Played on a ranked server yesterday and got my anti-tank badge, Infantry (the one where you need to be squad leader for 25 minutes) and Purple Heart. I looked on bf2s all last night and today and there is no listing for October 31st. WTF? Why did I spend all that time in that crappy spawn camping server to not have my awards carry over. October has 31 days.
Mine updated...
Ah well. Was more concerned about the antitank and other ribbon. Only stayed to finish round because it was a shoe in to get the purple heart with all the spawn campers
I usually check mine once a day, at noonish, to make sure everything has time to process. If I play at 8 PM, it'll most likely be in there by noon the next day.
Could the server you were on not be ranked?
Or it didn't report. Happens. For my last rank I got drum rolled 3 times before it stuck and I got my unlock