I was playing on the bf2s server last night and was enjoying the game play Very much thank you !!!!!!!!
At some point during the battle i was sniping what i thought was a bad guy in the crane,the name showed up red and i shot. Next think i know im getting punished for a team kill. So a few minutes later i see that pesky lil sniper going back up the crane so I go up after him to make sure I do indead see the red tag, I see red and shoot to kill again and again get punished. Now im a little ticked becuase im in the negative points and the round is over. So with that said, If it was a glitch in the game SBDVEGOMATIC im sorry ,If it was a cheat then
everyone should keep a eye on this. I saw it happen later in the night but it wasnt the same cat and his uniform was the same is mine so I didnt kill him. any thoughts????
At some point during the battle i was sniping what i thought was a bad guy in the crane,the name showed up red and i shot. Next think i know im getting punished for a team kill. So a few minutes later i see that pesky lil sniper going back up the crane so I go up after him to make sure I do indead see the red tag, I see red and shoot to kill again and again get punished. Now im a little ticked becuase im in the negative points and the round is over. So with that said, If it was a glitch in the game SBDVEGOMATIC im sorry ,If it was a cheat then
everyone should keep a eye on this. I saw it happen later in the night but it wasnt the same cat and his uniform was the same is mine so I didnt kill him. any thoughts????