Uzique The Lesser wrote:
hitnrun you seem so dissatisfied with such terrible movies (fair point) that i wonder why you continue watching so many. do you not know of anywhere to find good movies outside of the box office?
Well, of the last few crappy rating ones:
Cash Back was recommended by several friends for being very artistic and deep. I should have understood that as "emo."
Gothika was recommended by several other friends for being a really good trippy thiller movie "If you liked Sixth Sense, you will LOVE Gothika."
Identity Thief I expected to be funny. Jason Bateman, Jon Favreau, Amanda Peet, Robert Patrick... I like all of them... Melissa McCarthy hasn't really done anything I like and really gets on my nerves, but I keep expecting her to do SOMETHING funny to make me see why everyone loves her so much. I am sure I will watch The Heat when it comes out...
The Host my wife wanted to see. She had read the book and it was "so much better than that Twilight crap." Which led to "The book was SO much better than the movie." Which it would have to be.
Regardless, we don't watch a ton of movies anymore because they all seem so crappy. There is a lot I want to see that is coming out, but it will have to wait until DVD for most of them. And a lot of those will probably end up being crappy, but I can hope.