I remember one time when I was in Atlanta for work and I got to my rental car and it had ice on the windshield. I had to Google how to get it off. Fuck that noise. I was wondering why the rental had a squeegee in it.
Perhaps if you know what you're doing. It took me around 5-10. I think I had to turn on the heater first
Two overblown (HA!) tornado warnings so far in one afternoon. Can we go for 3? The jumpy intern must be in control at the National Weather Service.
I've read that global warming is having a deleterious effect on the efficacy of some prediction models for extreme weather events.
West coast will be uninhabitable in the future. The north east will rise again.

The center of a dumpster fire is probably more habitable than meme NJ, and both are still better than South Carolina.
You guys having a mega brought? In the future, droughts will be more common but I can't remember the last time NJ had a drought. The benefits of living in a place where it snows 1/3 of the year.

Some counties are in advisory state. "Driest March-April for nearly 100 years, and the fourth since 1895" according to WADOE@:
https://ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Get-to- … t-Advisory
https://ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Get-to- … t-Advisory
Marti warned against getting too optimistic after recent rain in the Spokane area. “We’re dealing with long-term precipitation deficits which take more than a day's rain to alleviate,” he said. “For example, the Spokane Airport has experienced the lowest amount of precipitation for the Feb. 1 to May 24 period, going all the way back to 1881. It needs more than 4 inches of rain to get back to normal.”
While Washington mountains received an above-normal snowpack this year, not all watersheds are fed by melting snow. Springtime precipitation is critical for non-irrigated crops and livestock forage. In a few basins, such as the Pend Oreille, Spokane, Walla Walla, and Snake watersheds, early snowmelt is leaving less than average water levels, and last month’s temperatures were higher than normal for most of Washington.
Marti said the Puget Sound area has sufficient water supply for people and fish this summer. “Seattle, Tacoma and Everett have stored water and the area hasn’t had a problem with precipitation,” he said.
There's fewer things better in west coast life than a good 3 days of rain to clear all the forest fire haze.
Got the munchies. Ordered uber eats and forgot about it. It was on the front porch for 20 minutes in the sun. Still was hot as a result of being in the sun at 90 degrees.

Walking outside just to check the mail:

Thanks Arthur
"How hot is it in your state?"
"This much."
Pavement on I-5 buckles in extreme Seattle heat
https://www.king5.com/article/traffic/t … d76cf43c5f
"This much."
Pavement on I-5 buckles in extreme Seattle heat
https://www.king5.com/article/traffic/t … d76cf43c5f
SEATTLE — The pavement on Interstate 5 buckled in several places in the heat on Monday forcing lane closures.
Crews with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) responded to buckling on southbound I-5 near Northeast 130th Street in Seattle as well as a panel that needed to be fixed at Northeast 145th Street. The panels have been repaired, and southbound lanes have reopened.
On northbound I-5, a panel buckled at Northeast 155th Street, Northeast 175th Street and Northeast 195th Street in Shoreline. At 195th Street, the two center lanes are blocked, and the HOV lane is also open to all traffic.
Thank god global warming isn't causing it.
Fuck Israel
Not even sarcasm from some.
Yes but in the time of the dinosaurs when sea level was 30m higher it was a lot hotter and it wasn't a problem.
Fuck Israel
I hope I live long enough to see the great climate collapse.

It'll be fun getting blamed for stuff precipitated by previous generations.
100 years from now they will call you racist for eating meat.

If 100 years from now people are splicing themselves with cows and pigs, that might actually be a valid point. Needs a different word though.
I look forward to a furry bait movie about acceptance of people who splice with farm animals. We will call that movie Cows.

Animal Farm of Dr. Moreau
It is 92 degrees and sunny. My Windows Weather Bar ™ says there is a heat warning. And I think the heat killed my car battery while I was out today.
At least we have air conditioning unlike the greatest warriors in human history, the Afghans. Otherwise I am ready to die.
At least we have air conditioning unlike the greatest warriors in human history, the Afghans. Otherwise I am ready to die.