Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON

I was wondering why no one ever mentions anything about accuracy as it is a demonstration of both skill, efficiency, and patience.

Low accuracy (< 25 %) means that one needs improvement in aiming, ammo conservation, and a more cooler attitude in heavy gun battles.

High accuracy means (> 25 %) that one has excellent aiming, efficiency, and is able to remain calm in a gunfight.

Another reason is that accuracy is the only (IMHO) REAL measurable performance indicator in this game for the following reasons:

-Kills = time-based, not a skill indicator
-Teamwork = somewhat time-based, a poor skill indicator
-Wins:Loss = Poor skill indicator due to game mechanics. When one joins the game and it ends in 1 min with you losing/winning.  Another bad side is that a amateur player can be on a winning team without actually doing much.
-K ratio = Not a skill indicator, can be easily padded with high player/urban map spawn-camp style playing.
-Average kills = Decent skill indicator, not really much bad sides I can think of.
-Score per Minute = Poor skill indicator, see K ratio
-Awards/Ranks = Poor-Decent skill indicator (Poor for the time-based awards, Decent for the awards such as War College which is not the same as Wins:Loss indicator since this is an extreme case of wins versus losses)
-Accuracy = A true skill indicator, bad side is that there can be workarounds to improve accuracy illegitmately such as cheats, and stat padding.

Not to sound boastful or anything but I believe my accuracy to be one of the best for most weapons (Shotgun, Knife, Sniper Rifle) and fairly good for everything else (overall 35%).
Alpha as fuck.
Bringing Sexy Back
Doesn't really matter tbh and it could be padded if people wanted to but when i think about all the times i've just been messin about and emptied clips into shit knowing it will have no effect but to annoy somebody in armour or make noises on the walls with the knife etc. I disagree and put forward to you that you are only saying this because you beleive yourself to have a good accuracy.
i agree with milk.org

people take this game seriously far to seriously

its a game...


and your just being big headed mate

no offence but you are
Insert witty comment here
+3|7071|Brixham, UK
I disagree - with a lot of guns you cant help missing shots.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
Sorry if I sounded boastful (still proud of 35% though).  To be brutally honest though, I still suck in the everything else department, accuracy is the only thing I have going.
Alpha as fuck.
+31|7071|Vienna, Austria
'cause there are those "Ammo, right here!"-guys

Btw... I don't think that accuracy says much about how cool a player keeps in battle... for example, a guy who likes to use the m249 always has a low accuracy because this is how the gun is... man... it's a machinegun... there's a reason why it has such a large amount of ammo...
Another thing is distance... I'm a player who likes to shoot a long range while using my G36C. Not matter how much time I spend on aiming, many shots won't hit just because the gun just doesn't have that pinpoint accuracy...
My overall acc is somewher around 23% at the moment as far as I know... so in your opinion, I'm just too nervous? Hmmm... I'm at least cool enough to use the carabine semi auto in CQB...

Last edited by Vintageologist (2005-11-01 13:51:25)

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
Alpha as fuck.
Bringing Sexy Back
Looking at you stats and showing your a sniper helps accuracy I see i'm sure if I wanted a good accuracy % I could play lone wolf for 108 hours as you have to improve this, no thanks i'd rather be in the thick of it helping my team bustin their ass to get a flag firing off numerous rounds from a rifle trying to make the enemy think twice about poppin their canisters round the corner. Although contradictory to this comment I have been known to be flying the jets this last week since I bought a new joystick .
yeah sorry if my comment sounded bitchy...

i just re read it

but 35 is pretty good

highest ive seen

and who needs patience if you can run around having fun???

imo accuracy is a poor measure, for example, in CS i only used to shoot on site, and my accuracy was generally >35% .

However, I use alot more bullets in BF2 than in CS, even if I dont see an enemy, I will often shoot just for cover, or for whatever reason.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
I still can't fly (though I'm using a mouse and kb) and I switch DPI to 1600 when I get in aircraft to make the turns sharper. I still can't escape AA missiles though, I have to play around with those Pitch and Yaw factors whatever they mean.
Alpha as fuck.
Accuracy is important in some aspects, but there are situations where you have to put accuracy aside such as laying down some suppressive fire as a support troop.  That being the case, I think the overall measure of how good a player is should probably come from a combination of stats, in which some might have more of a weight than others.
Paper Is My Hobbyhorse
I never cared about accuracy and never will. In a game like BF2, it's the most useless stat of all and you won't have much fun when you're always trying to keep the % high.
+20|7151|government yard in trenchtown.
You snipe with M24.. and then call yourself the accuracy master?

I respect way more the people who use Assault Rifles or Shotgun alot but still have an average accuracy of 25+.
because if ppl really cared then it woudl be people liek my dad who like to sit around as a sniper all day and wait for ppl to walk by cuz their scared to get into the real battle
One Shot, One Kill
+4|7107|Canberra, Australia
Yeah lets face it, if you are using the mini gun or AA or a mounted machine gun on a tank you are going to miss more than you hit.. therefore you accuracy will not be high.

Maybe you accuracy is great because you aren't willing to play "outside the box"

Stop worrying about stats and have some fun...

Or if you want cool stats I would love for you to have 100% on defib
+1|7145|Christchurch, New Zealand

Kloczko979 wrote:

because if ppl really cared then it woudl be people liek my dad who like to sit around as a sniper all day and wait for ppl to walk by cuz their scared to get into the real battle
Snipers are ment to hide and be consealed, not run round and kill people from 2 metres away. Thats how a sniper works
I can't be the only one that unloads full magazines into vehicles just to see how many it take to blow it up.
+20|7151|government yard in trenchtown.

IronGeek wrote:

Yeah lets face it, if you are using the mini gun or AA or a mounted machine gun on a tank you are going to miss more than you hit.. therefore you accuracy will not be high.

Maybe you accuracy is great because you aren't willing to play "outside the box"

Stop worrying about stats and have some fun...

Or if you want cool stats I would love for you to have 100% on defib
Accuracies don't include hits and misses with vehicles.. otherwise it would be completely different.
And the vehicle hits & misses would be too hard to calculate for EA/Dice
One Shot, One Kill
+4|7107|Canberra, Australia
Oh I must just be shit then

Oh well my bad.....
Accuracy is not a good skill indicator. I play alot with a PKM, and you get maybe 15-17% accuracy on that fella, no matter how good you are. I can kick some ass with a G3C6, but usually at the sort of range where you just can't get high accuracy because of the gun. I can stay cool in a battle and fight semi-auto, keeping the cursor centered the whole time, but still miss quite alot due to the inaccuracies of the weapons. IMO, there is no skill indicator. Play a few rounds with a guy if you want to see how good he is.
Get C4, here!

Nyte wrote:


I was wondering why no one ever mentions anything about accuracy as it is a demonstration of both skill, efficiency, and patience.

Low accuracy (< 25 %) means that one needs improvement in aiming, ammo conservation, and a more cooler attitude in heavy gun battles.

High accuracy means (> 25 %) that one has excellent aiming, efficiency, and is able to remain calm in a gunfight.
-suppressive god damn fire-
I don't care who you are, you won't stick your head out of the hole when there's 500 lbs of lead flying around.  I don't need improvement on aiming, I aim just fine.  The game's 'random deviation' system ensures that I don't hit the target despite the fact I'm aiming just fine.
Your system is flawed, especially for a game like this

-oh, and LMG gunners will be completely screwed over.
--heh I just remembered a scene from band of brothers... where they're attacking this small town, and the american troops have brittish tank support.  The americans see an enemy tank set up for an ambush, and the americans warn the brits saying, "just put a few rounds through that building, and you'll see him just fine!".  The brits refuse and get their butts blown up real quick-like.   Moral of the story is: 'spraying and praying' works in some cases, and ammo conservation is for chumps when spraying might save your life

Last edited by beeng (2005-11-01 15:01:08)

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
750 kills with Shotgun accuracy of 24%

M95 is very underrated in this game, it takes care of Black Hawk pilots and MEC Chopper gunners.

Did you also know that 10 hits with the M95 to ANY chopper will light it on fire? Great for making choppers run back and reload so just remember that even if you miss the pilot or gunner, you still put a nice hole into that slick.

(10 hits will also light a heavy vehicle on fire and 7 hits will light a buggy on fire).
Alpha as fuck.

Nyte wrote:

Sorry if I sounded boastful (still proud of 35% though).  To be brutally honest though, I still suck in the everything else department, accuracy is the only thing I have going.
wow ur a sniper, no wonder, u say someone is skillfull if theyre >25%, yet u dont factor in machine guns, like the rpk and mounted, and helicopter machine gun, etc.

yet ur a sniper, one, two? shots to kill a guy, so u forgot to put that sniping will get u better accuracy pecentages!!!
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
I don't know if the chopper mounted guns actually factors accuracy, but the support guns still should be used in a bursty manner, those leaderboard support guys have around 25% accuracy with those guns (one of them has a 33% wow, he was rank 47 last I checked, don't know name though).

But yes you are right, I should have been a bit more detailed sorry, so maybe something like this:

LMG's 20% +
Sniper 50% +
Knives 25% +
Shotguns 15% +
Submachine Guns 20% +
Pistols 20% +
AT/AA 60% +
Explosives 30% +
Defibrilator Revive 70% +
Defibrilator Killing 20% +
Grenade Launcher 50% +
Carbines 25% +
Grenades N/A (Too random)

These are pretty decent numbers IMO.
Alpha as fuck.

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