the american electoral system has hard limits on a president's term. how many times has putin rewritten the rules or used a loophole to retain power?
the american electoral system is a two-party system, yes. that has its own intrinsic problems. but russia isn't even a two-party system: there is no viable opposition. putin controls the media, he controls the press, and his opponents frequently end up dead or harrassed by the police/intelligence services. and you applaud it and encourage it. how is that remotely comparable?
the current race is too close to call. 150 million people all over a large federal republic have cast a vote and the system is being tested to its fine limits at choosing a proportionate, representative 'winner'. when's the last time anything like that happened in russia? putin got 75% of the vote in the last election, with almost zero effort, zero opposition, zero media scrutiny or calls for transparency. sealed deal. not even a hope for any change to the status quo. and you want to point and laugh at america's system?
i know russians are dealing with years of acquired/learned helplessness. it's a collective pathology. you do have my sympathies. but the american system is not comparable to the russian system, no matter how much you want it to be as shit, corrupt, and hopeless. you'll just have to keep on throwing shells from the peanut gallery and cynically applauding fascism in your own country. seems to be the best and only strategy left for you.