He didn't have time for bf2s anymore. Having to spend more than 2 seconds with your kids a day and maybe wash your hands once after taking a dump really takes it out of you.
Larssen ?
[ ] Hooked up with another batshit crazy chick
[ ] Something else
[ ] Hooked up with another batshit crazy chick
[ ] Something else
Fuck Israel
Recalled to the lizard people capital for reassignment.
An omen?

Fuck Israel
Man still owes us a deck update. Also whether he built a tower of isolation for his kids so that he only had to interact with them for a couple minutes a day.
Hurricane was back yesterday. Had an account Hurricane5ever. Looked at some threads but didn't post.

Has Uzique's steamboat reached harbor?

I hope one day to love someone the way you love him
OK, I'm calling it.
uziq can only be in a dungeon with a ball-gag in his mouth, being fed human breast milk through a straw by a 20 stone, 45 year old Korean mama-san with aspergers who is draining his balls with needles and tubes to breed mindless cast members for a future squid-game spin off.
Its literally the only plausible scenario I can think of.
uziq can only be in a dungeon with a ball-gag in his mouth, being fed human breast milk through a straw by a 20 stone, 45 year old Korean mama-san with aspergers who is draining his balls with needles and tubes to breed mindless cast members for a future squid-game spin off.
Its literally the only plausible scenario I can think of.
Fuck Israel
I am still here, as long as the servers are up and I remember my username and password (just about) I shall post every couple of years
hey mek