The orthodox church which was more clearly based on greek philosophical principles separated in the great schism over among others the deviating path of the latin church that may have drawn from aristotle but also constituted itself on many other purely latin foundations. The transmission was indirect through translations and incomplete in its content and not at all the only or singularly most important influence of later theologians' works or intellectual life.

Oh by the way some even flat out rejected the greek philosophers for theological argument as corrupt and incompatible because they were pagans in conflict with the jews.

uziq, if you see your unpleasantness as a virtue I can't help you.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-11-05 10:54:30)

but most of the renaissance's energies and efforts were about translations, duh. very few bothered to become experts in ancient greek even after the recovery of plato's and aristotle's missing texts from the 12th century onwards (i.e. pre-renaissance).

my point was not controversial: that the church was responsible for transmitting and modifying hellenistic philosophy, as well as much else besides, through the dark ages, and does indeed form a long link back to antiquity in the west. insofar as it might have been incomplete for the early middle ages, well, sure, but the ideas and metaphysics of the socratics was still a fundamental part of the christian religion's system of thought. it doesn't matter if most theologians only had koine greek and latin and not ancient greek, or access to some of aristotle's minor works. for a millennium they did logical work. every person undergoing theological training or a formal education would have referred to boethius, or any other number of secondary scribes who commented and translated his work, in turn. that's what i'm talking about, and that really is the closest thing to a 'direct' line of transmission that one can have: the texts and ideas were in circulation, learned people read them, wrote commentaries, modified, passed it on, etc. that's how 'western' thought slowly took shape and acquired the character that it does today.

aristotleanism was already an established and central concern in philosophy and thought 2-3 centuries before the renaissance proper. for all of the above reasons (and boethius is hardly a minor or irrelevant theologian here), it's a bad mischaracterisation of the renaissance to say we 'revived' socrates/plato/aristotle. the medieval christian faith itself had a large hellenistic aspect in its metaphysics. work to translate and assimilate all of the extant and surviving works of those three had been well underway for centuries before the renaissance.
this little lemma is entirely missing the bigger point of my post to dilbert, anyway. he tried to make-out like the 'dark ages' were that way because the church held sway and people were living in an era of religious ignorance before 'science'. but that's just an asinine interpretation. the church was actually responsible for preserving and transmitting an organised body of knowledge, the closest thing we had to an incipient 'sciencia', in fact, and medieval theologians were doing plenty of work in logic, developing something like the formal-methodological approach and rigour that we recognised as 'science' after the great humanist-renaissance turn and into the enlightenment.

the dark ages might have been a setback, but the church had a major role to play in western thought and culture's protection and recovery. to recapitulate:

western civilization was profoundly shaped by christianity, and christianity specifically gave many of the distinguishing characteristics to the cast of 'the western mind'. it was a rebellious, enterprising religion, with a profound emphasis on individual doubt and individual faith. it's not hard to see how that led to the modern rationalist-skeptical mindset (descartes is the most obvious connecting bridge, here). radical doubt is a part of christian theology. the protestant work ethic and the early scientific-inquiring mind, as in newton or bacon, are good examples of this. there isn't such a vast gap between christian church fathers rinsed in logic and scholasticism arguing over how many angels would fit on the head of a pin and an early scientist peering down a microscope to delve into the theretofore unseen mysteries of creation: both come out of the same culture and the same worldview, the same will to knowledge, the same method of doubt and proof.
of course, it also came to have a heavy hand in repressing certain forms of knowledge and censoring the ever-increasing store of knowledge that contradicted a by-then set of religious dogmas ... but that's a separate point. from 500AD onwards western culture and knowledge was hanging on by a string in the heads of those 'few irrelevant' theologians.

Oh by the way some even flat out rejected the greek philosophers for theological argument as corrupt and incompatible because they were pagans in conflict with the jews.
yes, that's very true and i've never said otherwise. christianity's relationship with the greek philosophers has always been a fraught one. the church as a worldly institution declared lots of things as apocryphal or blasphemous or whatever. that's a separate discussion in the history of biblical scholarship and theology. but it hardly contradicts my point that the thinking of the ancient greeks was a constant presence and influence throughout the middle ages: you have to know about someone to write tracts declaring them 'blasphemous' or 'null' or whatever. the same process of exclusion happened with the 'gnostic gospels' and the works of pseudo-dionysus, another thinker from the early middle-ages who makes the living link between medieval thought and the greeks very apparent.

there have been several movements in the history of christian philosophy that were later extinguished or stamped out. neoplatonists, gnostics, and so on, which tend to express the more mystical and metaphysical aspects of the christian faith (i.e. by being closer to plato than to the jewish side of things). there has been a push-pull in the religion between these contrary and somewhat opposing systems since the days of peter and paul.

augustine explicitly credits the platonists for leading him to christ, but then damns them for their 'arrogance and pride'. rather neatly summarises the conflicts between hellenistic metaphysics and jewish laws, there. there is plenty of this stuff in the 'roman' christian line from augustine and boethius on, contrary to the way you talk about the schism, the orthodox church, the greek fathers, etc.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-05 11:41:48)

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

So to summarise:


2000 years

Oh wow Aristotle!

I feel there's a part we could have skipped.
Meanwhile in science:

I think we could fission the fundamental building blocks of matter and create a weapon with god-like power

5 years

Oh wow we can!
Fuck Israel
except that was based on decades (if not centuries) of theoretical research and groundwork, not a 5-year industrial project alone. nevermind that it took the full resources of a modern nation state to devote enough human energy and resources towards it, the demands of which couldn't have been met by just about any civilization prior to the modern one.

the equivalent would be something like setting out to build a cathedral in the middle ages, which similarly involved the concatenated knowledge of centuries, immense amounts of funding and investment, human organization, etc. i suppose the results are several orders of magnitude less impressive, if large beautiful buildings aren't your thing and incinerating hundreds of thousands of japanese civilians are.

and oppenheimer read widely in history and religious texts. he was well-known for his seriousness about these topics even in his college days. his most famous ever quotation is of him quoting hindu scripture ffs. as if you need any neater illustration that the division between religion/science is not as clear and absolute as you'd like it, and that 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' are found equally in a thousands-year-long religious tradition, too.

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
Such a wise man, incinerating hundreds of thousands of japanese civilians, the pithy quotes made it OK.
Fuck Israel
clearly he had an extremely complex and heavy burden. america quickly discarded oppenheimer, by the way, because he effectively became a conscientious objector to the USA's plans to press ahead with edward teller's hydrogen bombs. he was snubbed and effectively blacklisted by the establishment, and suspected of being a communist. he spent the greater part of his career, when he should have been a laureled and lauded national hero, in the wilderness, giving talks in support of nuclear de-escalation.

it's almost as if you don't read history, dismiss any sort of historical knowledge, and keep sounding like a fucking retard as a result.

dilbert: wow! science is great! we built an atom bomb in 5 years!
dilbert: lol, that guy is a huge evil hypocrite, he built an atom bomb! well done on reading hindu scriptures, pal!

and don't you brag elsewhere about designing weapons systems for submarines? you truly are a moron. you, who would criticize fucking j robert oppenheimer, of all people, and wield your 'scientific nous' as if it's the be-all-and-end-all of human affairs and morality. who prides himself on his tiny contributions to weapons systems and lambasts the fucking genius who presided over the manhattan project, just because you can't reconcile yourself with the fact that he read literature, too. it must be a strange old world, inside your head.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-06 08:56:12)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why couldn't all Mormons be this cool?

Dilbert_X wrote:

Such a wise man, incinerating hundreds of thousands of japanese civilians, the pithy quotes made it OK.
The US was already heavily firebombing Japan. The A-bomb, already conceptualized, could have been completed without Oppenheimer.

But, you know, history is useless and only exists to create more history teachers.

I expect you to no longer boast about your work on military equipment at any rate.
dilbert doesn't even think through what he says anymore (if he ever did). he headlong strides into self-contradiction at every turn. who would have thought that the guy who is so perennially butthurt over my flaming has now become the forum's great contrarian? everything he says is merely a grunt of disdain or opposition, expressing a series of hackneyed and worn prejudices. 'grr oppenheimer liked hindu scripture, damn arts people, he was pure evil'. 'oh i am so great, i design weapons for submarines! good job i don't read poetry!'

Without Jay here, someone has to be the contrarian for its own sake. We should at least, in between pointing out how wrong he is, give him a nod for standing up for his own misinformed views.

He tells it like he sees it. Like Donald Trump.

e: Here's a clip of some more "worthless history" for dilbert:

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
More than 50 people have been beheaded in northern Mozambique by militant Islamists, state media report.

The militants turned a football pitch in a village into an "execution ground", where they decapitated and chopped bodies, other reports said.

Several people were also beheaded in another village, state media reported.

The beheadings are the latest in a series of gruesome attacks that the militants have carried out in gas-rich Cabo Delgado province since 2017.

We should invite them to Europe, if their lifestyles improve maybe they could cut the beheadings by, I don't know, 50%?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-11-10 00:34:36)

Fuck Israel
nobody is inviting militant muslims to the UK? i'm quite sure these people are on the radar of british intelligence, furthermore?

most of britain's muslim population come from her commonwealth, from pakistan, from bangladesh. as has been discussed extensively above, many muslims in europe are turkish and from a secular-moderate tradition (which deals with its own terror bombings, problems with foreign militants, and cooperates with western intelligence services).

maybe you should grow up and start looking at a very big, rather complex world like an adult? a bangladeshi garment worker in leicester doesn't have much in common with a militant in mozambique.
The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

a bangladeshi garment worker in leicester doesn't have much in common with a militant in mozambique.
They're both muslims no?

Why are muslims all over the world so keen on beheadings?
Fuck Israel
they’re not?

does a methodist in pontypridd have the exact same worldview as a catholic in cebu ?

you are honestly such an exhausting, trivial man. you derive evident pleasure from just grunting out the sort of missives and broadsides that would barely pass muster on 4chan. 'hurr durr blacks everywhere stupid, white man great'.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-11 02:05:57)

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
OK, have fun in your muggy weed-stank hellhole.
Fuck Israel
muslims don't smoke weed, you know that, right? the vast majority of people who smoke and buy marijuana in my city are white. a great deal of them middle-class. the black-caribbean community here are actually very christian, of several denominations.

i'm sure dilbert knows best.
The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
Did I say muslims smoke weed?

You're unhinged if you think muslims in the west are going to make progress, become secular and assimilate.

Once again the jews have been going 4,000 years and they're basically back to square one.

If you want to wait 5,000 years maybe the muslims will come round to the idea that cutting the throats of goats and heathens doesn't really improve things. Don't hold your breath though.
Fuck Israel
once again, i've spent plenty of time around assimilated muslims. they were at my university; they were in my social circles; they are in my workplace.

i'm sure you have the measure of all things in wollla wolla.

'once again' your historical generalizations and analyses are totally meaningless. what does it even mean to keep referring to 'the last 4,000 years'? when would anyone ever write such blague in a book or paper and hope to be taken seriously? is this really how you fancy you're putting forward an 'argument'? it's completely stupid. most of the physicists who broke through to a new understanding of a relativist and quantum universe, to say nothing of the nuclear era, were JEWISH, dilbert. even your own posterboy heroes are jewish.

'the jews have done nothing in 4,000 years but that elon musk is an amazing, swell guy, he'll fix all of humanities problems'.

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
Those same genius physicists were fine with invading a country, forcing the inhabitants out with guns and grenades and creating a monoracial, monocultural, monotheistic paradise in permanent tension with every neighbour, not the sort of multicultural pluralist utopia you keep droning on about.

So really, they might have found a few particles but otherwise nothing has changed in the last 4,000 years, why would you expect the next 4,000 to be any different?
Fuck Israel
the same genius physicists were responsible? really? … srael.html
Einstein Letter Warning Of Zionist Facism In Israel: Letter That Albert Einstein Sent to the New York Times
1948, Protesting the Visit of Menachem Begin

it's almost as if ... confusing all jews and accusing all jews, globally, everywhere and throughout time, for the sins of israeli-zionism ... is anti-semitic! wow! we're really making quantum leaps of our own here!
The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
Have they actually done anything though? The odd tut-tut here and there doesn't amount to much.

Oh wow, Elon Musk isn't jewish.

Bad luck old chap.
Fuck Israel
what is a jewish citizen of germany or america supposed to do about the self-determination of the israeli government? is albert einstein, one of the most famous jews in the world, raising alarm in the world's most-read paper, not registering protest enough?

it's a bit like your reasoning that a garment worker in bangladesh should be responsible for militants in eritrea, or something. 'they believe in the same god! those british muslims should be doing something about it!'

elon musk has a jewish name and went to a jewish school. his mother's maiden name is haldeman, a jewish name. he's been to israel many times, often appearing in PR fluff pieces about it, and even posting pro-israeli lines. … salem-bar/ … S&IR=T

Israel is a “technological superpower,” Musk told Netanyahu during a two-hour breakfast meeting in Jerusalem that focused on future technology.
weird how he takes his children to israel to visit places of legendary importance to the jewish people, and has breakfast with netanyahu, but then is also totally Not Jewish. how many family holidays have you been on to the fortress of masada?

but, regardless of internet speculation about it, the point stands: as a people they're meant to have 'done nothing' in 4,000 years, but yet they still occupy places in high industry, academia, the arts, finance, etc? hmm you might have to revise your thesis that jewish culture is still stuck in '2000 BC' (whatever that means).

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-11 05:05:07)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The success of Jews living in the west isn't a good argument in favor of letting more Muslims migrate into Christian countries.
who made that argument? i'm confused.

i'm asking dilbert why he regards jews as being 'stuck in 2000 BC' because, presumably, ultra-orthodox sects exist in some places and because of the modern state of israel, with its zionist character. evidently jews have contributed plenty to knowledge, culture and civilization over the last '4000 years'. many of our greatest breakthroughs in math, science, and physics came from notable jewish intellectuals. to say nothing of literary culture, psychology/psychoanalysis, political philosophy like, erm, marxism and socialism ...

i'm also confused by dilbert's logic (as ever). so all jews, everywhere, for all time, are responsible for the evils of israel. poor albert einstein was a complicit, guilty jew who didn't do enough to decry or 'stop' israel. those leading jewish scientists and intellectuals weren't so great! handmaidens to an evil regime! BUT, also: elon musk, a self-hating jew, a god-brained engineering-entrepreneur genius who will save all of humanity from itself, and who actively goes to israel to flatter netanyehu, and trade and collaborate with the israeli military-industrial complex ... elon musk is a great guy?

one sec ... i need to breathe. AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

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