As an American, I don't think our higher education system is something anyone would want to replicate but...we have 4,000 universities. Everyone doesn't need an elite education.uziq wrote:
korea has about 50 million people and their universities were mostly all started by christian missionaries about 100 years ago.
they have 3–5 'colonial'-style western research universities that clean up domestically and do decently internationally.
they have a few cutting-edge research institutions, like KAIST, which is top-tier for science.
but (a) you can't just 'invent' a top-tier elite university out of thin air; that shit takes decades, if not centuries, and (b) building tonnes of universities will just dilute the exclusive appeal of 'elite' education. same as it ever was.
I just looked it up and it seems South Korea is already far beyond the U.S. in terms of educational attainment. You could even argue too educated if you see schools as professional development centers instead of higher learning.
Do the South Koreans commit a lot of violent crime? … attainment