SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:


coincidentally also produced and mixed/mastered like absolute pure shit. i guess not many talented producers or mastering engineers work with the neo-folk scene. all their recorded music sounds like hot garbage.
I don't even get how people get so deep into that that they make it an identity that bleeds into the rest of their lives. I mean I could get wanting to see your culture flourish but at the same time there is just so much other stuff from non-North German culture that is good to consume/experience. I am a level 40 Catholic Paladin but I like some Islamic Nasheeds.

A lot of non-Catholic places have great cuisine too. A pretty girl my age with a hijab, slim body, and a pretty face would make me curious what she has hiding under there.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-12-10 08:50:08)
the hell are you talking about. you've never left new jersey. 'non-catholic cuisines'.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
NJ has as diverse cuisine as NYC or London. This ain't Idaho.
yeah, okay. authentic 'catholic' cuisine.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Jews and Muslims do not eat pork. The Catholics may have singlehandedly saved the pig from extinction.
the chinese are the world's biggest consumer of pork.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
And have they ever thanked us from protecting their pork? No.

Still I am not a fan of pork period. Pork is gross. I don't like the taste or texture without the addition of spices and turning it into either bacon or sausage.

uziq wrote:

old norse was 600 AD not the last ice age. cool that they produce music 'using actual bones'. you must be very new to sound design. people sample and field record things all the time. it's perfectly quaint how you're impressed by these things. WoaH robert glasper incorporates BEAT-MAKING techniques! these people use OLD NORSE TEXTS!!!!

i don't know how you can listen to such poorly produced rubbish. do you have good headphones or even half-decent speakers or what? that track you linked sounds like amateurish, poorly mixed, barely mastered rubbish. it's aural mud.

A/B that song with the Raime or Haxan Cloak track. if you can't tell the difference in production standards and quality then you are out of your fucking little bird-brained head. cheeep cheeep cheeep
Of course it's not new but still nice when people make the effort to do it. I remember that when Dunkirk came out they had a whole expose on how hans zimmer incorporated beach sounds and mechanical elements into the soundtrack ... and it greatly added to the experience.

As to the mixing I find that hard to judge because some of it may be stylistic choices, if you're talking about clarity of the voices or the volume levels, I also know next to nothing about this band. I gathered they're very popular in the subgenre so I'm sure that if they wanted to they could easily find A+ producers/mixers and studio environments to record their stuff.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-12-10 10:20:58)

larssen, using field recordings and foley sounds are some of the most basic elements of soundtrack music. i cannot possibly explain to you how facepalm it is to be like 'woah, hans zimmer used the sounds of a beach for a soundtrack about a beach evacuation'. greatly added to the experience ... my god. i picture you clapping like a fucking seal. SEA ON SCREEN! ME HEAR WAVES! GENIUS COMPOSER!
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

And have they ever thanked us from protecting their pork? No.

Still I am not a fan of pork period. Pork is gross. I don't like the taste or texture without the addition of spices and turning it into either bacon or sausage.
Have you ever had pork belly? Pork tenderloin? You don't like ham?
It was the first example that sprung to mind - but If it doesn't matter why would they put particular emphasis on it for the behind the scenes of the score?

I might as well just name the copious use of gunshots etc in old rock/metal or rap albums but that's a little different imo
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


SuperJail Warden wrote:

And have they ever thanked us from protecting their pork? No.

Still I am not a fan of pork period. Pork is gross. I don't like the taste or texture without the addition of spices and turning it into either bacon or sausage.
Have you ever had pork belly? Pork tenderloin? You don't like ham?
I have had those before and don't like. I don't like sliced ham either. I like deli spiced ham, salami, hot dogs and SPAM even. But those things are processed to hell and back that they are pork only in spirit.
Yummy carcinogens.
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:


SuperJail Warden wrote:

And have they ever thanked us from protecting their pork? No.

Still I am not a fan of pork period. Pork is gross. I don't like the taste or texture without the addition of spices and turning it into either bacon or sausage.
Have you ever had pork belly? Pork tenderloin? You don't like ham?
I have had those before and don't like. I don't like sliced ham either. I like deli spiced ham, salami, hot dogs and SPAM even. But those things are processed to hell and back that they are pork only in spirit.
Yummy carcinogens.
at least you're consistent in the food you like. I can appreciate that, even if it's all hot garbage.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The trick is portion control. Don't eat too much shitty food and you will be fine. For instance, today I had a bowl of corn pops for breakfast.
Then I had two chili and cheese hotdogs just now for dinner. I am officially done for the day.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-12-10 11:28:13)
I am all that is MOD!

haha i guess at least the corn pops are fortified, but you definitely need NUTRIENTS
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I thought cheese coneys counted as shitty food healthwise
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


haha i guess at least the corn pops are fortified, but you definitely need NUTRIENTS
What are nutrients? I'm not a plant.

Larssen wrote:

It was the first example that sprung to mind - but If it doesn't matter why would they put particular emphasis on it for the behind the scenes of the score?

I might as well just name the copious use of gunshots etc in old rock/metal or rap albums but that's a little different imo
you should look into matthew herbert's work. or matmos. they have made entire concept albums out of particular source material/samples and/or field recordings. the sound design is insane. a single 30-second recording can be turned into an entire ensemble using sound design. a kick drum, synthetic strings (via karplus synthesis and comb filters), pads, percussion ... everything.

pretty much anything is possible with electronic music nowadays. someone using 'actual bones' is a nice publicity point and it adds to the 'authenticity' of this stuff, no doubt, but as i said above, it's basically roleplay. you can make any music with any source material thesedays: so how about making the results good?

again, it's more the fact that you seem so surprised and impressed by this stuff.

Last edited by uziq (2020-12-10 11:47:57)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
When you see your first evaluation score of the year:
Artifice of Eternity

The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
haha, I loved that version back when I first head it.
i'm not really into house music anymore but this shit is kinda legit to vibe to

i remember when i first heard it last winter, me and my brother getting geared up for a night ski session at mt high playing some random sirius station this track came on and we were dancing when the beat really dropped. we probably looked retarded as hell but fuck that was a good day just feeling free as fuck, before all the covid and other bad shit that would end up happening in the coming months
gang shit
that's just a straight-up standard pop tune. 'house music' is pushing it a bit.

^ perfect house tune imo.

Last edited by uziq (2020-12-13 10:59:56)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Good God, youtube auto played an Emo song that was uploaded in 2006.

Those young people are from my generation!

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