Dilbert you are a complete and utter racist cunt.
Edit: oops it posted twice but I'll leave it for emphasis.
Edit: oops it posted twice but I'll leave it for emphasis.
Last edited by coke (11 years, 10 months ago)
Last edited by coke (11 years, 10 months ago)
of course he is, he's an Aussiecoke wrote:
Dilbert you are a complete and utter racist cunt.
yeah but all our racist working-class thugs move to aussielandJaekus wrote:
He's from the UK
What if the woman is about to be raped? Is she getting raped in the dojo? If not then train her with rules. You don't go to the dojo to get your leg broken do you? What does her getting raped have to do with anything? Shes training not defending.m3thod wrote:
What about if the woman is being raped do we get to apply your precious rules then? BJJ for self defence is phenomenal, add a little boxing/muay thai and judo and she would be a formidable opponent. And here are the rules to MMA:Adams_BJ wrote:
Well, lets all train those women by sparring with no rules.Macbeth wrote:
BJJ is super effective against people who have no understanding of it. The first four UFC tournaments were no rules bare knuckle fights and an average sized BJJ fighter dominated all of them.
Now a lot of places are selling BJJ to women as safety martial arts since it is one of the few that a physically weaker person could use to property defend themselves.
Last edited by m3thod (11 years, 10 months ago)
Slow down there pork chop, I was replying to drunkfaces comments about fighting without rules when nyte went to a dojo and some guy hurt him because he didn't tap out. To which I made the point that when training safety is first. If you want to go get your bits bent to the point where you are doing permanent damage go pick a fight with some guy down the street. Where there are no rules. If you want to learn how to not get your bits broken in a fight you train to defend yourself. with rules.m3thod wrote:
what? There are rules not exactly written down but you don't hurt your training partner and tap out early are generally at the top of the list. But what you learn has to be useful in some capacity. it's not like its a free for all, it is effectively a classroom with a teacher who can kick your ass like no one else. However, those rules are gone when some psycho is trying to stick his dick inside her....so how about this amazing concept...she is training to defend herself...
I would say the whole point of training is to respond in an appropriate manner and react like it is second nature. So i don't get it, why is training to defend yourself such a hard concept to grasp? I have taken on people who are unskilled all the time i.e. newbies and the odd person who thinks bjj sucks and they have reacted exactly how i have been taught & submitted easily. Unskilled fighters are highly predictable the hard bit is reacting fast enough.
Is see no reason a chick should not be taught BJJ for self defence. Just because you label it training doesn't mean its not effective...i could quite happily snap someone's arm like a twig if i wanted to in a training scenario, but why would i want to? Sooner or later i would have no training partners left not to mention being labeled a bit of a dick or more likely a higher belt would notice my dickhead behaviour and put me in the nearest hospital.
The pic below is a central tenant of BJJ, the Guard. Look familiar? It's also the position a chick is most likely face during rape, it offers the rapist maximum control and access to her body (to you know fuck her) her mouth (to shut her up) and her face (gratification). That position also offers a BJJ practitioner three effectives moves.
1. Collar choke from the guard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xQ1_hPU4OQ
2. Armbar from the guard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx2gyieJvYw
3. Kimura from the guard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqSdVL82QVk
There are rules in MMA and rules in BJJ. However fuck the rules in street fight or rape setting. Anything else?
Last edited by Adams_BJ (11 years, 10 months ago)
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (11 years, 10 months ago)
I don't know either. Nyte hurt himself, Drunkface says 'no rules you guys are pussies train with rules yadda yadda', I say 'hey man, if you dont have rules when you train you are gonna get hurt man, and then no one is happy' and then Mef is all like 'hey there twig dick, women get raped! So they should be aloowed to train, why you not let them train pencil neck? I could break your pelvis like a fresh asparagus'.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
why the hell are you guys going on about chicks and rape. like that's a major constitutive reason why girls take up a martial art. 'oh i want a way to beat off all that rape'.
There is no way she was born a woman
Last edited by -Whiteroom- (11 years, 10 months ago)
Its more like 1-2,000 years, and social evolution can move that fast, it can happen in a few generations - its been proven with monkeys.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
dilbert thinks white people have literally 'evolved' or acquired behavioral changes with genetic derivations... in the space of 250 years. since we've quit our own age of butchery and mass-killing for quack ideology and wanton barbarism, we've apparently 'moved on' a step from the brute african. never realized evolution or 'natural selection' was so fast. a sound grip of the science, he has.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (11 years, 10 months ago)
Dilbert_X wrote:
Its more like 1-2,000 years, and social evolution can move that fast, it can happen in a few generations - its been proven with monkeys.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
dilbert thinks white people have literally 'evolved' or acquired behavioral changes with genetic derivations... in the space of 250 years. since we've quit our own age of butchery and mass-killing for quack ideology and wanton barbarism, we've apparently 'moved on' a step from the brute african. never realized evolution or 'natural selection' was so fast. a sound grip of the science, he has.
If not, why do you say Africa always has been a savage shithole?
africa hasn't always been a savage shithole. it had civilizations to match the west in the roman period, and previous to that as well. african art and culture have consistently been admired by the west for its technicism and craft. hardly 'savage'. certain african kingdoms were so rich and powerful during the 'ancient' period of the west that they risked destabilizing the economies of nascent egypt and the nile delta.Dilbert_X wrote:
Its more like 1-2,000 years, and social evolution can move that fast, it can happen in a few generations - its been proven with monkeys.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
dilbert thinks white people have literally 'evolved' or acquired behavioral changes with genetic derivations... in the space of 250 years. since we've quit our own age of butchery and mass-killing for quack ideology and wanton barbarism, we've apparently 'moved on' a step from the brute african. never realized evolution or 'natural selection' was so fast. a sound grip of the science, he has.
If not, why do you say Africa always has been a savage shithole?
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (11 years, 10 months ago)
And the Congo is so 'rich' its princes fly around in F16s.UTL wrote:
certain african kingdoms were so rich and powerful during the 'ancient' period of the west that they risked destabilizing the economies of nascent egypt and the nile delta