Raiders of the Lost Bear

I just HAD to post this.

I was playing on EA J and EA Thai today. I got all my 1337 stuff. I learnt to pilot like a pro: I flew a squiggle through the nuclear pipes today making the bogey smack himself on one of them, i brought my attack chopper consistently in the tiniest of all places.

I got my Knife, Pistol and Explosive badges.

I blew up everything that moved, and everything that didn't move.

Ok fine, maybe the explosive was kinda cheap. :p My friend and I couldn't get on the same team (he got shifted over). There was this sniper who was being a jackass (sniping you is fine, but calling you a n00b and yakking about his 1337 skills i can't stand). So he was his usual medic, and i took spec ops to try out my new G36C. I killed the sniper once, in full view of my friend (who obviously did nothing to help). So i told him on VOIP to screw with him a little. I ran up, dropped a C4 on his head. My friend ran in and revived him and ran into a bunker. And I blew the sniper to hell. AGAIN. Everytime we managed to be in the same spot (no planning whatsoever) we did that to him a couple or maybe thrice.

Is that stat padding?

The trick to get the knife is: DON'T TRY. When it comes, it will come. My KD ration was absymal BECAUSE i tried to get it. Today though, i just did my thing, armour in your face etc, and ALL 7 kills in the same round came from the commander. LOL. Spotted him in weird little corners in sharqi so i decided, hey why not go ahead. (I have this thing for stealing the MEC chopper in sharqi. I prefer it to the USMC one). *gringrin*

I should've got my vet medic badge, with all my gay kill streaks today. But i was 30 min short of an hour. Lol.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7086|London UK

I have a tip for you.

Install steam, download Counter-Strike and play that instead of BattleField 2.
+8|7080|Kannapolis,North Carolina
I find your story hard to believe as i have tried to revive the other team and never have.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

BUDFORCE: What are you going on about?

DMFD: its time to reread the post. My friend was on his team. Back to school boyo.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7086|London UK

How can I make myself clear, hmmm

how about

Raiders of the Lost Bear

AHhh NOW i see where you're coming from. Remind me to do it to you if i see you You're the kind of guy i'll gladly revive in front of a tank.

i dunno just doesn't feel like padding to me, we didn't ochestrate anything, just came in the heat of the moment
+-2|7115|The Seventh Circle of Hell
I dunno, I don't see anything wrong with your gameplay. Maybe you were being a bit of an asshole to the sniper, but for good reason. Sometimes, you just gotta learn to say, I'm better than that. Oh, and guys like Budforce, go suck it. Who gives a crap about your shitty little server, there is absolutely nothing condescending about you. Clownshoe smacktards like you are the reason I enjoy playing this game, so I can do things that polarbearz did....to you....many times....over and over again....constantly....It's too bad your bloodline wasn't severed centuries ago. The world would have been a better place.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

cheers dee. that's exactly what i did the the sniper. I wish i had more than 5 C4s. I would've done it so many more times.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7086|London UK

Deedubya wrote:

I dunno, I don't see anything wrong with your gameplay. Maybe you were being a bit of an asshole to the sniper, but for good reason. Sometimes, you just gotta learn to say, I'm better than that. Oh, and guys like Budforce, go suck it. Who gives a crap about your shitty little server, there is absolutely nothing condescending about you. Clownshoe smacktards like you are the reason I enjoy playing this game, so I can do things that polarbearz did....to you....many times....over and over again....constantly....It's too bad your bloodline wasn't severed centuries ago. The world would have been a better place.
Thats not very nice is it?

Ill tell santa not to get you that spiderman action figure you wanted.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

BUD, we don't have anything against you. really. but to each his own! just cuz your group has enough cash to get and rent your own servers doesn't you can play god in there
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7086|London UK

it doesnt?

AK Whore
+152|7109|Barrington, RI
usually when a group has the cash to have their own server, it also usually means that members of the group are likely to be admins of the server, giving them every right to kick you and ban you for actions that they feel are stat padding.  and the old revive, kill revive way of getting badges is highly frowned upon by those who worked hard to get their badges the legit way.

Last edited by sewermasta324 (2005-10-30 10:39:45)

Wiki Contributor
+2|7067|Medicland, sthlm

I think polarbearz should receive some sort of medal for dealing with an annoying n00b in a creative and innovative way. Good show man, you should be a teacher in RL.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7086|London UK

yeah ok, so im a noob, so take for example you got set up, so your team mate was reviving you, only for the enemy to c4 you as soon as you were revived over and over again, wouldnt you get annoyed? Wouldnt you want the admin to put a stop to it.

Infact, Im sure it could be easily set up so that you could be constantly revived and killed for hours on end, would you find this fun?

By the way, if you do what polarbearz was doing on an official EA server and got caught you would have your account banned.
stats padding is a bit like binge drinking... blown way out of proportion

knife fighting is counted as stats padding heck even deciding to use your pistol for a bit of fun is counted as stats padding by some hardass admins

i payed bloody 30 squid for this game and people tell me how to play it

sucks to them...

bring back knife/pistol only servers

now ive had my rant i shall leave you to squabble in peace and polarbearz good on you mate you showed that dickhead sniper who is boss

and well done on getting the explosives badge... i cant seem to get it

and if that c4 thing was happening to me... i wouldent moan to the admin... id just suicide it and spawn at a base... its common sense

Last edited by Major-Numb-Nuts (2005-10-30 11:13:36)

+8|7080|Kannapolis,North Carolina
My bad, i now see the part i missed.. "(he got shifted over)".

And yea, to me that would be stat padding. Maybe you didnt "plan" it, but you both knew what you were doing.

However, awesome work on the sniper. Its no different than jihad jeeping. lol, i been doing some jihad jetting myself. I put all 5 packs of c4 on the nose of a jet and fly around till i find a target(s). I try to be high enough that i can make a steep incline towards the target, once im lined up i bail and wait for the jet to get close to the ground than blow the C4. Last night was my first time doing it, managed to get about 10 kills and 5 defended flag points in a round. Not too shabby, if the round had a few more tickets i would have gotten my explosives badge. Oh well, i know it can be done now and rather quickly if i concentrate on nothing else for a round. So keep your heads up guys, you never know when i'll be dropping by
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7086|London UK

Major-Numb-Nuts you look tight, yes, like a tiger, I can tell this by your tight pants, you look like a macho man (macho man)

And, did you know that the peanut is the laziest nut in the world? I mean, look at the wallnut, even it makes an effort some of the time!
oh budforce stop it youll make me blush

and yeah my nuts are lazy... and numb i should see a doctor

Last edited by Major-Numb-Nuts (2005-10-30 11:23:51)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

LOL. Who's the nuts man!

And I don't think getting rid of jackasses counts as stats padding? I don't care about medals really (i got all my badges/medals/decorations from the fact that I love this game, I try out different classes etc for the heck of it. I don't bother with 'OH im going to work towards that' Nice to have, but not necessary. Won't get my nuts in a twist because of it).

Got close to explosives some time ago tho... I jihad jeeped a FULL apc and i thought hey hey that was pretty easy, so i started my 'holy war'. :p Hit another full blackhawk, but didn't get nuts after that. Ended with 11 C4 kills methinks. Hahah..

Hmmm is it useful if you spread out your C4 on the jeep? Or keep it on the hood? Does it matter?

Knife = humiliating, pistol = last resort, never really bothered with explosive ordinances (check my stats). I didn't WANT the medals, I didn't WANT the stats. I just wanted to make a jackass pay... well, for being a jackass. I hope BUD and the rest of the admins out there (who should've seen the conversation and the chain of events) would be clairvoyant enough to see why I did that. *prays fervently for a higher power to be present*

i want to be a literature teacher though muahaha. School of hard knocks.
I'm confused on the old 'stat padding' thing... If I use my knife, am I stat padding?.... having not yet got my basic knife, pistol and other such goodies, I feel I've still yet got plenty to do. So i'll run around weilding a knife or pistol, or stick for that matter just to get my deserved badges. What I won't do is 'kill revive kill' stuff.... It doesn't feel like playing the game... but hey, that's just my opinion.

As for Admins and their servers, they paid for them and in all honesty, they have the ability just to kick you just for being there. So you have to work out what's best, if you don't like the rules of the server, go elsewhere, I often do

I personally like innovative kills... it makes the game that bit more 'fun', and be honest, fun is what it's all about..... it's a game, games are meant to be fun.... and it means fun for all. So the poor guy that gets 'killed revived, killed revived'... might be fun for you .... he's probably tearing his hair out (thousand of bald people are now playing this game), in frustration... unaware that all he has to do is select a 'spawn point' or ....urghhh, suicide.

I've never yet played against anyone that's made me get really frustrated.... but if someone did the 'kill revive' thing, I just might have to get my own back... in an 'innovative' way of course
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7086|London UK

tbh admins on ranked servers dont even have a choice, if an EA offical catches people stat padding on a ranked server they have the power to shut it down permanently, so as admins we have to stop stat padding or anythign considered stat padding.

what that dude was doing could easily be considered stat padding, and therefore could end up getting a server shut down and ruining alot of peoples BF2 fun.

I just wish people would think more before they do these things.


tbh admins on ranked servers dont even have a choice, if an EA offical catches people stat padding on a ranked server they have the power to shut it down permanently, so as admins we have to stop stat padding or anythign considered stat padding.

what that dude was doing could easily be considered stat padding, and therefore could end up getting a server shut down and ruining alot of peoples BF2 fun.

I just wish people would think more before they do these things.
Cheers BUD', there's not many Admins ready willing and able to clarify that point, or any point for that matter Thanks for the information
Raiders of the Lost Bear

aight BUD i hear you. But EA can't be as dumb as to think that's stat padding? I'm no padder tell from my stats. And they should be able to see the what went on ingame. there's no case for worry here is there?
More TK's than you can poke a stick at
+5|7123|Canberra, Australia
I can't believe that this thread has gone on so far. You were stat padding and making the game unplayable for the poor sniper.

If you killed the medic too, then that's playing fair. You were using VOIP to organise with your cockhead of a friend to keep reviving. He gets points for revives, you get points for C4, and the sniper has a miserable game. Not because he's a bad player - because you two are appalling players.

You're a waste of oxygen. I hear that Singapore likes to hang people - why not join them? Go smuggle some drugs. Do the community a favour.

BUD: That Counterstrike line was the best slap I've seen in months.

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