plundering yee booty
+510|5787|Ventura, California
Nah that's the kinky shit an old fart like you would like
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Looper 7/10 - The whole film was a plot hole but I had a beer and an icecream so it seemed plausible and I enjoyed it.
Fuck Israel
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
Shutter Island 8/10

Did a quite good job at making me change my speculations several times throughout the movie.
As opposed to other mystery flicks, where it's either blatantly obvious from the start, or it hits you in the face at the end.
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

globefish23 wrote:

Shutter Island 8/10

Did a quite good job at making me change my speculations several times throughout the movie.
As opposed to other mystery flicks, where it's either blatantly obvious from the start, or it hits you in the face at the end.
I actually rewatched shutter island Saturday night and even knowing the twist it's still a really good film.


Cabin in the Woods:

Wasn't bad, and I don't like the horror genre in general... But could have changed a couple minor things and been a lot better, IMO. Might have liked it more if it didn't have SO MANY super reviews and so many people telling me I would love it. It had my expectations too high. On the flip side, I never would have watched it if not for those reviews/suggestions.

And yes, Tucker & Dale was better.
probably better to not read the spoilers on this movie before watching.
+220|7023|Oklahoma City

Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:


Cabin in the Woods:

Wasn't bad, and I don't like the horror genre in general... But could have changed a couple minor things and been a lot better, IMO. Might have liked it more if it didn't have SO MANY super reviews and so many people telling me I would love it. It had my expectations too high. On the flip side, I never would have watched it if not for those reviews/suggestions.

And yes, Tucker & Dale was better.
probably better to not read the spoilers on this movie before watching.
Totally agree. I went into it knowing nothing about it, and I think that helped. Didn't even see a trailer for it first. Just went on word of mouth.


Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:


Cabin in the Woods:

Wasn't bad, and I don't like the horror genre in general... But could have changed a couple minor things and been a lot better, IMO. Might have liked it more if it didn't have SO MANY super reviews and so many people telling me I would love it. It had my expectations too high. On the flip side, I never would have watched it if not for those reviews/suggestions.

And yes, Tucker & Dale was better.
probably better to not read the spoilers on this movie before watching.
Totally agree. I went into it knowing nothing about it, and I think that helped. Didn't even see a trailer for it first. Just went on word of mouth.
I went in knowing absolutely nothing about the movie, other than the title and poster. I kept hearing it was good, but thought that was the standard bandwagon chatter, since this is just another 'cabin in the woods'-story. I never knew it was a satire, making the start very odd. The pieces fell together quite quickly (already knew what the deal was in the opening scenes in the lab) but it was stil a very pleasant surprise and made for quite the entertaining flick.
After watching it a second time, when the had hype died down a little, I don't think it's worth more than a 7/10 and only if you love the little references to horror clichés.

Worst part? There were people that went in, also not knowing what to expect, and came out dissapointed that it wasn't a standard horror flick. Sad

About to watch Prometheus. I hope it doesn't suck.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

About to watch Prometheus. I hope it doesn't suck.
2/10 - What an absolute load of trope. Every single crew member of that ship is a cliched jackass moron who only exists to die. Same stupid by-the-book shit you see in every sci-fi/horror flick with absolutely no surprises in sight. I even got the order in which they all died off kind of right, and gave not one fuck whenever any of them kicked the bucket. There were no jump scares (for which I was sort of glad), but there was also absolutely no tension either. Were they even trying when they wrote this trash? The first two acts were some of the most frustrating 80-ish minutes I've ever spent watching a movie, and one of the worst wastes of money I've ever spent on a film since I bought Haekel's Tale, thinking it would be decent. The whole thing was promising at first, but went downhill the minute our heroine lambasted the security guy for...for...look, I'm going to paraphrase:

"This is a scientific expedition. No firearms."


While I hate to be overly critical of a film, my back's up against a wall, here. The best part was easily listening to Chopin at the beginning and during the credits. I'm not going to say "don't watch it," because it's obviously a goop and slime film. And since we get to see some Aliens/Predator universe background, I guess I'll give it a reluctant thumb up for that. I'm still interested to see what happens, but fucking heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell. I should've stuck with the Cliff's Notes.

If you want to watch a film that's pretty much like a dried out version of Peter Jackson's giant bugs in King Kong for two hours, boy do I have the right movie for you.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

About to watch Prometheus. I hope it doesn't suck.
2/10 - What an absolute load of trope. Every single crew member of that ship is a cliched jackass moron who only exists to die. Same stupid shit you see in every sci-fi/horror flick. I even got the order in which they all died off kind of right. Were they even trying when they wrote this trash? The first two acts were some of the most frustrating 80-ish minutes I've ever spent watching a movie, and one of the worst wastes of money I've ever spent on a film since Haekel's Tale. While I hate to be overly critical of a film, my back's up against a wall, here. The best part was easily listening to Chopin at the beginning and in the credits.

I'm not going to say "don't watch it," because it's obviously a goop and slime film. And since we get to see some Aliens/Predator universe background, I guess I'll give it a reluctant thumb up for that. I'm still interested to see what happens, but fucking heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell. I should've stuck with the Cliff's Notes.

Fission Mailed

Expendables 2


Explosions, killing and mayhem as expected.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Bruce Willis and Arnold in the Smart car made me lol
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I agree with all of that now that it raised those questions. My brain shut off about halfway through and reactivated only when I was wondering why the fuck the two dumb broads were running in a straight line in front of a rolling circle ship.

I also can't contain how stupid that film was in one heavily-edited post, nor as a mild Aliens/Predator fan use the fact that this is universe-building excuse the fact that it was so stupid and that the A/P universe is now stupider because of it.

-Whiteroom- wrote:

Maybe they will make another one, where all plot holes and stupid moves made are explained and you go "Oh! Now it all makes sense!". But I don't think that's possible.
You're right. It isn't. When you're this deep in stupid, the only direction you can go is into more stupid. Maybe if they bring in Uwe Boll and Michael Bay, things would improve.

how did prometheus being stupid make the A/P universe stupid? prometheus isn't even related to the P franchise (which is pretty dumb in itself by the way)
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"

Aliens is tied into Predator now. There's no going back on that. The only way to be sure if I can watch any of them without remembering this braindead piece of rubbish is to, I don't know, go back and watch them.

Looking at some of the defensive comments on a negative Rotten Tomatoes review:

Good God. Can we stop trying to compare it to its "forebears" and enjoy the freakin' movie for what it is? It was visually gorgeous, breathtaking and intellectually engaging. Go see it in a IMAX 3D and tell me you weren't impressed!

BTW - neither Alien nor Blade Runner were "classic" in the days of their release. It was only later that they were truly appreciated.
Alien schlongs ramming into some inconsistent biologist's throat is neither visually gorgeous, breathtaking or intellectually engaging unless you're some kind of freak.

Yeah. I don't see why it's so disliked by many. It was really good. I think the expectations may have been too high. Many people don't appreciate that it's so good for a sic-fi movie these days. Just as good as Alien in terms of it's intense feel and visual atmosphere. Really, Alien wasn't all that deep either. At least this movie raises questions, even though it doesn't have all the answers. Appreciate it for what it is. You won't find many sic-fi these days so epic and intense as this movie is.
It's safe to say that after Alien 4 and the AVP films that my expectations weren't high at all. But they weren't low, either. Sci-fi must be suffering more than I thought if this is supposed to be some kind of paragon of the genre. I'd take Avatar more seriously. Appreciate it for what it is? Epic and intense? Excuse me while I go throw up.

And why the fuck did Lord Voldemort drink black goo and fall off a cliff at the beginning of the movie and where is the fucking xenomorph water monster I was expecting to spawn from his DNA after it showed us regenerating strands?

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Aliens is tied into Predator now. There's no going back on that. The only way to be sure if I can watch any of them without remembering this braindead piece of rubbish is to, I don't know, go back and watch them.
they were retconned into each other by the stupid AvP movies

p.s. can you edit your post instead of creating 3 separate posts? we get that u mad, but this isn't your blog
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
+521|7052|Toronto | Canada


Brasso wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Aliens is tied into Predator now. There's no going back on that. The only way to be sure if I can watch any of them without remembering this braindead piece of rubbish is to, I don't know, go back and watch them.
1) they were retconned into each other by the stupid AvP movies

2) p.s. can you edit your post instead of creating 3 separate posts? we get that u mad, but this isn't your blog
1) It's done now.
2) eat it.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

And why the fuck did Lord Voldemort drink black goo and fall off a cliff at the beginning of the movie and where is the fucking xenomorph water monster I was expecting to spawn from his DNA after it showed us regenerating strands?
Well, at the start think of it as self sacrifice. It was a ritual to populate a dead planet with genetic material and create life.

The premise is that is how the engineers created mankind. Again, bear in mind the stupidity of the movie when it explains this magically by saying their dna "matches" our own.

You have to completely ignore the fact cow dna doesn't match own own. Our ancestors DNA doesn't match out own. etc Forget all you know of evolution... sigh. It just gets worse.

Stupid movie.


Last edited by AussieReaper (2012-10-17 06:02:54)

sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
I think the fact that Ridley Scott himself made another Alien film again is the reason that people suddenly regard this one so much better than the old ones.

The AVP movies from recent years have completely diluted the original essence of the Alien franchise.
Also, Alien Resurrection, the last proper Alien movie, is 15 years old now, which basically means that half of the mainstream movie population was still pooping their diapers when it was released.

Having said all that, I haven't seen Prometheus myself yet.

Winston_Churchill wrote:


Also jelly buttons.

globefish23 wrote:

I think the fact that Ridley Scott himself made another Alien film again is the reason that people suddenly regard this one so much better than the old ones.
George Lucas also made the original Star Wars trilogy, but I won't get into that here.
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone
He only directed IV
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Why has nobody mentioned the part where Stringer Bell rams his ship into the Engineers ship? The 2 co pilots are like "We'd escape captain but you're a terrible pilot and you need all the help you can get!". All the help he can get to do what, ram into a ship a mile or 2 infront? Does it really take 3 people to ram into a large spaceship not that far from you? Could they not just have escaped and helped Shaw out? Oh and btw in Prometheus 3 shaw gives birth to Ellen Ripley deal with it.

^Spoiler (highlight to read):
They couldn't figure out how to get those two killed by goo, squids, zombies or Voldemort and make a gesture of trying to get the audience to care at the same time...so they did that instead. Three birds with one stone.

Also, fukkit. I'm going to go watch Doctor Who.

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