The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Yes yes, there are few things the talentless enjoy more than groupthink.
Fuck Israel

The Plan 9 article is positively glowing, finding a certain charm in the movie breaking the usual rules in the bad way it did. Not really the group think of people who think Plan 9 is a bad movie because they read somewhere that it was (mY tOp TeN WoRsT MoViEs: AnD aT #1, PlaN 9 FrOm OUTeR SpAcE), but don't understand any of the why. It's a legendary piece of cult history that every film (esp. sci-fi) buff should probably see at least once. Also recommended: Radar Men from the Moon, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Whats important is that we punish people who try to be original and creative.
Fuck Israel
dilbert, ed wood is a legendary director in the history of cinema for how uniquely bad he was, just on a technical level alone. his name is shorthand for incompetent film-making.

that said, it’s not ‘punishment’. his name has attained immortality in his afterlife through how bad he was. people are humouring and indulgent. he’s the classic-era tommy wiseau.

also i don’t know why you’re going on about ‘discouraging creativity’. we’re talking a guy who made pulpy b-movies, not a visionary.

so funny you’re still butthurt over cats. because, as we all know, movie adaptations are the peak of originality.

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-10 23:48:20)


It's weird how we're supposedly the ones bringing it up all the time, but it's always between the lines when Dilbert makes a cranky post about critics or whatever. Cats '19 is an excellent example of what not to do in just about every aspect of musicals and filmmaking and clips could be screened and broken down to a creative class for precisely that reason. But it is not a movie with the clout of Plan 9.

dilbert wrote:

Movie adaptations of infinitely rehashed comic books, in an industry up to its ears in said movies, are of course highly original. Each more serious and grim than the last. How did we go from Spiderman's mildly sobering proclamation "with great power comes great responsibility" to him literally dissolving into ash ("I don't feel so good!"), in such a short period of time. Do kids get as much of a kick out of that as middle-aged adult men? I would have been a little saddened as a kid if one of the TMNT died in their movies. Bring back the kind of movies where Superman can undo the last several minutes of time by racing around the world.

Dilbert, there should be a limit for even massive furries such as yourself as to how much you'll forgive for a feature having cat girls.
the simple fact is that ed woods would not even exist for posterity without this 'cult' bad movie appeal. his movies all properly belong to b-movie schlock reels and grindhouse cinemas. there were umpteen numbers of directors, writers/screenwriters, etc, working this seamiest of seam back in that day. i'm pretty sure ed woods wrote about 100 softcore porno books, as well. he was a hack, pure and simple, not a 'misunderstood genius'.

the fact that so many people hold his name up as a shorthand for utterly artless film-making is a quirk of history, and quite seriously the only way that he would ever have been remembered. imagine being snarky over the reputation of ed woods. lmao how fucking clueless can you be?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:


Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-01-11 04:40:20)

Fuck Israel
bf2s: the glorious final years (feat. dilbert).

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

Fuck Israel
dilbert: you guys just hate originality !


Last edited by uziq (2022-01-12 01:37:34)


Who's still invoking Pepe in 2022? It's like either a maga facebook boomer thing or an emoji installed by every few twitch streamers so the kiddies have something to spam.
so long, my son - 9/10.

first chinese film with an all-chinese cast that i've seen in a long while. very ambitious film and utterly captivating. wow.

haven't seen this sort of 'interior' exploration of the experience of modernisation in china before.

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-16 13:53:07)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Halloween Kills


Twice Michael Myers killed a group of a dozen armed men who were attacking him. Karate Michael Myers

How many of those have been made now.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
They have another one lined up for '23. "Halloween Ends"

Somebody pointed out that the premise of the movie doesn't make sense but I don't know how familiar you are with the whole thing.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Evil dies tonight
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

RTHKI wrote:

Evil dies tonight


There should be more movies like Freddy vs. Jason.

Anyway that's just what we need right now. Movies with righteous, white suburbanite vigilantes chasing people down in pickup trucks with guns and clubs. Why didn't somebody just bring a limb shredder in that case.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

There should be more movies like Freddy vs. Jason.

Anyway that's just what we need right now. Movies with righteous, white suburbanite vigilantes chasing people down in pickup trucks with guns and clubs. Why didn't somebody just bring a limb shredder in that case.
A parody movie channel called the raging bald guy "I did my own research guy".

Anyhow, the new scream got bad reviews. I still want to see it but will wait until it is streaming

I watch one Halloween clip and suddenly I'm getting Bigfoot videos from 'History' Channel in my feed. Coincidence?!

Dune (2021) - tenuous 8/10 sci-fi movie, for until i see the next parts. difficult book to put into a script, but respectable job. i see why people are saying it was slow paced, but it's a lot to unpack and thankfully given more room to spread out and world build than the runtime could reasonably cover in the lynch version. the music didn't seem as iconic as dune '84, something easily recognizable off a synth keyboard, but it worked.

for all its flaws, i did enjoy dune '84. the performances, and the visuals stuck. 6.5-7/10 sci-fi movie, 9 nostalgia. great dune movie.


What 'Dune' Author Frank Herbert Said About the 1984 David Lynch Adaptation (Flashback)
https://www.etonline.com/what-dune-auth … ack-174069

“The story is there. They saved the story. It's all there. That's what the author worries about,” Herbert said. “It's a different language on that screen and if they’re adroit, and sensitive about picking their visual metaphors, the story comes off the screen.”

In fact, Herbert revealed there was just a single excerpt from the book that he wanted to be featured, but didn’t make the final draft. “They only left out one scene that I wish they had included. The banquet scene. I know why they did it. There are time restrictions and other story constrictions,” he said.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Munich: The Edge of War 4/10

I haven't seen it myself obviously, but apparently its an attempt by an Oxbridge prat to whitewash another Oxbridge prat.

More worrying is how interminably Oxbridge the film is. Seemingly nobody involved could think of a more relatable reference point to anchor the characters to. From the opening piss-up, a jolly jamboree of black ties, ballgowns and buggering about – which later becomes a motif for all that is calm and good about the world – the film sits contented in a stifling bubble of its own Oxbridgeyness. When the mild-mannered and confusingly vacant Legat, one of the film’s dual “heroes”, first bonds with Chamberlain, the usually taciturn PM enthusiastically asks: “Are you an Oxford man?” Quick as a flash, he’s handing Legat a speech and wondering: “Maybe an Oxford man… might be able to improve it a little?”

Alarmingly, the only character who is able to reflect a contemporary wariness about our elite institutions is, well, Hitler. When Von Hartmann first meets the Fuhrer, he quickly – as often happens – brings up the fact he went to Oxford. Hitler ends up disdainfully sneering the word “Oxford” back at him. “Maybe you think you’re more intelligent than me?” he asks Von Hartmann. If you’ve never met anyone Oxbridge before, I can confirm this is a grimly relatable sentiment.
https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-ente … 97010.html

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-01-25 00:05:38)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Breakfast Club 8/10.

A lot of things didn't age well from this movie. But it is still great. The ending is pretty bad. Maybe I am just really salty they dolled up the gothic girl.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I never read the short story this is based on but the author might be my favorite. If it wasn't for the connection to the author I would assume it was one of those faggy Azn movies Uzique watches


I just want the 1Q84 movie.

Also the nerdy girl above is adorable.

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