OK, so this has been buzzing for a bit now:
via imgur, see comments. also on other social medias.
facebook ads, trump |
facebook ads, penceThe Similarity:

Although contextual (example from redbubble):
Antifascist Red Triangles (antifa left symbol) Sticker
Designed by reydefine … 1729.EJUG5Who also has them in pink.
So I don't think it's the Trump team intentionally aligning his campaign with the Final Solution. But it's probably ill thought to just slap that logo on a Trump ad, considering the president's soft spot for strong man dictators, his threats of violence against American citizens, and the continued lumping of many political ideologies under a convenient, phantom "antifa organization" umbrella.
I'm probably going to get a few FWs on this today.
Moving on, Mattis earlier:
Trump's Ex-Defense Secretary Breaks Silence — Likening President to Nazi Divide-and-Conquer Strategy 6/4 … is-speaks/"Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people," retired Gen. James Mattis saidA number of Trump supporters I know recognize this, but admire the president for it.
Spooky stuff.