yeah... i think redistributive economics is still feasible before the dollar quite becomes a mugabe currency. 'because inflation' is a pretty strange justification for having one of the most unequal societies in the advanced world. norway sure is suffering. doesn't everyone there get a $20,000 a year handout as a share of the state's oil wealth?Jay wrote:
Any time more money is injected into the economy it's going to cause inflation. It's basic supply and demand. As people make more money, demand increases, driving up prices. It's why the $15/hr minimum wage that fast food workers were pushing for across the country is such a terrible idea. All they're going to get out of it, because they are still at the bottom, is increased housing and food costs which will completely erode their gains. Inflation is bad. To a mainstream Keynesian economist, it's a good thing because it erodes savings and forces people to spend, but to your average worker actually dealing with the consequences, it means your salary doesn't go as far as it once did.uziq wrote:
"taxed and dumped into the economy causing inflation". i don't know, increased tax revenues for public services, healthcare, free education, universal basic income sounds pretty good to me. hardly 'dumped'. a lot more productive than parking it in offshore accounts or keeping luxury yacht and tesla coupe production lines busy.
Last edited by uziq (2017-02-28 12:30:01)