I don't at all agree with Dilbert but reading these posts it's as if Merkel never said 'die multikultur hat gescheitert' (multiculturalism has failed) - identity conservatism has gained enormous amounts of ground in the past 20 years. In the UK May and others in the conservative party interpreted Brexit as a vote against free movement of people, which by and large it was. Right nationalist parties are polling very well in many countries, in some countries such as Austria they're even the largest party / in government. Not to begin touching on prevailing sentiments in Eastern Europe.

I feel it's true that much of it stems from bigotry and all the worst parts of nationalism and entrenched identity politics, but it's more complicated as well. It's undeniable that the huge influx of low skilled immigration from specific regions has increased social tensions in terrible ways. We've constructed whole neighbourhoods home to middle eastern or north african immigrants on low wages, where crime statistics are higher and who live mostly in a parallel, separate cultural reality. The new residents might even bring with them practices, social norms or ties with the home country that are completely incompatible with western thinking. Despite being a progressive myself (it may be to uzi's surprise but I'm a registered and formerly active social liberal) it's painful to see. We shouldn't be blind to these facts, it seems to me that too often we ignore these sort of issues in favour for our own disconnected narrative focused on anything but migration. Doesn't help that progressives are overwhelmingly educated, well off and safely insulated from the social tensions along identity lines which exist in the poorer parts of cities.

The progressive left has also had a role to play in propelling reactionairies on the conservative right. Some strands of postmodernism and its offshoots seem to have provided unlimited ammo for factionalism into myriads of diverse identity groups most often defined only by racial background or sexuality, and with it endless debates on power structures and inequality. It questions the idea of community and one can wonder what an 'equal' society would actually looks like - that unspoken goal is never concretely envisioned. It's a relentless assault on the way things are, most often without self reflection, that seemingly knows no end.

The reactionism isn't strange. First, these developments directly contradict the tenets of nationalism, oneness and communality many people are raised with or have grown up with. Second, for people who grow up in small towns (like I did) where everyone looks the same and where conservative values are still very much alive, there's an almost incomprehensible strangeness to the metropolitan debates on sexual, racial or gender inequality. Anger as well, as these small towns have usually suffered a lot economically due to globalisation and are overwhelmingly white people who feel they have been left behind. Half a year ago I visited my town for the first time in what must've been 15 years or more and it struck me how everything still looked the same, how small the houses were, and how poor and depressing the place looked. I didn't realise these things when I was a kid, but my perspective has changed. I felt relieved and lucky that I left and had ample success in my life, and felt sorry for those who didn't and who stayed behind.

Edit: might be a bit of a ramble, it's hard doing this on my phone.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-02-12 03:58:04)

dilbert's version of 'multicultural' failure is directed at tony blair, apparently. that he wants to deport british asians to their 'place of origin' (where most of them have never been in their lives except for a vacation) tells you all you need to know about that rhetoric. say what you want about multiculturalism, but the last time rhetoric about sending blacks and asians home was used was during the break-up of the british empire. these are british or commonwealth citizens we're talking about, not migrant workers.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-12 04:07:30)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The context of immigration into each western country is different. You can't make broad proclamations about any of it.

As I said before, I am sympathetic to the "Europe for Europeans" line. For the U.S., Australia, and NZ, it's very different. Of course since I live in the U.S., I am not into the nativist movements here. I also believe our issues with immigration is so completely different than the European's issues that anyone looking to link them together is either a white supremacists or shut off their brain.
the problem with 'europe for europeans' is that half of europe is full of colonial subjects who have long since settled in the mother country. you can't really exploit -- and sometimes outright enslave -- someone for a few hundred years, extract all their wealth to build up all your own capitols, landed estates, grand country houses, and dynasties, and then tell them to fuck off back to the gutted third-world developing nation you left behind.

britain has a sizable 'windrush' population that came from the caribbean colonies and sugar plantations. the owners of those plantations were paid off in the thousands (now millions upon millions by today's money) for the loss of their enslaved workforce. the UK government created an entire class of idle, landed gentry with small fortunes because they were inconvenienced by abolitionism. many of those dynasties still own the best land, real estate and positions in UK society. meanwhile our home office are trying to deport windrush-generation people who have lived here in the country for 70 years. it's been a complete scandal. 'europe for europeans' is about as dumb as the generalizations you talk about, if not dumber because it's so pernicious.

merkel's crisis really heated up when she allowed in refugees from various crises and humanitarian disasters, anyway. this isn't about the migration of labour within europe, or about certain populations filling a gap in some advanced economy. there have been sizable ex-soviet and, for e.g., turkish populations in germany since the berlin wall came down.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-12 10:04:29)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Not to retread the debate about the different Muslim groups but Turks as a culture have a lot in common with European culture. Though that is a funny turn around from when the Turks were considered the menace of Europe a few hundred years ago. I don't expect Muslim Arabs to ever make that change over for reasons I won't go into.

I think the people who most support immigration and those who most oppose it make the same mistake of equating all immigrants with other immigrants. The liberals in the U.S. seem to think that there is a 1 to 1 equivalence between Muslim, Mexican, and East Asian immigrants though each group has unique challenges and benefits. And in trying to make sure that the feelings of the most challenged group isn't hurt they get all of the immigrants thrown under the bus.
invocations of the ottomans/turks is common in right-wing populist rhetoric in poland, hungary, etc. it's about as ridiculous as it seems. this whole 'clash of civilisations' rhetoric is lamentable, just as the 'great replacement theory' stuff is which started out in france and seemed to spread all over.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The families of three female high school runners filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday seeking to block transgender athletes in Connecticut from participating in girls sports.

Selina Soule, a senior at Glastonbury High School, Chelsea Mitchell, a senior at Canton High School and Alanna Smith, a sophomore at Danbury High School are represented by the conservative nonprofit organization Alliance Defending Freedom. They argue that allowing athletes with male anatomy to compete has deprived them of track titles and scholarship opportunities.

“Mentally and physically, we know the outcome before the race even starts,” said Smith, who is the daughter of former Major League pitcher Lee Smith. “That biological unfairness doesn’t go away because of what someone believes about gender identity. All girls deserve the chance to compete on a level playing field.”

The lawsuit centers on two transgender sprinters, Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood, who have frequently outperformed their cisgender competitors.

The two seniors have combined to win 15 girls state indoor or outdoor championship races since 2017, according to the lawsuit.
The Plaintiffs
the trannies on the left
clearly a woman according to Newbie
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
What do you have to say about this Newbie?! Ken, would you let her follow your beloved mother into the bathroom?! Uzi would you have sex with her if she was Muslim?!
it's definitely a valid debate in sports and athletics. not the same as legal recognition and basic rights though, is it? i can't quite get passionate or outraged about sporting rules and regulations.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
How is it a debate at all? This is the logical end result of letting these sick people refuse help?

I like how you apply double punctuation as if this were some big "gotcha" moment. Transgender issues are not a black and white matter. Sports should keep being looked at. I can't tell you to what exact extent, as it's a complex issue. I can tell you that there's nowhere for you to wedge your overall bigotry from this angle.

Is this sports thing at all relevant to people needing a place to pee, not being harassed by their communities, and not being turned out by their families? Being treat with basic decency?
I am all that is MOD!

newbie, these people are taking advantage of modern western liberalism. The exposure to hate, bigotry, and general social ostracism is a small price they pay for having high school women's track and field titles under their belts.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The two black adults are taking advantage of the system. Black people have no shame doing so.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

dilbert's version of 'multicultural' failure is directed at tony blair, apparently. that he wants to deport british asians to their 'place of origin' (where most of them have never been in their lives except for a vacation) tells you all you need to know about that rhetoric. say what you want about multiculturalism, but the last time rhetoric about sending blacks and asians home was used was during the break-up of the british empire. these are british or commonwealth citizens we're talking about, not migrant workers.
If foreign nationals commit serious crimes they should be deported, yes. Not much radical about this, thats  the status quo in most countries and has cross-party support in the UK.

People don't like to see minority groups and immigrants being pandered to, given special treatment and freedoms and allocated excess resources, not when the native population is feeling squeezed and marginalised. Its socially damaging and leads to trouble.
Refer to Larssen's "I'm not a racist but" post for further background.

Funny that you're now using Jay's argument - only people with kids, and postulated future kids at that, have a real stake in society and therefore have a valid opinion.
Fuck Israel
seeing as you 'couldn't be bothered' to find out if the grooming gangs in the north were 'foreign nationals', or, as is more likely, british-asians ...

larssen is from some working-class area in a place like belgium or the netherlands, i guess, two of the most racist places i have ever been to. i'm not surprised he has some unreconstructed red-neck beliefs.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Well, you couldn't be bothered either.
Seems to be a global thing
In December 2018, it transpired that adult migrant men were grooming[1] (i.e., raping and otherwise sexually abusing) girls under 15 years of age in Oulu, Finland. One victim ended up committing suicide. Police warned young girls and parents, while emphasizing that "not all people with foreign backgrounds are dishonest or criminals."[2] By mid-January 2019, the suspects numbered 16. In Finland, cabinet members broke the otherwise normal Finnish taboo about commenting about ongoing criminal investigations.[ … on_scandal

Recent immigrants or members of immigrant communities who have not assimilated and are more connected with Pakistan - no-one cares, or wants them here raping and murdering.

Of course, red-necks are bad, no-one should be more sneered at than rednecks.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-02-12 15:29:55)

Fuck Israel
i mean it's not like you couldn't find hundreds of articles with 'migrant' whites in the far-east, thailand, cambodia, vietnam, who are grooming girls and committing sexual offences. there is an entire clandestine industry, a semi-professional network, of rich white people, men of your age and station in life, who go to these places for illicit and underage sex.

i guess it must be cultural. they can never assimilate!

in all of the news reports and wikipedia articles i've just read on, for e.g. the rotherham ring, they are referred to as 'british-asians', i.e.  british citizens. they are not migrants coming over here and raping people. they were born here. again, your whole 'send them home' rhetoric is just knee-jerk racist reaction.

this is what you mean when you say 'multiculturalism has failed'. just call it for what it is. simple islamaphobia.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
White males abusing children in Cambodia get jailed and deported, there's nothing controversial about this.

The idea of jailing and deporting brown males who abuse children in England apparently triggers every woke response available.
Blah blah racists blah blah stupid rednecks blah blah little englanders blah blah unreconstructed blah blah not progressive blah blah grand country houses blah blah neo-nazis blah blah

Why would 'British-Asians' born in the UK take dual nationality?
Seems strange.

I have dual nationality, if I commit a serious offence its possible I could be deported. If I renounce my UK citizenship beforehand that couldn't happen.
The choice is mine, keep my nose clean or decide where I want to live.

Non-assimilated communities with alien religions and alien cultural practices are socially bad, they irritate the community at large, more so when they're organised into large gangs to commit crimes against the locals.
Not everyone enjoys multiculturalism, or identity politics, enough people have said its a failure.

Anyway, have fun with the fruits of multiculturalism ie Brexit.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-02-12 17:10:56)

Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Note carefully, this is what hate-filled neo-nazi cisgendered fascists look like.

In the future you should be able to spot them quite easily.
Fuck Israel
are the white people cambodian citizens?

what is so difficult to understand? british-asians have been here for generations at this point. since the 60s/70s, in many cases. do you really think a bunch of 20-year-old groomers are fresh off the plane from islamabad? do you have any idea how hard it is to get british citizenship now?

all the news reports refer to them as british citizens. you can’t deport someone to a country they’ve never been. only a small minority of cases have dual citizenship involved where it’s even a legal option.

you see brown people and go ‘we’ve had our brexit, time to send them home’. lmao. they’re as british as you or me. this seems to be a fundamental thing you’re not getting.

also you’re a complete fucking baby to use transgender athletics as some pity-me routine. no one is accusing you of being a neo-nazi because you raise an eyebrow at stories of women’s athletics. it’s clearly an issue in sports. rules are going to have to be made or altered. it’s undeniable. but how is it even on the same fucking order as you denying these people legal equality, or likening them to pedophiles or beastiality practicers? get a GRIP ffs, you’re a grown man.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Again, if they're British why have they taken foreign citizenship?

As far as I can see a good proportion of these asian rape gangs, >50%, were born abroad, in the Oulo case it was >>50% "There were now 29 suspects, of whom about 20 were "men of foreign background."".

What exactly is controversial about deporting them?

Feel free to trace the citizen status of everyone involved. … on_scandal … abuse_ring … abuse_ring … oming_gang … abuse_ring … abuse_ring … abuse_ring … abuse_ring … abuse_ring … abuse_ring

British Asians (also referred to as South Asians in the United Kingdom, Asian British people or Asian Britons) are persons of predominantly South Asian descent, and sometimes West Asian[2] and East Asian[3] descent, who reside in the United Kingdom.
Doesn't necessarily mean citizen.
Fuck Israel
the very same article uses citizenship interchangeably with ‘british-asian’, derp.

i’m going to go with the home office on this one, sorry.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
You do whatever you like, the nation is not with you.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

Again, if they're British why have they taken foreign citizenship?

As far as I can see a good proportion of these asian rape gangs, >50%, were born abroad, in the Oulo case it was >>50% "There were now 29 suspects, of whom about 20 were "men of foreign background."".

What exactly is controversial about deporting them?

Feel free to trace the citizen status of everyone involved. … on_scandal … abuse_ring … abuse_ring … oming_gang … abuse_ring … abuse_ring … abuse_ring … abuse_ring … abuse_ring … abuse_ring

British Asians (also referred to as South Asians in the United Kingdom, Asian British people or Asian Britons) are persons of predominantly South Asian descent, and sometimes West Asian[2] and East Asian[3] descent, who reside in the United Kingdom.
Doesn't necessarily mean citizen.
I skimmed the links and it looks like every time the police found a Muslim gang pimping girls they gave the whole thing a fancy name and wiki article.

Men pimping women is a thing all over the world. Second oldest profession? Which is more likely: The U.S. has no gangs that pimp girls or that our media doesn't exaggerate these things?

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-02-13 05:30:25)

Dilbert_X wrote:

You do whatever you like, the nation is not with you.
evidently you don’t know how the first past the post system works, or choose to overlook it in your zeal.

and it’s a bit of a stretch to assume that the people who did vote tory are all as batshit crazy when it comes to ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘muslamics’.

you haven’t lived here for 20 years yet apparently you’ve got a perfectly calibrated barometer.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-13 08:23:34)

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