it's an affront to intelligence that your national leader asks shit of his top scientific advisors like 'and we can't use the flu vaccine?' like how much does trump seriously, fundamentally under-estimate (or rather not grasp at all) how complex and deep these subjects are? oh, yeah, just stick any old vaccine in someone's arm and see it it helps! it's like a grade school understanding of the world. he has absolutely no notion at all that there is a world out there of nuanced, complex problems requiring serious, patiently researched solutions. trump is still in a baby's oral fixation stage of arrested development. his whole life he has seen something, reached out, and grabbed it (by the teet or by the pussy). he's never had to actually intellectually reckon with a world out there. as a consequence, he can only interpret this crisis as a narcissist, that is, as a personal insult and a damage to his reputation/re-election prospects.

utterly terrifying.

it reminds me of this video where a top intel briefer basically said, being extremely polite and euphemistic, that he is unique among presidents in that he 'lacks the context' to evaluate ordinary intel. what that means is that he's fucking stupid and couldn't point to syria on a map, let alone grasp the political situation there. what that means, effectively, is that a cadre of diplomatic and intelligence workers are taking their dossiers-full of research and being greeted with things like 'why can't we just nuke them?' or 'let's take him out' or 'why are we even paying for this?'

you get the leaders you deserve.

Last edited by uziq (2020-03-23 05:28:22)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think a lifetime of living in luxury and freedom from consequences has stolen Trump's ability to think about how things affect other people. If you can't comprehend that other people have feelings, thoughts, dreams, fears etc. like you do, you can't meaningfully engage with their problems. A lot of rich people have this empathy gap. 

"Just nuke them" reminds me of the post-9/11 years. Soft Americans really struggled to understand that people would be willing to die in order to make a political point. The fact that that point was so tied up in religion and race made it even harder for people to figure out. And 20 years later the underlining issues remain unresolved. Another example would be how the leaders of France and the U.K. misunderstood Hitler and Benito M.'s intentions before World War 2. The aristocrats, businessmen, and career politicians that made up the leadership of both countries didn't seem to comprehend that the volunteer soldier leaders of Germany and to a lesser extent Italy were not afraid of fighting another war if they thought they had a chance to win it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I just want to say thank God with didn't put that bitch Hillary Clinton in the White House.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I think Corbyn would have been even worse than Johnson, he'd still be dithering about who to put on the committee to investigate how the LGBTIQWX community's needs would be impacted by 10% of the population dying.
"Well we'd better have a black, obviously a gay and a lesbian, someone from the TGWU, a jew to stave off the anti-semitism, maybe some refugees, what about an albino?"
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I doubt he would have done anything for the Jews.

Dilbert_X wrote:

I think Corbyn would have been even worse than Johnson, he'd still be dithering about who to put on the committee to investigate how the LGBTIQWX community's needs would be impacted by 10% of the population dying.
"Well we'd better have a black, obviously a gay and a lesbian, someone from the TGWU, a jew to stave off the anti-semitism, maybe some refugees, what about an albino?"
corbyn's branch of the left aren't really concerned with identity politics at all. i thought supporting the oppressed, chiefly the palestinians, was right up your street? aren't you a paying subscriber to the palestine cause?

the caricature of the left being obsessed with identity politics is a bit of a canard. it's the liberal-centrist left that want to bang identitarian drums and politely reshuffle things, appoint decent committees, etc. corbyn is an old fashioned 1970s leftist (and therein lies his weakness, as opposed to being some modern 'woke' politician). he's more concerned about cuba and venezuela than trans rights. an old fire and brimstone bennite.

funny how you play on images of dead palestinians when it helps your anti-semitism, but then when you want to snipe at a politician who has done more than any other UK politician for the palestinians, you accuse him of wishy-washy 'woke' leftist opinions. lol i guess it turns out you're just a performative palestine sympathizer and an anti-semite weasel. who would have guessed! you'll be talking about the plight of muslim women next.

Last edited by uziq (2020-03-24 06:45:16)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, an irrelevant backbencher in opposition has done a great deal for the palestinians, what does that have to do with the discussion?

Strange that when jews are legitimately criticised they complain of 'vicious vilification' and invoke anti-semitism and the holocaust, its almost as if its and unthinking knee-jerk reaction to everything.
Now NYC has by far the highest level of infection in the US, clearly the gypsy's warning of the measles epidemic didn't work.
Fuck Israel
yes, the spread of coronavirus in italy is because of catholicism, and the prevalance of it in new york is because of the hasidim.

very rational thinking dilbert.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Two groups which refused to comply with anti-contagion practices citing 'god', its certainly the case that a Korean cult caused it to explode there.
Probably their weird practices spread it well before anyone was aware though - maybe there should be a clampdown on weird practices.

Maybe their selfish dishonesty will be the end of them. … in-israel/

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-03-24 15:35:06)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
We are all very lucky this crisis happened under a Trump presidency instead of a Clinton one.

Congressional Democrats are willing to pass whatever economic relief bill Trump will sign. Republicans are also a little more willing to go along with measures to flatten the curve if Trump is saying it. If Clinton was president, Congressional Republicans wouldn't pass any economic relief bills since they will not want to spend the money and the crisis isn't real. They would either call the whole thing a hoax to take away their guns and the Constitution and/or a virus created by Democrats to kill old people to save the welfare state and pass socialized healthcare.

Search your feeling. You know I am right.

One of the most absurd things that can come from this president is him trying to sound "all hard and stuff" about the big bad world. Then the next day he'll throw a towering tantrum if Fox News stops mollycoddling him for half a femtosecond.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I know it is cliched but I have heard people say that Trump's supporters see him in a totally different way than other people. "Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man. A weak man's idea of a strong man. A dumb man's idea of a smart man". His tough guy routine is very appealing to the crowd who drinks Budweiser and watches pro-wrestling.
trump is the prolapsed anus of democracy and his baboon followers take the glowing red entrails as some sort of special social signalling.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
So Bernie just dropped out
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Should have did it before getting all of those Wisconsin Democrats exposed to Wuhan Flu yesterday.

He has always been a selfish (Jewish) man.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
I can't say I'm enthused for the smug, backhanded attempts at "coalition building" from capital-D Democrats in the coming weeks. Our best shot at getting Trump out of office is now the guy who's like 75% likely to challenge him to a pushup contest on the debate stage. Hopefully soon they can get the print shops working on Obama-esque posters with "nothing will fundamentally change" slogans. He still just has to somehow win, though.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
who the F uses facebook in 2020.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I use facebook in 2020 but I can't read Jay's link because its from some private group.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

DesertFox- wrote:

I can't say I'm enthused for the smug, backhanded attempts at "coalition building" from capital-D Democrats in the coming weeks.
The Democrats are becoming like that annoying aunt who starts dropping hints in June that they're free for Christmas Lunch.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
First confirmed case of Zombies in Finland
Go Cougs!
+695|6604|Washington St.
Covid-19 related births net +1 over deaths.

Wait until 9 months from now, that number will be quite a bit lower (in the deaths column, higher in the births column)
whilst it's true that plenty of people stuck inside are going to start getting frisky, i think it's safe to assume the covid-19 balance sheet will be a massive loss.
Go Cougs!
+695|6604|Washington St.
True, but hopefully the "new" deaths will be far in the negative.

I'm not sure what time frame they're using, probably 24hr?

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