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- Grapple Hook Kill
haha Stealth got owned
Masta!!! You must teach us your ways
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
wtf, no way., hax
jk, lol, but seriously, wtf>
jk, lol, but seriously, wtf>
Last edited by Kmal1 (2006-05-24 14:00:16)
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
haha, beats smoke nade kills by a long shot

congratulations, you must have read the post on modding your localization files
It's fun to kill people with falling skyscrapers and rubber hoses
Edit: ok apparently Darth has determined that it is possible, but modding your files is still fun
It's fun to kill people with falling skyscrapers and rubber hoses
Edit: ok apparently Darth has determined that it is possible, but modding your files is still fun
Last edited by k1LLr_M (2006-05-24 14:07:10)
Lay a claymore/AT mine.....die, spawn as either anti-tank or assault, throw out your grappling hook and climb halfway up a building and sit there and hope someone sets your claymore/AT mine off.
Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2006-05-24 14:09:11)
I think the reason u can get kill with things like grappling hooks and ladders (yes ladders) is because it counts sorta as a vehicle. So i'm thinking that these kills count as vehicle kills, only because u get on them. but wth do i know? right?
Thats probably how they do it, +1Darth_Fleder wrote:
Lay a claymore/AT mine.....die, spawn as either anti-tank or assault, throw out your graqppling hook and climb halfway up a building and sit there and hope someone sets your claymore/AT mine off.
That would be pretty funny to see someone just hanging from a grappling hook for half the round trying to get a 'grapple hook kill'
weird did not know you could kill people with the grappling hook
I looked up billgates stats and under 'grappling hook' it says....ZERO FTW!
Now that is freakin hilarious.
You just had to spoil the fun, didn't you?Darth_Fleder wrote:
Lay a claymore/AT mine.....die, spawn as either anti-tank or assault, throw out your grappling hook and climb halfway up a building and sit there and hope someone sets your claymore/AT mine off.

lol...I really want to figure out how to do that, I mean, zip line kills aren't too hard, you either have to hit them, or slide into them, friend did it before, but grappling hook... do you grapple them by the neck or something?
I dunno, I wasn't the one to get the kill I just witnessed it, and my buddy was the victim cP
he says he had half health and he was on a balcony and somehow the hook landed and he ended up between the hook and the wall.
So yea.......
he says he had half health and he was on a balcony and somehow the hook landed and he ended up between the hook and the wall.
So yea.......
If any of you have mates get them on an empty server when your bored and piss about with it tbh.
ok heres his stats he doesnt have a grapple hook kill
i checked to... so photoshop? or just unlucky stats?
pun intended?SargeV1.4 wrote:
haha, beats smoke nade kills by a long shot
OMG! It's me and Bill pubbing on warlord! I remember that, and I have a screeny myself. I think he actually ran into a claymore while Bill was climbing a grapple, he wasn't sitting on it waiting for it to happen. Yes, it did happen. Funny how I'm famous...lawl!

...told ya
I don't know how exactly he did it, but it did happen. I think it was just a claymore or maybe that guy had 1 bar of health and got hit by the grapple. Just like smoke and flashbang kills. Not sure though.

...told ya
I don't know how exactly he did it, but it did happen. I think it was just a claymore or maybe that guy had 1 bar of health and got hit by the grapple. Just like smoke and flashbang kills. Not sure though.
Last edited by [BBF*EF]Stuka (2006-05-30 20:10:27)
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- Grapple Hook Kill