SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

DesertFox- wrote:

Get the fuck outta here. You're bad and distracting.
[Laugh Track]

Well you aren't even worth getting distracted by

[Laugh Track]
mmmf mmmf mmmf
The Expanse is going to end after season 6. I'm sad but ok because the books make a pretty jarring jump after that and the books are 3 trilogies anyway.
I am all that is MOD!

I just finished watching Queen's Gambit on Netflix. 6.5/10
Eh? I would've given it a 7,5 at least. As far as series go it was pretty good.
I am all that is MOD!

I thought the characters were a bit shallow and the ending far too abrupt and tidy. Usually I take issue with the way female characters are written but this series misses the mark with a few of the male characters. Benny Watts is especially bad. Shout out to the French chick though, I thought that was an excellent addition to the story despite being a minor part.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I haven't watched it but the same people who recommended Hand Maiden's Take keep recommending that show too which makes me much less interested in it. Someone needs to stop women from dressing up as Hand Maiden's Tale ladies at the SCOTUS protest.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
10 new star wars tv shows were announced.
That's too many.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

RTHKI wrote:

10 new star wars tv shows were announced.
That's too many.
Exactly 10 too many

The way I look at it I could either groan and rub my temples or just shrug them off and let people who want to watch them, watch them.

Still, what's wrong with one or two ok ones? Clearly, shotgunning the audience with Star Wars content probably didn't do the new movies any favors.
I am all that is MOD!

I started watching WW2 in Colour. I thought it was not very good so far, but I'm only about 1 episode in. It seems targeted more towards 12 year olds than adults. I fell asleep somewhere around the end of the first episode and the beginning of the second. I was hoping for better visuals too, but I suppose that comes later on during the actual war and aftermath.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
That show is good to sit high school kids in front of. There are way better World War 2 series just on youtube. World War 2 Week by Week is really good. They just did a special on Pearl Harbor in real time. Would you like some links?
I am all that is MOD!

Nah, I will go with Peter Jackson's WWI piece. Thank you for offering though
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I watched that. It sucked. Do not recommend.
I am all that is MOD!

Why did you think it sucked?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


Why did you think it sucked?
You are talking about this?

It is not a documentary. The whole movie is basically a bunch of maybe World War 1 veterans talk about their experiences during the war while Jackson runs restored video and fake audio related to whatever they are talking about at that moment. But you are never introduced to any of the narrators or get to know them. Their narration is random and disjointed. I think Jackson restored a bunch of video first and then realized he needed to add narration to the whole thing and settled in on "different voices coming in and out of a conversation"

I think the reviewers who praised it were dazzled with its novelty, hesitant to criticize something "for the troops", and not into history enough to not be bored by it.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-12-15 17:01:57)

Probably a lot of really good history programs out there on youtube. Thoroughly covering WW2 in 13 episodes (WW2IC) at any more than introductory length is a bit of a hard sell. You'd have to pack it in as almost purely lecture format.
I am all that is MOD!

I watched "Unabomber - In His Own Words" last weekend. I thought it was a pretty good little docuseries. Light on the reenactment type stuff that these shows usually have. A hyper-intelligent crackpot living off the grid in the Montana wilderness mailing crude, homemade bombs seems like such a bizarre, generations ago thing to have happened but it's in the fairly recent past. I also got a kick out of him trolling the FBI and calling them incompetent.
his pamphlet about industrial civilisation is worth reading.
I am all that is MOD!

one of I think either his victims or an FBI tech dude mentions towards the end that his manifesto is definitely not the work of someone with no grasp on reality. The guy fired his defense attorney because an insanity plea would mean people wouldn't take his writing seriously.

Nevermind that he wrote about his bombs in a coded journal and expressed delight that he was able to build a bomb powerful enough to kill. Or that he specifically said he was not acting out due to an ideological goal but for personal revenge at historical slights. It's pretty fascinating and morbid at the same time. I do wish the docuseries gave a little more though to the impact to the victims.
there’s a weird theory that he was involved in the early CIA MK ultra stuff at harvard or MIT or wherever he was a graduate student. being unwittingly dosed with LSD as part of an intelligence agency trial, etc. who knows.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am hoping we someday find out who the Zodiac Killer and D.B. Cooper were.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Manhunt was good, though supposedly somewhat fictionalised.

I tried to find a book after, but the consensus seemed to be all the accounts were flawed and biased so I didn't bother, there being no definitive account.

The FBI shooting up Randy Weaver and his family has produced decades of trouble, that part is interesting, and his manifesto made sense, pity about the nailbombs.
Fuck Israel

The government handling of Waco, and to a lesser extent Randy Weaver, needed to happen. Maybe being a bit less heavy handed and not martyring people would have been more useful in the long run.

But the 82 people killed in Waco (and 4 ATF agents) though does pale in comparison to 300,000 dead Americans, doesn't it.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Manhunt was good, though supposedly somewhat fictionalised.

I tried to find a book after, but the consensus seemed to be all the accounts were flawed and biased so I didn't bother, there being no definitive account.

The FBI shooting up Randy Weaver and his family has produced decades of trouble, that part is interesting, and his manifesto made sense, pity about the nailbombs.
jon ronson did a good documentary tv series in the late 1990s that gets into this whole paranoid right-wing underbelly of america. it features a very early, pre-fame alex jones talking about the bohemian grove or the bilderbergs or something.

the secret rulers of the world … t_eps_sn_1

covers ruby ridge, oklahoma, aftermath of waco, etc.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The show Barbarians on Netflix seems cool though I won't watch it. People were pretty impressed that they made the Roman characters speak Latin and the Germans spoke well German. The inability for the Romans to literally understand the people they were occupying is actually an interesting inclusion.

I already know what happens so I can't sit and watch it. I did look it up and it added a bunch of fictionalized things like romances, and German women warriors. I also read that the show doesn't go into the fact that the Germans had slavery and human sacrifice too. The show goes out of its way to make the Germans the good guys and the Romans the bad and I guess that makes people uncomfortable. Anyway here is the trailer.

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