
Have any transgender people had a second gender reveal party for themselves?

e: Have any transgender person's parents ambushed them with one?

Larssen wrote:

I'd be lying if I said that the first video I saw in which someone stated 'you can call me they' didn't strike me as odd. A little hilarious even, as my immediate association was that they're* implying that there's multiple personalities in there. I suppose since none of us grew up explicitly learning about gender-fluidity or gender-fluid pronouns besides the neutral 'it', this might leave people a little surprised at first. I also wondered about the grammar of it all, but ah well. It barely matters so I agree.
came across this interesting tidbit today whilst editing and deep-diving on the correctness of singular/plural pronouns (when discussing young stellar objects, believe it or not; take that, trannies!)

"and every one to rest themselves betake" — William Shakespeare
"i would have everybody marry if they can do it properly" — Jane Austen
"it is too hideous for anyone in their senses to buy" — W. H. Auden

the plural pronouns have also been put to use as pronouns of indefinite number to refer to singular nouns that stand for many persons.

"'tis meet that some more audience than a mother, since nature makes them partial, should o'erhear the speech" — William Shakespeare
"a person can't help their birth" — W. M. Thackeray
"no man goes to battle to be killed. but they do get killed" — G. B. Shaw

In most cases I've seen the word "they" or some such used in reference to a single person, the context was pretty obvious. You would have to be mentally stunted or something to be confused by it, I dunno. It seems like most of the time it's brought up as a snrk.

"What is 'they' referring to, multiple personalities? Who am I talking to in there, hello?!" Yes, obviously this would be the most usual case, multiple personality disorder. /s
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
Apparently trans people are very invested in the new Matrix movie and also claiming that the previous ones (I'll grant the first was decent) weren't trash. It's a weird situation because seemingly people have invested their identities with this, so it has to be good otherwise it's an indictment upon themselves.
the directors of the matrix both transitioned quite early, before trans-rights was quite the hot button topic that it is now.

with that said, they've basically ret-conned the matrix to make it a trans allegory in the same way that j. k. rowling has been fumbling around, ret-conning similarly zeitgeist-setting harry potter with sheer foolishness such as 'dumbledore was gay', 'this character was actually black all along, i just forgot to mention it', etc.

i can't even be interested in any of that stuff when the movies themselves are just so deeply bad. the latest matrix movie seems to be more interested in quotation, citation, metatextuality, etc, than in actually being a barely coherent movie. it's a hot mess, honestly, and anyone who wants to hang some grand meaning or overarching narrative on such a basic failure of storytelling and moviemaking is a fool.

Last edited by uziq (2021-12-26 07:48:20)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i can't even be interested in any of that stuff when the movies themselves are just so deeply bad. the latest matrix movie seems to be more interested in quotation, citation, metatextuality, etc, than in actually being a barely coherent movie. it's a hot mess, honestly, and anyone who wants to hang some grand meaning or overarching narrative on such a basic failure of storytelling and moviemaking is a fool.
I'm guessing you haven't seen this film either.
Fuck Israel

Haven't you dismissed/stereotyped dramas as all oppressive misery and relentless human suffering without seeing a number of them mentioned in the movies thread? And then out of the plastic-wrapped comic movie industry, Captain Marvel (I got it right this time) somehow brought a tear to your eye. Superhero movies can have powerful scenes with intended import and that underlying swell of music, but they don't really feel like human scenes. How can a person relate to someone personally relate to just casually having a space battle in their speedo? Doesn't even Superman feel a disconnect from humanity given all his unearthly power?

In Hellraiser, there was a lot of pomp in the cenobites emerging from hell to claim another victim beneficiary. Doug Bradley owned the role of Pinhead and was a huge carrying factor, but at the end of the day it's all a very magical concept. Great practical effects spectacle, though.

The Atlantic has interesting things to say about the sequel, at once making me simultaneously give the new Matrix a chance1, and pass on it2.

1 wrote:

The film critiques Hollywood’s reboot culture while also serving as a surprisingly sweet work of nostalgia.

2 wrote:

Exhaustion with our ultra-connected world pervades the first act of The Matrix Resurrections, which finds Thomas living in the present day. (Reeves also sports his John Wick look—longer hair and a patchy beard.) Thomas is a video-game designer coasting off the success of The Matrix, a deeply immersive, best-selling game that appears indistinguishable from the original film arc. Though the world around him has changed—he’s now surrounded by chattering Millennials tapping away on their cellphones—he’s as existentially tormented as he was before, sure that there’s more to life beyond what he can see.
https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/arc … ew/621082/
i saw it exactly 3 days ago. i’ve watched about 7 movies in the last 2 weeks – it’s fucking freezing here now in deep winter, -14 yesterday – and the latest matrix was by far the worst. like, comically bad. a complete and total howler.

even the movie being soundtracked/remixed by sehr kool german techno DJs, and even one of the main characters having berghain tattoos in a desperate attempt to make the movie seem relevant to our zeitgeist, couldn’t save that pile of crap.

like recent star wars movies, it’s more interested in fan service and in cramming as many easter eggs and head nods to previous movies as possible. and it has far too many very lame jokes. i blame superhero movies.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
OK so newbie hasn't seen it either.

There are genres I just don't care about, same for you and uziq I'm sure.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-12-26 18:49:25)

Fuck Israel

uziq wrote:

i saw it exactly 3 days ago. i’ve watched about 7 movies in the last 2 weeks – it’s fucking freezing here now in deep winter, -14 yesterday – and the latest matrix was by far the worst. like, comically bad. a complete and total howler.

even the movie being soundtracked/remixed by sehr kool german techno DJs, and even one of the main characters having berghain tattoos in a desperate attempt to make the movie seem relevant to our zeitgeist, couldn’t save that pile of crap.

like recent star wars movies, it’s more interested in fan service and in cramming as many easter eggs and head nods to previous movies as possible. and it has far too many very lame jokes. i blame superhero movies.
That's about what I'd expect. Now I kind of want to see it more for that sarcastic "wow" experience.

Like, the last thing I want to hear as an older millennial (would probably come off as patronizing to a gen x-er as well) is that I feel disconnected from "people these days on their newfangled phones." Thanks, now if you'll excuse me I need to go saddle my horse for a trip to the general store.

Dilbert_X wrote:

OK so newbie hasn't seen it either.

There are genres I just don't care about, same for you and uziq I'm sure.
dilbert: "oh so you didn't see it"
also dilbert: "pass, dramas are just all self-flagellation"
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

– it’s fucking freezing here now in deep winter, -14 yesterday

– and the latest matrix was by far the worst. like, comically bad. a complete and total howler.

even the movie being soundtracked/remixed by sehr kool german techno DJs, and even one of the main characters having berghain tattoos in a desperate attempt to make the movie seem relevant to our zeitgeist, couldn’t save that pile of crap.

like recent star wars movies, it’s more interested in fan service and in cramming as many easter eggs and head nods to previous movies as possible. and it has far too many very lame jokes. i blame superhero movies.
OK great, I'll make up my own mind when I see it.

The first Matrix was good at the time, the remainder I didn't care about.
Fuck Israel

Most of the takes I've read lead me to believe there isn't much of a reason to expect it to go back to Matrix 1 basics. I'll be disappointed if the word "ergo" isn't utilized once, though.

Dilbert_X wrote:

OK so newbie hasn't seen it either.

There are genres I just don't care about, same for you and uziq I'm sure.
slightly running away with your assumptions, there. where did i say i don't like sci-fi movies? i like plenty of them (the first matrix was good enough, even if certain parts of it have aged badly).

the latest matrix is a deeply bad film. it is full of suck. it is, in fact, rather cringemaking.

isn't it funny that you get defensive over things when you haven't seen them? isn't it just as bad as judging things without having seen them?

re: desertfurry, Yeah, I don't think people should be doing that in defense of a film. "it was made by women," transgender or otherwise, so that if you don't like it you must be a misogynist and are probably transphobic as well. Very sour too when that sort of thing is coming in official capacity or random tweets from people who made/worked on it.

We should judge movies on their own merits. Die Hard was a fun non-Christmas movie, but not every Bruce Willis film is quality. He's had a few stinkers in his time.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

First trailer looked pretty cool. The second looked really bad.

It is humanely impossible for me to be invested in a love story between people in their late 40's. late 50's.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
This is also looks really bad.
both matrix trailers looked bad. you could tell it was going to be full of questionable decisions from the very first frame. like, Why the fuck did they abandon the look and tone of the previous trilogy? the future-dystopian colour grading? the first trailer immediately made you realise you were watching a franchise reboot that was going to take some serious aesthetic liberties with the tone of the first movies. and that's precisely what happens. this movie has way too many gags and one-liners being told between an ageing cast with little of the original chemistry. it's embarrassing.

also, i know it's internet blasphemy to say this, because 'nice guy keanu' and all that, and because he 'gives his all' in the physical performances of john wick movies, etc, etc, but keanu reeves is basically just not a very good actor. it worked in the first matrix because he was playing a semi-autistic doomer office drone guy. but, unlike the main man jesus christ, whom neo is a digital-era analog of, keanu is a charisma-free zone. and i think his acting ability has got worse, not better, as he has matured into this internet meme-era 'icon'. it's painful to watch. it's the exact same shit that seemed so distracting when he popped up in cyberpunk.

Last edited by uziq (2021-12-26 19:15:39)


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Die Hard was a fun non-Christmas movie, but not every Bruce Willis film is quality. He's had a few stinkers in his time.
wow you haven't checked bruce's IMDB in a while. he has been making like 4 straight-to-DVD movies per year for the last half-decade. at this point the majority of his filmography is in the sub-4/10 badlands.

the self-sabotaging of his career is almost a grim spectacle in itself. i have no idea why bruce has been taking roles in these movies. like, he doesn't need the money, doesn't need the work. why is he doing this?

Reeves worked out for John Wick I think. Had a lot more energy earlier in the old Bill & Ted movies too. Like a mirror of Costner.

re: Sparkles Batman, this has come up before, but at a glance it looks indistinguishable from all the recent Batman movies. Endlessly grim, like dilbert depicts drama, but actually endlessly grim. For once I want to see someone have the guts to do a Batman movie where Neil Patrick Harris does a musical villain.


uziq wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Die Hard was a fun non-Christmas movie, but not every Bruce Willis film is quality. He's had a few stinkers in his time.
wow you haven't checked bruce's IMDB in a while. he has been making like 4 straight-to-DVD movies per year for the last half-decade. at this point the majority of his filmography is in the sub-4/10 badlands.

the self-sabotaging of his career is almost a grim spectacle in itself. i have no idea why bruce has been taking roles in these movies. like, he doesn't need the money, doesn't need the work. why is he doing this?
Every time I see a new Willis movie at the electronics store, I go to look at the reviews. For years, now. Straight to DVD stuff. I was being polite when I used the word "few."

e: For dilbert's benefit, yes I've seen a few of them. Like the reviews said, they were stinkers.

e2: Bruce Willis's career has been subject of much discussion and speculation on movie sites and in film mags.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2021-12-26 19:23:17)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"Dude harasses five year old over pride flag"
https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout … ride_flag/
"3 arrested for anti-LGBT hate crime against McFarland child, authorities say"
Three men were arrested on Thursday for using anti-LGBT slurs against a child and another person in McFarland, authorities said.
https://madison.com/wsj/news/local/crim … 3a909.html

Well that's different
good job guys! winning the culture war!

the very first line of that matrix trailer is "you seem particularly triggered right now". cringe.

i blame people like the above for keeping this sort of shit still relevant. ugh. can we all please move on?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

isn't it funny that you get defensive over things when you haven't seen them? isn't it just as bad as judging things without having seen them?
Not at all, I'm critiquing your critiquing of films you haven't seen, invariably parroting other people's opinions as if they're your own.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Not at all, I'm critiquing your critiquing of films you haven't seen
You do that very thing, dilbert. You're not on a high horse, you're in the sidecar.

uziq wrote:

good job guys! winning the culture war!

the very first line of that matrix trailer is "you seem particularly triggered right now". cringe.

i blame people like the above for keeping this sort of shit still relevant. ugh. can we all please move on?
Goodness, it was really that? I don't think I've seen the trailer, or don't remember one with that in it. The Wachowskis were born in the 60s, in modern context it comes off as a little "hello, fellow kids" Buscemi style.

Also seen in Trump Jr's book:


Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

isn't it funny that you get defensive over things when you haven't seen them? isn't it just as bad as judging things without having seen them?
Not at all, I'm critiquing your critiquing of films you haven't seen, invariably parroting other people's opinions as if they're your own.
yes i can never think for myself! it's a real pain! if i don't like something, it must be because someone told me not to like it!

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