
Shahter wrote:

uziq wrote:

the american electoral system has hard limits on a president's term.
why's that important?

how many times has putin rewritten the rules or used a loophole to retain power?
one does not hold or retain power - power is something invested into one by others. putin is there because russian capitalist elites want him to be there and they manage to convince russian population to validate their choice every time. they could well be rotating talking heads in kremlin they just don't. either way, no "democratic process" of any king has ever been employed in this shit by any capitalist state - not in russia, not in the west, nowhere.

<ere be fairytales, condescending bullshit and putting words in other's mouth>
whatever, man.
how do you divide putin from 'russian capitalist elites', given that he is closely networked with them and has, indeed, brought the oligarchs mostly to heel earlier in the days of his presidency? didn't putin spend half his time going after oligarchs in places like the UK and elsewhere and chasing down threats/rivals? how do you make out that putin is a 'puppet' of some wider elite, when he's already one of the richest men in russia, in economic terms? putin IS power in russia. stop confabulating and making too fine distinctions.

you're very good at convincing yourself you have some higher plane of understanding, but to me you look like another fool with a 19th century vocabulary and framework who is waiting for his marxian-messianic moment. any minute now time will be sundered in two and you'll be delivered from these dark, shadowy capitalists! don't worry! He will return for his People!

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-04 03:37:38)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It looks like the whole thing is going to come down to mail in votes in a handful of states. This is an awful outcome. Both parties improved their vote share by the millions. As of right now Biden has 50.1% of the popular vote compared to 48% for Trump.

On the good side, if the whole thing comes down to mail in votes at least Trump didn't win outright tonight and cannot make a strong case for going by tonight's count instead of mail in votes. Apparently mail in votes are still showing up in the rust belt and Trump's lead there is shrinking or reversed. Wisconsin now has Biden in the lead. Arizona and possibly Georgia defected from Republican control which is significant.

On other fronts, NJ, Arizona, and South Dakota all legalized marijuana. A bunch of states decriminalized shrooms. (???). Florida which voted for Trump passed a $15 minimum wage. Why these republican states voted for democrat measures and Trump at the same time? Identity politics and ignorance regarding what the parties represent. But what can you do about it? I am particularly angry at the Hispanics who voted for Trump. That's real uncle tom stuff.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Yea Trump voters are already talking about thousands of mail-in ballots that just 'happened' to be found and were of course all Biden votes.
this is really the worst possible outcome, real disaster movie stuff.

trump will take it to the supreme court and his new whipping dog will get him re-elected.

ooooh what a timeline!
It's illuminating but it just goes to show that the issues in american society are structural in nature. Trump being both a symptom and catalyst for those issues. Whether he wins or loses, it's doubtful the society will somehow move forward and heal, as though awakening from a bad dream. What seems more likely is that things will progressively get worse as the economic situation worsens, structural inequalities remain unaddressed, and ever more processes of alienation, othering, demonisation spring up. The society is stuck in a vicious cycle in which a continuation of the current dialogue only reinforces and widens divides, with a risk that they become permanent if things escalate into violence.

Which is, given Trump's fanatical base and his clear undermining of the democracy, a real possibility I'm afraid.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-11-04 06:02:45)

i mean, anyone hoping for a sudden restoration to the status quo ante or to ‘wake up from the nightmare’ was incredibly naive, anyway. those trumpers weren’t going to dissolve overnight and go back to gary, indiana or whatever to resume quiet and unassuming lives of drudgery.

the republicans have the senate by the looks of it so the next 4 years are going to be the same shitshow of deadlock and inaction.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Trump's improvement with minorities throws cold water on the idea that demographic change will result in permanent structural electoral shifts to democrats. I saw masses of Hispanics on T.V. in Florida holding up Trump flags, and signs. I am apoplectic about that. It's just like the small town whites who think GOP economic policy has their best interest in mind. But I guess that sort of stupidity cuts across all groups.

I think that there is still a strong possibility that Trump's popularity doesn't signal broad support for Republicanism among all Americans. The GOP's success under his leadership could just be due to Trump being a T.V. man who doesn't act like a normal politician. I could see a boring old republican like Tom Cotton getting obliterated by Mayor Pete-AOC 2024.
everything i'm reading says that the 'scary socialist joe biden' stuff played right into the sentiments of cubans in miami-dade. i mean, as a very local and specific example, that makes some sense, even if it is completely overblown.
i do think biden will pull ahead and win on these postal votes. we've seen enough proof as it is that republicans are largely the party of covid-denialism and overwhelmingly prefer to vote in person compared to the democrats.

the problem is that trump has already announced his victory, already claimed several states that haven't completed postal counting, and has already mobilised lawyers. you're going to get stuck in a lawsuit quagmire unless biden takes 2/3 states with pretty resounding numbers.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-04 06:41:57)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

everything i'm reading says that the 'scary socialist joe biden' stuff played right into the sentiments of cubans in miami-dade. i mean, as a very local and specific example, that makes some sense, even if it is completely overblown.
It's still very stupid even if personal paranoia regarding socialism is warranted. Biden beat the socialist in the primary and leftist are very open regarding their disappointment regarding Biden's moderation. Cubans are no more justified being afraid of a Biden socialist project than an hillbilly whose family has lived in Appalachia so long they don't know where their ancestry comes from.
i agree, but lots of groups vote on highly emotively charged and irrational reasons, democrats too. plus we all know what sort of supercharging or echo chamber effect these media bubbles can have, etc. a lot of trumpers think seriously that biden has been dragged far to the left by sanders and co. whether or not that’s demonstrably true or not: well, most voters in any given election are not going to have taken the time to really do their politics homework.

it’s the highest turnout in a century so i guess what comes with that is a lot of borderline or liminal voters who’d normally be too apathetic to vote at all. can’t really hope for them to have an in-depth knowledge of things. that doesn’t make me happy to write.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-04 07:02:43)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I agree that there is a lot of emotionalism wrapped up on both sides. I find allusions to the Handmaid's Tale that liberal women make and dress up for fucking weird. I also don't think Trump is an aspiring Hitler since he seems to have backed off from a lot of his early race baiting. The man just mostly wants to loot the treasury and who can blame him? The mistake be probably made early in his presidency was appointing so many Republican party members who were interested in fulfilling Republican small government goals instead of people who could convince Trump that he could more effectively loot the treasury if he decided to just pass whatever welfare/entitlement people even the ones who voted for him genuinely want.

More silver lining: The turnout for the election is really a good sign overall. Early voting and mail in voting did pretty well all things considered. Mass democracy sometimes doesn't go how you perfectly want it to but if you believe that voting and engagement with democrat systems increases people's invest in the state/system then great? I am going to spend a lot of time ruminating about the treacherous Floridian/Texan Hispanic vote in the coming days but I guess if I genuinely believe in the assimilationist ideas I post here then it is a great sign that the "white party" is now knowingly dependent on Hispanic votes to hold it together in the south.
biden wins wisconsin by 20,000 votes.

could be the state that the lawyers seize on if things don't go trump's way. that's an incredibly slim margin.

have to wonder what things like kenosha's riots/killings had to do with this result.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-04 08:44:11)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
all the republicans for biden signs i saw there were fake news
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It is possible we are the fake news. We might not even truly exist at all.
trump is literally complaining that they are counting votes. i mean how much more transparent and shameless can you be? yes, donald, americans have submitted their votes in the mail, as is legal, and those votes are being counted. what a baby.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"Armed Trump Supporter Arrested In Charlotte North Carolina For Tresspassing" … tte_north/

Can you imagine getting a trespassing charge and international infamy over a state that Trump won easily? It's also a big bitch move to try to talk your way out of an arrest as they are leading you away. And those types of beards are very gay.

A triple cucking. The most cucked man in America.
I am all that is MOD!

As of right now Trump has received 4.6 million more votes this time than last election. I'm at a loss for words.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


As of right now Trump has received 4.6 million more votes this time than last election. I'm at a loss for words.
A lot of Americans stared into the abyss and liked what they saw.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
we shouldn't have shut down
Whilst in the past there were foreign enemies and wars often providing some binding fabric and sense of shared purpose, as soon as the reflection turns inwards the country appears to be destroying itself. A narrative of being beleaguered from outside is now one of mortal enemies on the inside - the bald eagle returning to its nest to eat the chicks. Being brutally honest I don't think those states can remain united until the end of the century, you all had a good run I suppose.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-11-04 13:25:41)

it all depends how well they manage their decline. america needs to look at the next century as the old imperial european powers looked at the 20th. it's one of slowly winding down, not gearing up. pax americana is over. if they keep pursuing the idea of unchallenged global eminence, they are either going to butt heads with other rising superpowers or continue throwing their democracy on a bonfire.

i don't think this is anything quite so disastrous for america. trump can be understood within a 20-year bracket under 'the 2008 financial crash'. it was a shock to the global economic system that came at the same time as the rise of china, a timely reminder that america's boom and busts aren't any longer the booms and busts of the world. in the great depression era one could say 'if america sneezes, the world catches a cold', but honestly, in the next 100 years many other large states like china will gain something like self-sufficiency. america needs to adjust to that.

the trump era will end and america can stuck into being a slightly weird, inbred, religious cousin of europe. it's more 'out there' states can become quaint, like belgium, or liechenstein.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
America can stay united in a shared senses of Christian heritage. Islam can be our eternal enemy.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
In other news, Michigan has now defected to Biden along with Wisconsin this morning. This puts Biden at 253 He needs 17. If he wins just Nevada (6) and Arizona (11) which he is ahead in both he has 270. If he win PA (20) he doesn't need either. GA is 16 and North Carolina is 15. So one of those plus Nevada or Arizona clinches it too.

The mail in ballots are still being counted in GA, PA, and NC. Trumps lead in all of them is shrinking with good amounts of mail in ballots still to be counted. The percentages of mail in voters voting for Biden in every state is larger than the percentage of in person voting for Trump. PA is the state most likely to flip to it seems. 78% of mail in votes are for Biden with 15% of the vote still to go.
yep, this seemed the likely outcome. what's impressive is how ferocious trump's team and family have taken to the public channels to dispute this.

everyone knew that republicans would be the quickest counted because of their, ahem, proclivities to vote in person during a pandemic.

now we wait for postal votes, the assumption has always been that dems would benefit.

team trump declared victory and enacted their legal teams almost immediately they were ahead on in-person votes. so fucking shameless!

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