Yesterday I was in a server, I forgot which one.
And I was waiting alone for atleast a minute and finally the JET appeared. So I hopped in and flow away. after 15 seconds, I got kicked from the server with the reason: "Kicked by punkbuster for stealing vehicle"
Is this normal? or not? I got the idea the the pilot before me crashed his jet and might be an admin of the server and didnt liked that i with onnestly waiting took the plane and kicked me for that.
I see a lot that when somebody teamkilled someone (NOT ON PURPOSE) that the one got punished. and then they teamkill back.
Like last time, I see a badguy on the roof of a building i trow a nade. some other guy get on the roof kills the badguy got hit by my nade. I said Sorry and stuff like that, He punished me, named me fool things and then He teamkilled me. Isn't that strange. Where can we find respect lately in this gaming world
Other story.
Last night in my server there was a guy and he prowned right in front of my jet for fun first time i didnt saw him and he punished me, but he was just the one that shouldt lay down in front of a jet. and i dont know how to horn with those jets lol
please feedback
And I was waiting alone for atleast a minute and finally the JET appeared. So I hopped in and flow away. after 15 seconds, I got kicked from the server with the reason: "Kicked by punkbuster for stealing vehicle"
Is this normal? or not? I got the idea the the pilot before me crashed his jet and might be an admin of the server and didnt liked that i with onnestly waiting took the plane and kicked me for that.
I see a lot that when somebody teamkilled someone (NOT ON PURPOSE) that the one got punished. and then they teamkill back.
Like last time, I see a badguy on the roof of a building i trow a nade. some other guy get on the roof kills the badguy got hit by my nade. I said Sorry and stuff like that, He punished me, named me fool things and then He teamkilled me. Isn't that strange. Where can we find respect lately in this gaming world
Other story.
Last night in my server there was a guy and he prowned right in front of my jet for fun first time i didnt saw him and he punished me, but he was just the one that shouldt lay down in front of a jet. and i dont know how to horn with those jets lol
please feedback