SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


you can fly within california with weed now.  It's nice that the social stigma is decreasing, but pot-related DUIs are the new punishment for cops to dole out.
I am fine with that. I think there should be more breathalyzer checkpoints too.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2018-10-11 11:32:35)
I am all that is MOD!

As i get deeper into a management role, all the shitty things about being a manager are bubbling to the surface.  I actually like building performance-related metrics and defining roles and resetting org charts, etc., but right now I'm in this hole where I have to put someone on a performance improvement plan to track their deficiencies, set goals for them to reach regarding those deficiencies and spell out ways management (me, basically) will assist in their improvement.  The HR/people management part of being a manager is so shitty.  I wish someone had taught me that a huge part of being a manager is managing personalities, not job functions or workers.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Management would be easy if it were just a case of writing a plan, assigning tasks and resources and ticking them off as they're done.

My worst experience was probably getting a supervisor role, and discovering one of the people I was supervising desperately wanted the role, had written rambling ranting notes to HR about how he should have the role, and not getting it had played a part in triggering his divorce. Plus fielding calls from his ex-wife asking why he was working all hours and couldn't do his share of the child-minding when he was working the bare minimum.

I've had few good managers, and few who have had the energy to do the bare minimum of their job. I think I've written all but one of my appraisals, even then a manager called me up to ask me why I'd given myself a 5/5 when that was a drop-down box and the sole part of the process he had to complete himself, apart from hitting 'print'. Thats if they can even be bothered to pay lip service to the appraisal process at all.

Lately I've avoided management responsibility and gone down the technical expert route. Its a whole lot less hassle.

I have set myself a date to quit the current job, take a break and see whats next. I'm wholly unappreciated and my current manager is a spineless wimp. He dumped a load of old files on me, one of which was a memory stick containing notes of his personal thoughts during his divorce. I should have kept it I guess.

My working life really has been like a Dilbert cartoon. I think the pinnacle was being rejected for a job, getting a different job in the same company and my first placement being doing the job I'd been rejected for on behalf of the person who did get the job but was recognised as incompetent at it (she lied on her CV, but being a woman couldn't be fired). They did fly someone in from the US to try to teach her but all she would do was stand there for a few minutes, declare it was too difficult and walk off.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2018-12-06 03:40:33)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
where I have to put someone on a performance improvement plan to track their deficiencies, set goals for them to reach regarding those deficiencies and spell out ways management
Are your workers unionized or something? Is this just a way to have a paper trail to avoid wrongful termination lawsuits?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

where I have to put someone on a performance improvement plan to track their deficiencies, set goals for them to reach regarding those deficiencies and spell out ways management
Are your workers unionized or something? Is this just a way to have a paper trail to avoid wrongful termination lawsuits?
It's universal because of lawsuits. Everything needs a paper trail, especially if it's a woman or a minority.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England


As i get deeper into a management role, all the shitty things about being a manager are bubbling to the surface.  I actually like building performance-related metrics and defining roles and resetting org charts, etc., but right now I'm in this hole where I have to put someone on a performance improvement plan to track their deficiencies, set goals for them to reach regarding those deficiencies and spell out ways management (me, basically) will assist in their improvement.  The HR/people management part of being a manager is so shitty.  I wish someone had taught me that a huge part of being a manager is managing personalities, not job functions or workers.
75% of it is managing personalities and the rest is staying on top of stuff so it doesn't slip through the cracks.

My biggest pet peeve is when people are chronically late and they feed you excuses. I don't care that your dog died or you got a flat tire for the sixth time, tell me you overslept and I'll respect you more. I don't want to hear your stories.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

where I have to put someone on a performance improvement plan to track their deficiencies, set goals for them to reach regarding those deficiencies and spell out ways management
Are your workers unionized or something? Is this just a way to have a paper trail to avoid wrongful termination lawsuits?
It's universal because of lawsuits. Everything needs a paper trail, especially if it's a woman or a minority.
I read a story about how the Me too thing has led to women getting shut out of the financial services industry. It is easier to just not deal with women at all than to take the risk of a wrecked life.
I am all that is MOD!

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

where I have to put someone on a performance improvement plan to track their deficiencies, set goals for them to reach regarding those deficiencies and spell out ways management
Are your workers unionized or something? Is this just a way to have a paper trail to avoid wrongful termination lawsuits?
It's universal because of lawsuits. Everything needs a paper trail, especially if it's a woman or a minority.
It's standard for HR, but in this case it was because my bosses wanted me to fire her straight up and this is a way for me to help her salvage her job. I haven't always been her manager so we developed a friendship first, which obviously makes being her manager a lot harder.  The reality is that she isn't that great at her job but it's because her previous managers were not good either.  Part of the blame is on her work ethic/attitude, part of it is on the people who were responsible for her before.

Jay wrote:


As i get deeper into a management role, all the shitty things about being a manager are bubbling to the surface.  I actually like building performance-related metrics and defining roles and resetting org charts, etc., but right now I'm in this hole where I have to put someone on a performance improvement plan to track their deficiencies, set goals for them to reach regarding those deficiencies and spell out ways management (me, basically) will assist in their improvement.  The HR/people management part of being a manager is so shitty.  I wish someone had taught me that a huge part of being a manager is managing personalities, not job functions or workers.
75% of it is managing personalities and the rest is staying on top of stuff so it doesn't slip through the cracks.

My biggest pet peeve is when people are chronically late and they feed you excuses. I don't care that your dog died or you got a flat tire for the sixth time, tell me you overslept and I'll respect you more. I don't want to hear your stories.
Yeah i just nip that in the bud by telling my people to put in their 8 hours.  Obviously it's not a good look if they roll in at 10am, but as long as they are putting in 8 hours, i don't really care.

My biggest problem is that I expect my employees to be self-starters, proactive, etc.  I was coached early on by a few bosses that were consultants in a previous life, and that's more or less the model they use - you should be able to get whatever you need to done on your own, but if you need help you need to ask.  It was an adjustment for me at first (reaching out for help), and there's definitely a balance between your boss giving you enough information/support to do your tasks on your own and them just throwing you ambiguous tasks, but ultimately if someone asks me to perform a task and I don't have the resources to do it, I should be letting them know what I need.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX


My biggest problem is that I expect my employees to be self-starters, proactive, etc.
Hold on a minute, read what you just wrote.
If your employees were proactive self-starters they probably wouldn't be your employees would they, realistically? They'd be running their own businesses, doing consulting work, retired on a beach somewhere, anything but employees.

This I think is one of the biggest disconnects in management theory, hire ostriches on ostrich wages, give them the right KPIs and incentive scheme and they'll soar like eagles. The might learn to run a little quicker and occasionally hit a bump and sail through the air for a short distance but they're not going to fly. If they do they'll be off to a better job or their own business.

It frustrates me that production operators have so little ability and I have to hand-hold them through learning even the simplest thing - over and over again, but thats why they're production operators and thats the way it is.

Obviously there are shades of grey, there are conscientious employees who work hard and are good at their job.

For me I need a little more management than "here are your tasks - have you done them yet? how about now?" All work and no appreciation makes Dilbert a dull boy.
Fuck Israel
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England
I'm quickly approaching the point where I'll be making as much money doing my side consulting work as my base pay check, in half the hours... just a little longer...

Last edited by Jay (2018-12-07 03:12:37)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Robot is up and running, just finished the dust/sound-proof housing. I'm hoping this will give me just enough pocket money along with my investment income.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have been off of work since December 21st. We start classes again tomorrow. I am just not mentally prepared to have to start working again.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6101|Catherine Black
I got 24th, 25th off, then 28th and 29th

so fuck you really
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6936|Little Bentcock
I'm still on holidays
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6787|6 6 4 oh, I forget

In what sort of business are you working Ken?
I am all that is MOD!

Ultrafunkula wrote:

In what sort of business are you working Ken?
i work for a top 10 worldwide EMS supporting a few of their North American business units in SCM and S&OP.
Aye up duck!
+440|7022|England. Stoke


Ultrafunkula wrote:

In what sort of business are you working Ken?
i work for a top 10 worldwide EMS supporting a few of their North American business units in SCM and S&OP.
Thanks for clearing that up.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
He means he sucks dick up in San Fran
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX


Ultrafunkula wrote:

In what sort of business are you working Ken?
i work for a top 10 worldwide EMS supporting a few of their North American business units in SCM and S&OP.
If its SAP or VA please give me your home address so I can leave a present on your doorstep, or maybe in your bed.
Fuck Israel
I am all that is MOD!

Dilbert_X wrote:


Ultrafunkula wrote:

In what sort of business are you working Ken?
i work for a top 10 worldwide EMS supporting a few of their North American business units in SCM and S&OP.
If its SAP or VA please give me your home address so I can leave a present on your doorstep, or maybe in your bed.
Haha no.  Hardware, not software.

SAP is a terrible company.

for coke and macb

EMS = electronics manufacturing services
SCM = Supply Chain Management
S&OP = Sales and Operations Planning
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


Dilbert_X wrote:


i work for a top 10 worldwide EMS supporting a few of their North American business units in SCM and S&OP.
If its SAP or VA please give me your home address so I can leave a present on your doorstep, or maybe in your bed.
Haha no.  Hardware, not software.

SAP is a terrible company.

for coke and macb

EMS = electronics manufacturing services
SCM = Supply Chain Management
S&OP = Sales and Operations Planning
Sorry to be a downers but does this actually make you happy?

You seem like a smarter and more thoughtful person than to waste away moving electronic equipment the most efficient way. Have you considered healthcare or education or something?
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
We just upgraded to a new SAP variant. It's... different.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX


Dilbert_X wrote:


i work for a top 10 worldwide EMS supporting a few of their North American business units in SCM and S&OP.
If its SAP or VA please give me your home address so I can leave a present on your doorstep, or maybe in your bed.
Haha no.  Hardware, not software.

SAP is a terrible company.

for coke and macb

EMS = electronics manufacturing services
SCM = Supply Chain Management
S&OP = Sales and Operations Planning
EMS can also be Enterprise Management System.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

DesertFox- wrote:

We just upgraded to a new SAP variant. It's... different.
Thankfully I barely have to touch any of this crap, when I do its beyond horrible.
It doesn't help that the person who is responsible for it has some major head problem.

This is what a typical path to the files I need looks like

Marketing/Business Unit/Engineering/Published Customer Info Docs/Engineering/Internal Confidential Docs/Non-Engineering/Engineering Docs
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't want to be a teacher anymore. I want to be a dean of students. That way I don't have to do work at home and also have more authority over things. I definitely have the personality for it. People's drama and you know sadness doesn't bother me.

I am friends with the daughter of a dean of students and the craziness I hear about actually sounds interesting to see up close.

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