Yeah, she's 12 and she is my sister-cousin.Mutantbear wrote:
was she born like after the sixth sense came out?Extra Medium wrote:
I told my wife that Six Sense was a good movie and she didn't believe me because M Night Shymalananaalan directed it. I hadn't seen his later movies so I didn't believe he could be that bad.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Why are you torturing yourself?
I know you're being sarcastic, but that explains so much.

What is that kid from the 6th sense doing nowadays? What about Dakota Fanning?
I liked Unbreakable way more than Sixth Sense.
You should see The Last Airbender if you want to see a true Shyamalan faceplant.
Actually no, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
You should see The Last Airbender if you want to see a true Shyamalan faceplant.
Actually no, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: - I'm sure the thing he's credited for in 1967 is in error, though.Macbeth wrote:
What is that kid from the 6th sense doing nowadays? What about Dakota Fanning?
Dakota Fanning's doing a movie about the making of the Errol Flynn Robin Hood, I believe.
e: Nope, just a movie about Errol Flynn's later days. Played by Kevin Kline.
Wasn't she in Twilight as well?unnamednewbie13 wrote: - I'm sure the thing he's credited for in 1967 is in error, though.Macbeth wrote:
What is that kid from the 6th sense doing nowadays? What about Dakota Fanning?
Dakota Fanning's doing a movie about the making of the Errol Flynn Robin Hood, I believe.
e: Nope, just a movie about Errol Flynn's later days. Played by Kevin Kline.
I dunno but IMDB is sure to know...
Contemplating watching Total Recall, the 2012 version.
I know I shouldn't. But I love the first one so much I want to see how badly you can fuck up the basic plot.
I know I shouldn't. But I love the first one so much I want to see how badly you can fuck up the basic plot.

I thought it was OK for an average sci-fi action. Says it was closer to the book short story than the first movie, but is classified as a remake of the first movie?
Its not too bad if you don't compare it with the original. But there's nothing really memorable in it.
I watched it. Haven't seen the original yet. (Yes I know that makes certain people very angry)AussieReaper wrote:
Contemplating watching Total Recall, the 2012 version.
I know I shouldn't. But I love the first one so much I want to see how badly you can fuck up the basic plot.
Pros :
Kate Beckinsale
Jessicia Biel
The special effects were amazing. Not like in a Transformers or average Hollywood blockbuster kind of way, I mean, very, very good. Gritty and realistic, like Minority Report and Blade Runner.
The world was very well developed. The technology, architecture, social conditions, political stuff etc. was handled very well. It was an intricate and detailed setting that wasn't too confusing.
Cons :
The acting was meh. Not horrible, just meh
The writing was very mediocre.
The plot was actually kind of okay for the first half of the movie. When approaching the climax that the whole thing just falls apart. The pacing was just horrible, towards the end at least. Action scene, followed by some really dumb conversation, followed by an action scene. Rinse and repeat, like 3 or 4 times for the final 1/2 hour of the movie.
I'm not sorry that I watched it, it wasn't one of those movies that make you think it was a waste of your time. But I probably wouldn't watch it again. Like I said earlier, it reminded me a lot of Minority Report, but without the Spielburg. The movies are actually very similar. Man in the gritty not-so-distant future does job. Plot twist. Man runs from future police. Climax. Happy ending.
you must watch Total Recall 1990 today and that's an orderSpearhead wrote:
I watched it. Haven't seen the original yet. ...AussieReaper wrote:
Contemplating watching Total Recall, the 2012 version.
I know I shouldn't. But I love the first one so much I want to see how badly you can fuck up the basic plot.
Come aahn, Cohaagen!
See you at ze paady, Richter!
I need around tree fiddy.
Star Trek: Into Darkness 10/10 (9 for film + 1 for Zoe Saldana)
Thoroughly enjoyed and they even managed Spoiler (highlight to read):
to make KHAAAAAAN! not cheesy
Thoroughly enjoyed and they even managed Spoiler (highlight to read):
to make KHAAAAAAN! not cheesy
lol star trek
10/10 for a star trek reboot.
good one mate.
what did you give for citizen kane?
good one mate.
what did you give for citizen kane?
Depends on what shows you like. It's science fiction in a very loose sense of the term. If you threw Pee Wee's Playhouse, Lost in Space and Back to the Future in a blender and ran it on purée for a bit, you'd get [something like] Star Trek.
There's the new Star Trek, which started with Christopher Pine as Captain Kirk in 2009 and has switched actors twice now (it's built into the script as a timeline reboot process, if you didn't know). And the classic Star Trek, which is everything else before that, which started in the 60's. Both sets are a part of the same story, and the fans all have their favorites. I watched the The Next Generation as a little kid and remember enjoying it well enough. Got into the new series on DVD when Patrick Stewart held the role as Captain Picard, and have been snapping up the classic DVD's every now and then since.
tl;dr, go borrow series 1 (Shatner) from the library and try it out. Worst that could happen is you wouldn't like it. Or as Jay would put it, "it isn't for people like Macbeth."
There's the new Star Trek, which started with Christopher Pine as Captain Kirk in 2009 and has switched actors twice now (it's built into the script as a timeline reboot process, if you didn't know). And the classic Star Trek, which is everything else before that, which started in the 60's. Both sets are a part of the same story, and the fans all have their favorites. I watched the The Next Generation as a little kid and remember enjoying it well enough. Got into the new series on DVD when Patrick Stewart held the role as Captain Picard, and have been snapping up the classic DVD's every now and then since.
tl;dr, go borrow series 1 (Shatner) from the library and try it out. Worst that could happen is you wouldn't like it. Or as Jay would put it, "it isn't for people like Macbeth."

if cha didn't know
if cha didn't know
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-06-05 06:30:59)
I think the James Bond series is the lamest and overrated series around.
Take it to the rate the girl above you or the Asian thread