Okay listen, there are some hindu populations in mainly the carribean, guyana and suriname and you can see the genetic influence there as well but they're nowhere near mexico. Your average juan isn't interchangeable with a guy from bombay. Indians also do not look like aztecs. There's people in colombia that look asian, in argentina and brazil some are whiter than me, in peru it's many inca/native, in mexico strong mestizo mix. I've been around the world a couple times macbeth and interacted with many people of all sorts of backgrounds. From shona, yazidi, rohingya, hui to afro-brazilians etc. I'm fairly confident in my assessment that these guys were indeed indian. Also, if you're in a place long enough you start seeing some recurring face/body types in the population. Generally speaking, not a rule. Not all africans look the same, and in China different provinces have different Chinese etc.
Also to me mexicans don't look like arabs at all. A saudi or iraqi man has a very different build/face to a mexican. They're all shades of brown if that's what we're talking about.
Last edited by Larssen (2020-07-06 16:38:51)