
What about the new Ghostbusters? Might be an infusion of nostalgia to get one without the female chauvinism, and maybe in the same universe as the first two.

I'd replay the game but it's too long.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
A Scanner Darkly 9/10. I would give it less if it wasn't filmed with that sort of cel shaded style. The cel shaded look of it gave it a kind of atmosphere that really fit in with the paranoid/delirious story. Hopefully they never make another movie using that sort of style.
mmmf mmmf mmmf

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

What about the new Ghostbusters? Might be an infusion of nostalgia to get one without the female chauvinism, and maybe in the same universe as the first two.

I'd replay the game but it's too long.
No real opinion on the trailer. I'll probably watch it at some point

Watching Star Wars sequels to see how they really are since I only saw 7 on bluray and 8 on a crappy theater rip. Watching the corresponding OT movie beforehand.

The Force Awakens, 7/10. I have a ton of issues with it but overall fun. I don't mind that it's a soft reboot, but
I don't like Kylo Ren's character, he sounds like a bad B movie dub, sure that's the point but he's a villain. I don't like General Hux's character. The movie never seems to slow down.
The opening in the desert village looks like a high quality fan fiction video I'd see on youtube. That scene and others felt like I was looking at a set not another galaxy.
The monster ball thing scene was also bad.
The Nazi speech was too in your face. Stormtroopers and uniforms are one thing, that bad speech is another.
Worldbuilding sucks. Ship design was lazy. I'm fine with X-wings v TIE Fighter's but have some variety.

I am interested in seeing 8 again even though I hated the story.
I fear watching 9.

Last edited by RTHKI (2020-12-07 14:47:26)

good and observant comments. do more, would read.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I put as much effort in writing that as they did for the movies

RTHKI wrote:

Watching Star Wars sequels to see how they really

I fear watching 9.
9 isn't really any better or worse than 7 or 8. It felt like they were written and directed by someone with (somewhat justifiable) contempt for the series as it was so far, but who were incapable of doing any better themselves. While I hate to be too critical (because the effects were still nifty), in the end they really are backdrop movies. Something you'd expect to see put on at a family party and not really paid attention to.

I imagine the actors were handsomely paid, or I'd feel more sorry for their participation with the sheer amount of B energy some put into their roles.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I never watched 9. I read the synopsis on wikipedia and don't feel like I missed anything. It is not that 8 was so bad that I was foaming at the mouth like a lot of internet people were about it. It's just that I wasn't invested in it enough to make the trek out to the movie theater to see the next one. I could list off all of the problems with the stories too but who cares?

I did look up how much money each movie made (This is what it is all about after all). Force A. made $2 billion. Last J. made 1.34 billion. Rise S. barely $1 billion. 50% loss from Original movie to last. The first trilogy had the same sort of losses per new film in nearly the same percentages too. The prequels were the only trilogy that had a 3rd film gross higher than the 2nd. I also ran the total numbers through inflation calculators. Adjusted for inflation the original trilogy made nearly the same amount as the sequel trilogy. The difference between them would have been a rounding error. Adjusted, the prequels made half as much as either of the two trilogies between them.

All in all, Disney is without a doubt upset their Star Wars property didn't blow up like Marvel but between just the films they already grossed more than how much they paid for the IP. Toys, lunchboxes, etc. definitely put them far ahead of how much they invested.

Do you want to talk about a poor performing IP? Game of Thrones. Season 7 and 8 was so bad billions if not tens of billions of potential dollars was lost. And it all happened because the producers wanted to reboot Star Wars rated R with their own trilogy.

tl;dr? Star Wars is cursed.

You're not missing out on a whole lot except maybe special effects, I guess.

More interesting versions of Star Wars had already been told in book form (among a heap of admittedly bland Star Wars novels) by the time the prequels were a thing. Anybody hoping for an injection of freshness into the new movies were doomed to disappointment. Luckily for me, I was expecting average or worse storytelling from the start.

If I had to make a lazy analysis, I'd say they just lazily tried to repeat the original trilogy's story, but devoid of the campy charm that made it memorable to so many. The scene where the third death star or whatever blew up a bunch of planets at once didn't even have the same buildup and teasing out of emotional impact as the destruction of Alderaan in the first movie, if that makes sense. They feel very much dictated by committee, making voted-upon "safest choices."

Even though Rogue One wasn't particularly interesting, I thought it was a more investing experience than 7/8/9. I do think (without being particularly knowledgeable about the corporate development of the sequel films), that the intent was not to make movies, but to make a safe platform from which to launch lucrative merchandise. I guess the TV shows are supposed to be more interesting, at least.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Oh damn, I forgot about Rogue One and also Solo. I liked both especially R1. I think those little self contained side stories set in a big and interesting galaxy makes for better movies than drawn out epics that don't really feel epic in scale or stakes. Actually the prequels were good in the fact that they ended their trilogy on a dour note instead of the "and evil is defeated" we all knew the sequels was building towards. But in terms of fun little side stories, by the time Solo came out you could already see the idea abandoned in favor of trilogies and series. Solo ended in a way that left room open for sequels. I was actually excited to see those sequels though. The only thing wrong with Solo in my opinion was that Harrison Ford wasn't young enough to do them.

Speaking of Solo, it was cool seeing Darth Maul make a name for himself in the criminal underworld as a handicapped person in a cruel galaxy. But teasing that seemed a bit pointless, since it's unlikely to go anywhere.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It was a lot less cool knowing his character is running around with GoGo Gadget Legs in the cartoons. Also, cartoons? I think the less is more thing would have made all of this worth following. I feel like the Star Wars galaxy would be much more alluring if we only got to see it in movies space significantly a part from each other in release. But of course that model doesn't financially work. The Bladerunner universe in the 2 movies seems really cool. Thank God our imagine is filling it all in.

The multi-armed robot man from the prequels was apparently more effective as an "intimidating" character in the cartoons, and almost comic relief in the films. I guess those should have been the movies and the prequels should have been the cartoons?

let's see here,

(e: fixed link, had an old one from an unrelated horror movie convo)

2:00 mark

Albeit still unbelievably dorky. I guess these were made by the guy behind Samurai Jack (I've seen clips of)? Or maybe I'm thinking of something else.

I like when Shaggy completely loses his cool.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I wonder who actually thought up General G. because I know he was in the T.V. show before he was in the movie. I can see George Lucas seeing this cool robot and not knowing how to write him into the story. He should have been a unstoppable killing machine that Anakin destroys as proof of his growing/immense power. Maybe have Anakin force choke him to death.

I didn't know he was introduced in the tv show.

wikipedia wrote:

General Grievous was developed for Revenge of the Sith as a powerful new villain on the side of the Separatists. The initial instructions that director George Lucas gave the Art Department were very open-ended: "a droid general". From that vague direction, the artists developed a lot of explorations, some purely mechanical, some not, for Grievous' look. He was also created as a villain foreshadowing Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader: the heavy breathing, the cyborg body and his seduction into an evil faction.

The initial design sketch for Grievous was refined and made into a 1-foot (30 cm)-tall maquette sculpture. That was further refined when it was made into a realistic computer-generated model by Industrial Light & Magic. At the time, this was one of the most complicated models ever created by ILM, with many parts of differing physical qualities. Grievous is completely computer-generated imagery in the movie. On set, Duncan Young read the lines off-screen while Kyle Rowling wore a bluescreen or a greenscreen suit to act out the fights with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
So I guess no one person came up with him? I'm sure someone with every Star Wars coffee table book ever published would scoff and correct me with more specifics.

From clips I've seen, Anakin got some of those moments in the TV show alluding to prophecy and destiny stuff. There was probably a lot more time for that sort of pacing there. The prequel films seemed more focused on titillating the audience with dry one-liners and the occasional

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
The Hunt 6.5/10

Slick small film, although I wasn't sure what point they were making - I think it was both sides of the political divide need to stop being idiots.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-12-10 21:04:12)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Resident Evil 8/10

Such a fun movie until the Licker shows up.
Aside from the fact that the CGI aged very poorly, the inclusion of super monsters is just blargh. But yadda yadda source material.

This reminds me, did anyone ever play this PS1 game? I never did but it looks very Resident Evil inspired.

Also Dino Crisis 2 was such a fun game.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-12-12 17:47:13)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
The Last Jedi
I can't. I had a list of things here but deleted it. I have 50min left and no desire to continue. I have nothing positive to say about it
It's a shitty marvel movie. It's a shitty star wars movie. At least the special effects were good for a $200million movie?
I'll finish it tomorrow I'd rather sleep.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Write your 50 thoughts tomorrow and I will karma you for the effort

RTHKI wrote:

The Last Jedi
I can't. I had a list of things here but deleted it. I have 50min left and no desire to continue. I have nothing positive to say about it
It's a shitty marvel movie. It's a shitty star wars movie. At least the special effects were good for a $200million movie?
I'll finish it tomorrow I'd rather sleep.
Just fast forward to the emperor floating around like Baron Harkonnen and zapping starships.

Or adopt HISHE's alternate scenes.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
TROS is next weekend..at least I haven't seen it yet.
I enjoyed Dune. It was not very good but I had fun.

Since there's Warhammer 40k stuff going on in the game thread, I'll take the time here to point out how funny it is that I have older family who are super into Dune, but chortle at Warhammer 40k. They're basically similar concepts, but the people of the 40k-verse probably have it worse in terms of dystopia and doom.

Reminds me of people into CGI movies and godawful zombie TV but are "too grown up for cartoons," even ones that address more difficult material.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
40k is just a Dune  + 'insert every other scifi franchise here' ripoff where they wanted everything turned up to 11 and be as dark as possible so 40k should have it worse.

f u mac i only retyped this cause of you

3/10 i guess. I like all prequel movies more than this pile
The opening is awful. Shitty attempts at comedy. 12 minutes devoted to shitty marvel jokes and a needless space battle of cgi puke
I don't understand shields in star wars if they never use them.
The casino planet looks awful. Reminded me of the prequels but somehow worse.
Oh the Resistance are Rebels now.
Purple hair admiral is the worst. Let's not tell the hotheaded captain the plan
Carrie Fisher should not have come back. Too many drugs and plastic. All 3 were really too old for action scenes
Adam Driver is good. I still hate his character. A manchild should not be the main villain of a trilogy. Everyone else sucked. Why are the main villains the bad guys from B movies
Phasma was a joke in the first movie idk why they brought her back to be a joke again.
Why the fuck did Finn start using the word Rebel he didnt hear purple hair lady say it first
Sure Star Wars always had lots of comedy but this is over the top and too often.
The resistance ships being tracked and having no fuel plotline is a bottle episode from star trek or something. So lazy

It's more Marvel than Star Wars
Why did it have to be 2.5 hours

I could add more and probably organize my thoughts better but I'm not

Last edited by RTHKI (2020-12-13 07:19:48)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

RTHKI wrote:

40k is just a Dune  + 'insert every other scifi franchise here' ripoff where they wanted everything turned up to 11 and be as dark as possible so 40k should have it worse.

f u mac i only retyped this cause of you

3/10 i guess.
The opening is awful. Shitty attempts at comedy. 12 minutes devoted to shitty marvel jokes and a needless space battle of cgi puke
I don't understand shields in star wars if they never use them.
The casino planet looks awful. Reminded me of the prequels but somehow worse.
Oh the Resistance are Rebels now.
Purple hair admiral is the worst. Let's not tell the hotheaded captain the plan
Carrie Fisher should not have come back. Too many drugs and plastic. All 3 were really too old for action scenes
Adam Driver is good. I still hate his character. A manchild should not be the main villain of a trilogy. Everyone else sucked. Why are the main villains the bad guys from B movies
Phasma was a joke in the first movie idk why they brought her back to be a joke again.
Why the fuck did Finn start using the word Rebel he didnt hear purple hair lady say it first
Sure Star Wars always had lots of comedy but this is over the top and too often.
The resistance ships being tracked and having no fuel plotline is a bottle episode from star trek or something. So lazy

It's more Marvel than Star Wars
Why did it have to be 2.5 hours

I could add more and probably organize my thoughts better but I'm not
Thank you for your service. It's too bad you didn't get to see it in a movie theater without any prior knowledge when it first came out. I think the big screen experience of it made it seem not so bad. I did think to myself that the internet is going to flip out about the purple haired woman when I first saw her. I also believe the battle in the throne room was pretty cool.

You can nitpick it but it was still much better filmed and choreographed than the Death Maul fight or anything else from the prequels. It might be my favorite fight scene along with the Tower of Joy battle.

It's a shame that such well done fights were sandwiched in with such otherwise poor writing.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Already forgot about the throne room fight. It had some good moments.

Also forgot about GoT

Last edited by RTHKI (2020-12-13 07:42:19)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

RTHKI wrote:

Already forgot about the throne room fight. It had some good moments.

Also forgot about GoT
Everyone has forgotten about GoT. I have never seen a fanbase disintegrate so fast.

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