except most people accused of 'cultural marxism' are college professors and their students. do you have any idea what they are reading and teaching? the frankfurt school? marx and engels? hegel? lukács? gramsci? to say nothing of the entire nexus of 20th century post-marxist theory that tried to incorporate elements such as psychoanalysis, sociology, and anthropology: from marcuse all the way up to zizek.
'western propaganda machine'. i don't really know what you're on about. the right-wing are complaining about 'cultural marxism' because it is teaching CRITIQUES OF CAPITALISM and the STATUS QUO to young people.
everyone knows the standard marxian line that the 'origin of all class struggle is economic'. but intersectionality is very much a thing. ideology critique is very much a thing. the history and struggle of colonialism, and subsequently of post- or neo-colonial theory, is very much relevant to understanding the international picture. french and german marxists shaped this tradition throughout the early 20th century. althusser? laclau? mouffe? badiou? ranciere? balibar? liberal arts and humanities faculties on college campuses teach this stuff, even if it is engaging with the 'superstructure' that rises from the 'economic base'.
whoosh! over your head. instead you parrot bollocks from the right-wing, yet again. you are a muppet.
you know, marxists such as yourself who rely on marx dogmatically and only want to read and re-read das kapital, are a serious part of the problem. the right-wing has mopped up the left, theoretically and practically, in the 20th century. many of marx's works were, even by his own admission, incomplete, shahter. for instance, the phenomenon of nationalism is massively under-theorized in the marxian corpus; he simply doesn't go there, or doesn't cover it in any systematic way. the left-wing has been defeated by nationalists throughout the 20th century; the socialist states even went to war with one another in nationalist conflicts. do you think nationalism is entirely 'economic'? let me tell you, it isn't. you are revelling in your own ignorance and holding back your own declared cause with your pious attitudes. you resemble an orthodox peasant revering the bible.
Last edited by uziq (2020-11-21 10:00:05)