13urnzz wrote:
Kampframmer wrote:
Aries_37 wrote:
Hunger games 9/10
Maybe I'm getting too old for these teen-sensations
really. Face it, the books are just another fiction series meant for teens. Don't give me the adult theme bullcrap because I am simply not buying it. Sure, people over 25 still read harry potter, but that doesn't change the target audience.
As far as the movie goes: If you've seen battle royale you know this is just the same. A western (holywood) version if you like. The camerawork wasnt adding anything. It was just incredibly annoying. there were maybe 2-3 scenes that had a clear shot in them and didn't look like they were filmed by someone laughing hysterically with their finger stuck on the zoom-in button.
The acting was what you would expect. Words such as average and mediocre come to mind.
And the story, well, as i said before: It's basically a hollywood version of battle royale. i.e: they added cheesy hollywood crap and clichés but minus the schoolgirls getting raped by tentacles.
Maybe I would have been able to enjoy this more if it wasn't made out to be the next big thing after harry potter and twilight. honestly i couldn't care less about any of them.