Your oscillating fan has been protected from David Hasselhoff.
@dilb If it's any comfort, it's not just your norton. My latest mwb on an update yesterday classified the site as "riskware," and I had to add it to my list of exceptions.
Maybe the CIA have implanted malware here though.
Fuck Israel
The CIA is already inside you.
I have been microdosing psilocybin and it's been very beneficial for my mental health. I recommend it to everyone!
I microdosed lsd a few years back and had a great time. Social setting with a LOT of supplemental alcohol so I was already going to have fun, but it was just the extra bit more
it’s much much better without the depressant alcohol working away, tbh. LSD and psychedelics are all about lucidity and euphoria. alcohol just smudges it.
There's certain risk factors with psychedelics people need to be aware of before trying these though. Family history of mental illness for one.
I definitely felt a little lucid but for all I know it could have been a tab of printer paper with food coloring on it so who knows. I was a little nervous about stepping into the abyss which is why I took so little and immediately drowned it out with alcohol.
All in all I would definitely do it again. But I'm sure if anybody was looking for the 'lsd' high then don't do what I did. I did the 'drunk' with a tiny lsd microdose as the cherry on top.
All in all I would definitely do it again. But I'm sure if anybody was looking for the 'lsd' high then don't do what I did. I did the 'drunk' with a tiny lsd microdose as the cherry on top.
micro-dosing is very different from taking an actual dose and 'tripping'. micro-dosing is a low-level seratonin stimulation, basically, and feels not altogether unlike being on SSRIs.Larssen wrote:
There's certain risk factors with psychedelics people need to be aware of before trying these though. Family history of mental illness for one.
what pirana did was decidedly unwise. you shouldn't mix drugs when you take them for the first time, least of all psychedelics and alcohol. alcohol's effects are what therapists would call 'labile': you can swing from positive to negative, happiness to sadness/anger quite quickly due to alcohol's effects on inhibition and emotional control. what's paramount on any 'full' psychedelic trip is obviously guiding it towards a positive experience and not a 'bad trip'; and i think many people come unstuck when they start mixing weed or alcohol with their psychs.
mixture of anecdotal experiences here and having read a lot of recent literature on micro-dosing.
quants and software engineering geeks at places like Google have been experimenting with micro-dosing at work for a while now, for instance. if the nerds are doing it in the office to explore 'getting ahead' in their creativity, problem solving and careers, you can probably assume that it's not some wild grateful dead freakout. your average google employee doesn't exactly strike me as a 'risk taking' personality. … r-careers/
taking a sub-psychotropic amount of LSD or psilocybin is very unlikely to trigger some psychic break or schizoid episode.
https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcent … 019-0308-4
of course, as always, ymmv and one should always start out on the lowest dose possible, anyway, as with any drug. see how your own body and mind handles it, etc. i think most of the hazards with psychedelics (such as they are: in terms of the overall comparative harm scale it's pretty much nil), the problems arise in self-administering and measuring your own doses. LSD is extremely strong and sensitive and measuring out anything in micrograms is going to be inaccurate at best using home scales.
Last edited by uziq (2022-08-17 13:46:43)
I've been taking psychedelics for a long time. Did a lot in my teenage/early 20s, took about a 10 year break, and have been zoooooming forward over the last year or so.Larssen wrote:
There's certain risk factors with psychedelics people need to be aware of before trying these though. Family history of mental illness for one.
Taking 0.3g of penis envy is a lot different than taking 15 hits of liquid acid.
Thanks for the words of caution.
Since my ex's death I've been interested in trying DMT, not sure how to approach that though. Besides that I do have family members who are not well mentally. No issues here but am a little concerned there's a genetic risk involved.
I don't have a lot of experience with DMT, and the last time I tried it was a long time ago. I do remember it being a very intense, albeit short high. Much introspection.
My experiences with micro dosing have been beneficial because it is less about the body high/hallucinogenic "side-effects" traditionally associated with psychedelics, and much more about ego death and rebirth. It sounds a bit hokey but I experience it to varying degrees of intensity every single time I partake.
I get to tear down and rebuild who I am in my head every time!
My experiences with micro dosing have been beneficial because it is less about the body high/hallucinogenic "side-effects" traditionally associated with psychedelics, and much more about ego death and rebirth. It sounds a bit hokey but I experience it to varying degrees of intensity every single time I partake.
I get to tear down and rebuild who I am in my head every time!
DMT is one of the heaviest experiences and could leave you pretty shaken. it’s also not a trip you can ‘direct’: you take it and sit back for 15 minutes (going on infinity) and go to another plane of existence. you can take DMT in smaller doses and have more of an input, but tbh it’s underwhelming this way. it’s a ‘breaking through’ drug and a totally unique experience in that regard.Larssen wrote:
Since my ex's death I've been interested in trying DMT, not sure how to approach that though. Besides that I do have family members who are not well mentally. No issues here but am a little concerned there's a genetic risk involved.
in terms of grief and therapy, coming to peace with things, i would recommend MDMA (great for talking therapy with a friend or close partner), or mushrooms/psilocybin. they can both be highly directed and helped with a trip sitter, or taken alone in your own ‘safe space’ without too much worry. LSD is in the same category but tbh it lasts about 8-10 hours versus mushroom’s 4. some times you just want to get the hell out of the tripping headspace. LSD also has a speed-like body high component that can leave you feeling pretty tired and squashed. you can take mushrooms in a morning or evening and resume your day.
about the worst the average person can expect to feel is nervousness, and a little fear or moments of panic. that quickly passes after the initial phase, and is incredibly easy to avoid if you prepare accordingly (good friends or a familiar space: “set and setting”). besides, they’re not meant to be singly euphoric or pleasurable drugs (though they pack that in in spades too): take them with the acknowledgment that maybe you’re going to face down some painful and not pretty things. keep your favourite soothing album or some delicious fruit nearby. anytime it starts to get hairy, indulge in nostalgia or enjoy the mind blowing taste of your favourite food. it’s easy to snap yourself out of uneasy vibes in this way; you essentially have the mind of a small child when tripping.
have a good cry. crying your eyes out on shrooms and then feeling utter joy and euphoria at being alive in that moment is an experience every single busybody ego-wedded person should go through.
i can actually remember taking shrooms after my grandmother died and looking up at the sun and clouds outdoors, as they gently formed and unformed into all these beautiful shapes, at the peak of my trip, and just feeling like ecstatically happy and so full of love and sheer gratitude in a way i have never ever experienced before. my mood and day-to-day feeling was set to ‘happy’ by default for like 4 months afterwards. it was honestly like a small rebirth. 10/10 would do again.
Last edited by uziq (2022-08-17 15:16:06)
It's that other plane of existence / portal experience that draws me. I've read that there's a strong release of DMT in the brain in the death/dying experience. I met a doctor somewhere who actually recommended experimenting with psychedelics.
I don't know if it's about the grief process for me. For now I'm trying the 'normal' route of handling this. I need to think a little more about dabbling in drugs and if the risks are worth it.
I don't know if it's about the grief process for me. For now I'm trying the 'normal' route of handling this. I need to think a little more about dabbling in drugs and if the risks are worth it.
I think flying across the Atlantic for a social meetup in New York has risks too. Not that I think you shouldn't do it.
this is a cliché about DMT, the 'dying release' thing. i wouldn't put too much stock in it.Larssen wrote:
It's that other plane of existence / portal experience that draws me. I've read that there's a strong release of DMT in the brain in the death/dying experience. I met a doctor somewhere who actually recommended experimenting with psychedelics.
DMT is just very ... abstract, on a full dose. it's not like you can do much deep introspection and sort out things in your head. you are just on a rollercoaster.
in my opinion the type of trip you have is very suggestible from cultural tropes and expectations. personally i just had sort of extremely abstract, geometrical trips, as if i was floating out somewhere in interstellar nothingness, looking at newtonian space. it was very abstract and not a little terrifying.
other people commonly report the more typical 'psychedelic' trip: you know, bright fractals, warping mandala patterns, morphing animal and human forms. a lot of people talk about 'meeting god' or 'the creator' on DMT, and i think it's very common that you do indeed somehow go down to some 'sub-space' of perception and consciousness, in which you're basically looking at the building blocks of cognition/perception/time+space. lots of people report seeing lots of little gnome or dwarf men, homunculi, who are 'working' on reality and constructing what you see. it's all a bit odd.
DMT is undoubtedly one of the most interesting psychoactive and neurological/phenomenological experiences available on the planet. god knows what it does to your brain and perception of reality. if the brain is really processing these things on a sub-conscious level, it's pretty fascinating. but i can't see much medicinal or therapeutic use in it. it just shoots you into a different dimension. people report 'ego death' on it (another psychedelic cliché), but imo it's more like your ego never comes on the trip with you in the first place; the entire idea of a you and an observing subject to the experience is null. i think you can have emotional/psychological breakthroughs much better on psilocybin and LSD. you go into it with more of a sense of being a person with a history and state-of-mind/mood, etc.
lastly, DMT is pretty exotic and a rare bird in the wild. you can undoubtedly get hold of MDMA or ketamine much easier and have a reliably good time. 'k-holing' on ketamine will take you somewhere similar to a DMT trip; personally i don't like that one as you essentially get there through the tranquilizer route rather than the tripping route.
psilocybin and ketamine have great potential in depression/anxiety-related disorders; MDMA particularly so in PTSD-related issues.
Last edited by uziq (2022-08-17 17:56:52)
I just think about how amazing I am and that gives me all the rush I need.
Fuck Israel
you are the least funny person in any room.
The least funny person in any room is invariably the person who is high - they're really boring.
Fuck Israel
I write my best work when high. Also my worst work but the best too.

i am sure you have been in many rooms with many tripping people, dilbert.Dilbert_X wrote:
The least funny person in any room is invariably the person who is high - they're really boring.
& yes, keep telling yourself that. all those young people, enjoying their lives and experiences together ... they're just so tedious and boring! you tell 'em, champ!

Last edited by uziq (2022-08-17 18:28:55)
Has anyone ever done or know somebody who did the running of the bulls in Spain? I was looking at tour packages for the event. Really expensive and also sold out a year in advance. I guess it is really that popular.

Fuck that and fuck bullfights. Do you also want to swing cats around by the tail? Could add that to fantasizing about feeding dogs poisoned glass shard meatballs.