soup fly mod

Almost 38 hours as commander and I've come to the conclusion that a commander SHOULD also be a soldier.  I know that this goes against what most would say but please hear me out!

I think that on most maps there is one KEY base that you occupy.  In case you don't know what I mean, this is the base where you got the armor and air units.  Usually this map is in the rear of the the front line.  Usually, as far as the tide of battle is concerned, victory depends on your abilty to deny the opponents this base because once they get it you are at a huge vehicle disadvantage.

As a commander, you will notice that NOBODY will ever just sit around a base at the rear of your front lines to defend a base.  So essentially it comes down to the COMMANDER to handle the whole defense of this key base.  This is why the commander must be able to fight.  I can't stand commanders who lay on their stomach and keep issuing commands while the enemy caps that key base!  The commander should do anything in his power to defend this main base, including:
  1) using the UAV
  2) hogging a APV (usually not a tank...unless there are many on the map!)
  3) constant scan of the enemy approaching the base

In conclusion, defending your main base is more important than other commander activities!  In the end it is about strategy and if others don't respect the need to defend the main base as part of your main strategy, it is the commander's job to do so because he is the only person (w/UAV and Satelite and Supplies and Artillery) who has the abilty to single handedly take on an enemy attack!
+0|7080|Northern Illinois University
I use that technique to ensure our UAV trailer isn't blown up - but the problem I come across sometimes is that I become way to focused on the commanders map - and dont notive the flag about to be neutralized - when they do neutralize it - I can snap out of it and defend.  It is even worse when I am zooming in on a flag that one of my squads is capping- so I can call out the enemy in the area to them if a UAV is not available - then I get knifed in the face.
A stranger in the dark

Well, I agree when the number of players drops to 10 each side or so... Or even on a 16 player map, then the commander has to do a whole lot more than hugging mother earth.

But on a crammed 64players map, when playing with a good team where everybody is in a squad, an following/asking orders, that's a whole other story. The minute you decide to act alone, your team loses it's most important asset, information. Your task is not to try to stop the approaching enemy squad and go lone wolf on your team, it's your task to make sure that the approaching squad has an unfortunate event before reaching the key base. Such event can be anything between a little wink of arty shells, or an assigned squad to defend the base.
But then again, on a 64 map, you don't have to worry about the key base, because your team will be divided in 2, those defending the front line, and those waiting for their favourite whore to respawn.

Last edited by =Robin-Hood= (2005-10-26 16:24:01)

Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

In that very limited scenerio I agree, however, when commander's jump into a plane or chopper and fly that around instead of doing their commanderly duties it is very annoying. As commander I keep an eye out for people coming near my location and will always switch out of the commander screen in order to surprise them when they think I am not paying attention, or there is noone near a particular base.
TBH, i think the comm' should be able to "sit" in the UAV trailer , but still be able fight if they want, a comm' trying to fight in a full 64 karkand?
My usual thing as commander on a full map, is spawn as spec ops, c4 generously around the flag and find somewhere warm to command from.
When performing scans always check for enemies near the base flag and defend as necessary - and blow up the C4 as an added surprise.
I've had a few C4 kills while defending the Karkand back flag when no-one else was listening to my defend orders. Plus, you can blow the C4 before the flag is neutralised, and resupply from a crate if you're repairing your assets.
A stranger in the dark

Hey, I've got a likewise technique.
Well, as commander and spec ops, you have a little time in the beginning. Set UAV where everybody needs it, and while waiting for the rest of your tools to warm up... Go to your UAV/scan (I believe these are the most important) place some C4 in the near proximity. Then continue your game as usual. When you see that little red dot approaching your toys... Give him a little of his own medicine.
Time lost as commander 2 seconds... What gained? One hell of a frustrated enemy doing his countdown...
lol, thats how i got meh basic C4 badge XD
A bit off topic, but that's how I got my explosives badge as well, wasn't commander, but C4'd the front flag and hid.
When it went neutral (couldn't see the flag), checked for friendlies and blew - 6 kills.
And another flag, and another.
Ended a very short round with 17 kills....easy.
This was after weeks of trying to kill enough people with AT mines!
i completely disagree. every time I've done it there hasn't been a second I wasn't doing SOMETHING that involved having that command screen up. try and shoot me with that thing in front of you.

I agree with defending your base, but not on EVERY map and only when its a small server. Best example of this I think is Kubra Dam, I don't know why more US teams don't realize the most important thing you can do there is sieze the airstrip. Even if you don't take another flag you can launch assaults and you will have all 4 jets and two of three possible attack choppers. That kind of air superiority on that map can not be counteracted.

If I'm not mistaken other teams don't lose tickets when you cap one of their flags, they lose them when they die right? (yes I know if you have ALL the flags they count down). Grab that airstrip and let shock and awe go to work!

This is why whenever I command on that map I order my teammates to take and HOLD the MEC airstrip.

Last edited by dshak (2005-10-26 20:21:08)

Absolutely true dshak, I find myself VERY busy when commander trying to make sure things happen.
Last night i was playing a game (30-odd people in a Karkand server) where the commander didn't do a single thing the whole round except jump in tanks and speed off. No UAV's, no arty - nada.
Finally he let off a UAV to stop us complaining, but in the meantime we were running around getting ambushed/artied by the USMC who knew exactly where we were.

Very depressing.

He eventaully resigned after a lot of kick votes, and his replacement started issuing orders, UAV's arty etc.
It made it feel like a new game...

I do believe on a busy map the commander should stay at home and work hard, at most defending his home base as required - and try to keep an eye out for intruders via the scan.
I'll always come running if a commander points out attackers in his home base (especially Karkand!).

Last edited by Hoosyourdaddy (2005-10-26 20:33:21)

Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
I did my first commander; and stayed at the base, too many things going on and if I get killed I have to wait 15 seconds to request anything for the other soldiers.  Commander is basically blind going from screen to screen. People bitch anyway if I don't send UAV in 5 different places at the same time.  Hope I did good.
+0|7100|Rockhampton Qld
I love being a commander, and i give it all i can.
i dont care what map it is i will always defend and fight if i have to, but i make sure everything is up and running.
creates are dropped continusly and uav is in the air.
i even play fair to the point of, if its a small map with little people on it and the other side does not use arty i wont.
but the only thing i dont like about being a commander is the fact of , if no one else wants it, i will do it and as soon as you do they start to vote you off for no reason, that shits me.
if they want it and want to work at it then do it, but stop voting people of for it.
there is not a map you cant win if everyone as you said was in a squad and working well and the commander is re-supplying them and also working well, you will rule every time.
what i dont like is if the whole side does not listen and dont care well then a commander needs to also fight and gain points for them selves. if the other people are not selfish and want to listen and play well then yes a commander should just protect and consentrate on commanding.

your brother in arms.
soup fly mod

i totally agree that it depends on the map and situation.  i'm not saying always try to do this but for instance on the karkland map, even if there are 64 players, the MEC Commander should be very careful not to let their base fall into enemy hands. once you do that you lose a tank, two apc's, satellite, UAV, artillery.  the price of losing that is far greater than a couple of minutes of commander trying desperately to fend of a couple spec ops trying to invade the base.  most MEC teams that lose their base on Karkland WILL lose.  and don't forget that the commander can be a formidable defender since he has UAV, artillery and supplies.

so again, it depends on the situation.  what i don't agree with is the flat statement that "Commanders Should Never Fight".  you have to take into consideration alot of elements because you are the strategic director of the battle.  if you do a scan and see nobody around you at the base and an enemy humvee rushing towards you, then send out a call for "defend this point" and roll up your sleeves to hold em off till the cavalry arrives.
A good commander would know when to fight and when not to. If people are constantly trying to blow up your assets, you need to stay home and defend them! But fi there is no pressure on your assets....then you should be at the back of the lines with your troops, either sniping, or shooting off grenade launchers from high points (kind of mini artillery). I believe that the commander is the only person that should be aloud to "noob tube" they need to stay alive and with their responsibilities they don't have time to get caught in fire fights. Commander should take the lead and cap a flag that their team refuses to attack because its not the closest one. Commander knows where people are without UAV, any commander that UAV's themself is usesless and hurting the team.

But still, a commander who sits at his base and gives uav artilletry and spotting is much better than a commander who takes the tank and just dies in it constantly because they got c4ed doing a scan and didnt give uav to anyone all round.
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
This is just me, but im pretty good at multi-tasking, and on certain maps that are a little slower paced, like kubra dam, ill fly a chopper and command no problem, I can do both very effecgtiveley at the same time. also, I can command and gun a helo and be awesome at both, it just dpends on your ability to stay aware in 2 environments, flying a plane is alittle differnt though, unless you are playing gulf of oman and completely raping the other team, you have no palce in an air unit

likewise, i think commanders should be entitled to a vehicle for defense purpsoes, such as, dragon valley, the commander should take the linebacker and keep it at the main base and use it to defend there, cuase it'll take care of almost any attack you can expect to see, short of a tank

city maps, i love to fight in, if you are commanding and you are a capable foot soldier, then by all means get into it, just be willing to back off at any point and take care of commander stuff like dropping UAVs and supplies at any moment
I quite often play normally even while in the commander role. Seeing as you dont get kills for artillery strikes now i have to get my thrills the old fashioned, up close way
American Hillbilly
+12|7112|Long Beach, CA
I do not mind a commander that fights as long as he can direct things when called for or needed.  I often use an attack chopper or APC when commanding.  Mostly cuz im great in the chopper and i just give air support to those taking bases.  with the APC ill most often guard my resources.  Once you squash the spec ops guys a few times they generally find somthing else to do making your commanding much easier.  If I have a weaker skilled team i even the odds in the chopper, gogin to called out armour and other choppers cutting them down so the ground troops and armour can cap flags.  in fact i have never lost a map when I was commamder and in an attack chopper.
Get your body beat.
the way i see it, a commander cant fight and command at the same time.
i will fight only when the pesky c4 monsters come a calling. other than that, a commander gets no extra points killing or any teamwork scores for repairing of healing, so why risk your arse, when your much more usefull kissing sweet earth instead of useless looking up to the sky?
I usually do engi and then sit by the destroyables or support/engi and use the AA to hunt chopters (I avoid plane servers/maps).
The AA is pretty useless against anything else (except hostile infantry nearby) so I hide a little and since not many helis are about or come close I have time to worry about my troops.
on karkland i do that as commander i jump in a HUMVV go to last flag and capture it then put some c4 around to defend it. as a commander u have a great advantage over others so defending it isent that hard then
MIdway into the game, i noticed we didnt have a commander, so i took over. this was my first time as a commander.I had to repair everything myself and defend my uav trailer too. as bad as my side was, we actually won. i think largly because i didnt just hump the ground. I came in 2nd (1 silver medal, thank you very much) and had the most repair points in the game. Somtimes you just have to do what you have to do.

tonynoc wrote:

MIdway into the game, i noticed we didnt have a commander, so i took over. this was my first time as a commander.I had to repair everything myself and defend my uav trailer too. as bad as my side was, we actually won. i think largly because i didnt just hump the ground. I came in 2nd (1 silver medal, thank you very much) and had the most repair points in the game. Somtimes you just have to do what you have to do.
you have to do that constantly to be a good commander i usually sit in my base and arty everyone and be an engineer and repair everything or i go out and ill fight too if its only a 16 or 32 map and ill help out then i find a nice little spot, uav arty and put supplis down if anything is broken, if ur a commander you gotta be erally smart and take the game to another level cuz u have to worry about your whole team and yourself at the same time, thats y the reward is good at the end of the gaem if you win
+8|7080|Kannapolis,North Carolina
Everyone plays thier own game. Heres how i do it.

When im commander i spawn as an engineer or a Spec ops.

If im an engineer i focus on repairing my arty and UAV if the other side seems determined to blow them up. You cant always depend on someone else to repair it, thats probly the most ignored order in the game.

If im Spec ops, im there to command and defend my flag. Ill place all 5 packs of c4 in strategic places that one might hide while waiting for the flag to drop and raise. I will launch artillary, set a UAV up do a quick scan and spot anyone i see, than quickly switch back to my game screen so i can check on my flag, if its grey and no teammates are near, i blow the C4 and defend my flag Drop a supply crate near myself and set it all up again for the same play.
Trinity ®©
I am a tankwhore. I am a fighting commander. I win... lots.

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