Dilbert_X wrote:
Jay wrote:
Or he's a prolific judge that has been cited numerous times and he's incredibly dangerous to the left because his opinions will be very difficult to overturn.
If he's an impartial judge how would he be 'dangerous to the left'?
He's the GOP placeman and he and they know it. Endlessly blocking Obama's nomination was a cheap trick.
I hope putting up an obvious lying sleazebag backfires on them.
Frankly his face tells me everything I need to know.
The purpose of the Federalist Society is to restore the doctrine of Federalism to the country. This means that ultimately, power would devolve to the States at the expense of the Federal government because the Constitution limits the scope of the Federal governments power. Things like Chevron Deference, abortion and gay marriage etc. are in danger at the national level because they were decided by the Supreme Court rather than legislated in the Legislative Branch. To conservatives, this is called legislating from the bench and to conservative judges, it is an evil.
In sum, the left lost their collective fucking minds when Kennedy stepped down because he represented a tie-breaking vote as he tended to vote rather randomly for either liberal or conservatives. The court was essentially 4-4-1 with Kennedy as the tiebreaker. Now it will be 5-4 in the conservatives favor and they are terrified that everything they have advocated for over the past 85 years will evaporate. It didn't matter who the Republicans put up for this nomination, they would've gotten the same treatment. There were literally thousands of reporters digging into every last detail of his entire life looking for something, anything, that could be used to sink his nomination. Kavanaugh isn't uniquely bad by any stretch, he just had the misfortune of being nominated in a midterm election year when the Democrats are out for blood and we have hysterical activists screaming that anything Trump must be stopped By Any Means Necessary.
If I was the left, I would be terrified of his confirmation right now, because the way they treated him, if he's a normal human being, he'd be out for vengeance. I certainly would be.