the distance before you see teammates is way too short! factor in the outrageous speeds and you get only your target showing up on your display, go home
BF2s' little helper

Buzerk1 wrote:

Z-trooper wrote:

ok... I see.. I've got a few comments :

a little tip for learning how to fly: YOU CAN'T learn to fly a plane in combat conditions in singleplayer or on an empty server...!! end of story! (yes you can learn to 'controll' it but trust me - thats not what does the trick )
Ok let me rephrase that... Got on a server with not enough people to start a game... but with enough people (2-3 each side) to have some fight. And if you can't get a moving tank on a single player map, you won't get it in in a multiplayer map either, so yes it's still practice, but not enough, I agree.

Mmmm, I was able to get helo with jet during my pratice... It's actually easier then using AA or Mobile AA. May be I should start TKing people in rank server to test it j/k

And if you are doing all I said and still have the time bombs front line... you must be "really" good.
Well I usually zoom in at a very high resolution on the map - its hard to keep up with the map - but if you can - thats were the points are at

spage wrote:

Buzerk1 wrote:

Rosse_modest wrote:

I don't always have time to look on the minimap either. And when I do I still decide to drop the bombs anyway. Like two days ago on Daqing. The enemy had just neutralized one of our CPs so I went for a bombing run on that CP. Look at the map, see theres still one man on foot left there, start my dive, enemies come in sight: 2 tanks and 1 mobile AA. At this point I judge that I'm going to release anyway, that one guy won't stand a chance against that kind of opposition and I think it's more important to stop the enemy from taking over than it is to save his sorry little ass just so the hostile tanks can blow it up.

Get punished of course. Immediately. As if the first thing he does when he dies is press the punish button, just in case it's a TK. Can't the little ****** understand that he's just collateral? And had to die for the greater good?
And won't say it's an accident? Don't you?

I just hope you do the same calculation when there is one enemy tank and 2 of your guys...
The calculation is its better to have 2 TKs and one dead enemy tank than two dead teamates, they're prolly gona get ganked by the tank anyways, and you keep the enemy from having a new CP. Esspecialy if it's one of the CPs that can turn the tide of the battle, i.e. Wake if we're loosing the airfield and I have to kill some teamates to keep the enemy from capping well I'm sorry little infantry dudes but I'm gona bomb the hell out of that place.
Using that argument, if I use the AA to get a jet of your tail and I get you instead because I am sure you don't have the skill to survive him, you won't punish me as you do understand it's impossible for me to lock on you on purpose...and you won't punish me but that's another subject.

And BTW, you miss your target (as it often happen with those "topgun") and TK your people defending the flag, you just gave the other side the flag, but you are good and I'm sure it never happened to you

Or may be not... People big on planes ("TKing by accident") are also the first one to punish you for TK when the only way to get you in the air is when a AA missible lock on you by mistake.

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