We've got 3 more years of defiant republicans swearing it's nothing worse than a flu while taking their last breaths. Or ordering crap from Amazon on public wifi on their mobile location detectors, all while swearing the vaccine will put yet-to-be invented technology in their bodies.
3 years of them dying will result in far few voters, or they'll have to come around on the "flu" or vaccine and tell their voter base what 'libruls' have been saying all along.
That said, I'd much prefer DeSantis or Cancun Cruz to Trump. Most of those guys have a shred of normalcy in their tiny brains, whereas Trump genuinely preferred chaos to every other option.
3 years of them dying will result in far few voters, or they'll have to come around on the "flu" or vaccine and tell their voter base what 'libruls' have been saying all along.
That said, I'd much prefer DeSantis or Cancun Cruz to Trump. Most of those guys have a shred of normalcy in their tiny brains, whereas Trump genuinely preferred chaos to every other option.