SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
After I dropped the Italian girl off home I drove back to my hometown. I was a few blocks away from my apartment above the dentist office. I see the soldier's ex-wife loitering around the local Walgreens.
Since I have a new car I decide to try to pick her up by offering her a ride. We have done this before. I just scope her up off the streets.
I decide to make the turn to pick her up and as I pull up, her husband pulls up besides her in his car.
He doesn't see me because he is looking at his wife. I notice him and step on the gas to get out of there.
While rolling down the street I am staring in my rear view window hoping the guy doesn't make a U-turn to come get me.

walgreens blares loud music on loop outside to discourage homeless people from congregating around the store front or sleeping there. i was talking to a clerk at one of them about it. that store was doing classical music. apparently there's another a few towns over that went with baby shark.

one could be forgiven for thinking that it's just a weird thing redbox is doing.

the storefront still gets covered in abandoned trash, some of which gets neatly stacked behind those pillars such places often have. people living in their cars (this doesn't need to be a thing in a nation with people racing to 13 digit wealth) still hang out. one time there was a dead animal in a pool of its own blood and vomit.

tl;dr this country is hot garbage, and instead of doing something about it, donald trump is signing executive orders instructing military-run schools to remove some books. which books? he doesn't know. he doesn't read books. but do something about the books!

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-02-23 15:05:01)

The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

walgreens blares loud music on loop outside to discourage homeless people from congregating around the store front or sleeping there. i was talking to a clerk at one of them about it. that store was doing classical music. apparently there's another a few towns over that went with baby shark.

one could be forgiven for thinking that it's just a weird thing redbox is doing.

the storefront still gets covered in abandoned trash, some of which gets neatly stacked behind those pillars such places often have. people living in their cars (this doesn't need to be a thing in a nation with people racing to 13 digit wealth) still hang out. one time there was a dead animal in a pool of its own blood and vomit.

tl;dr this country is hot garbage, and instead of doing something about it, donald trump is signing executive orders instructing military-run schools to remove some books. which books? he doesn't know. he doesn't read books. but do something about the books!
There is no limit to the acres of knee-deep excrement-soiled plastic waste I would wade through, the hobo corpses with needles still in their arms I would step over and beaches covered in dicks I would eat if someone would give me a $500/yr tax cut.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2025-02-24 01:01:34)

Fuck Israel

The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX
Fuck Israel
the crazy-hot (f)/funny-hot (m) scale feels a lot more accurate to how dating actually plays out in real life thesedays, especially in cities and extra-especially now that dating apps serve to produce an infinite series of those 3-4 week flames.

the far-right ‘trad wife’ thing is a pretty clear and conspicuous reaction to this default state of affairs. (disclaimer: i have never met anyone IRL who subscribes to this worldview.)

‘marry for money’ is very 19th century. most women have careers and ambitions of their own – finding someone whose life plan complements your own is really the biggest challenge when people uproot themselves constantly for work or promotions or grad school etc – and aren’t really dating expressly to find a rich husband.

of course, it happens, but it’s specific to certain dynamics imo (large age gaps with richer old guys, woman from developing world, traditional cultures with arranged marriages, etc). most young people outside of weird eggheads in SF or clout-chasers in NYC are not overly concerned with what their partner makes. you can normally spot the hypergamous (that word again) or gold-digging types from a mile off thesedays, they’re a sort of relic, like having a cassowary walk through your back garden.


Last edited by uziq (2025-03-03 02:55:35)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
That whole trad wife and life thing is pure social media nonsense. I believe vast amounts of people are living the trad lifestyle but never attach a name to it. That is just their default. They are stay at home moms just living life without the need to get dressed up and bake bread for Instagram.
The annoying opposite end of this is the polynomorous thing. People having open relationships with two or more people.
This again seems like a default lifestyle that people needed to turn into identities. How many guys juggled families in different cities back in the 50s? I am living this out now and wouldn't call myself poly.


What annoys me about poly is that you have these people bragging about having two or more partners but if you approach them they get defensive and call you a creep. People put out their sex lives on social media or reddit but then get offended at attention. Take a million slutty pictures but then get mad at people leaving hearts or telling you you are hot. Just block people. Don't add people you don't know or aren't comfortable with. And don't post slutty photos and get mad at attention. It makes me feel like an incel or boomer about this but it definitely a behavior of immature people.
yeah, the trad wife thing is obviously a concoction of terminally online right-wing types who want to ape a 'small-town' default way of life from the 1950s, despite themselves being irremediably of the 21st century. they've effectively plugged themselves into the matrix and now spend all their time claiming they want to get out of it.

meanwhile, small-town america still actually exists. nothing is stopping those thiel-funded grifters and poseurs in dimes square or wherever from actually moving out of the city and the 'decadence' they find there.

and, lol, being poly isn't the same thing as being a bigamist or a travelling salesman having multiple families (that normally don't know about each other). what you're doing now isn't the 'poly' lifestyle: it's known by the kids as being a fuckboy. you're sleeping with multiple partners at once (not at all uncommon) but emotionally keeping them on a semi-dependent leash and not simply letting them go as and when you're bored or tired of them (fuckboy behaviour).

polyamory isn't my thing. i matched with a really hot woman, many yore ago, in bristol who said that she and her partner were curious and wanted to find someone to 'invite into their relationship'. they lived about a 10 minute walk away from me around the harbourside in another apartment. good reader, i did not go.

Last edited by uziq (2025-03-03 05:04:37)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
My girlfriend is onto me.
I took my laundry to her house to do since I don't have a washer and dryer in my studio apartment above the dentist office.
I woke up Sunday morning to my girlfriend standing over me with a pair of socks and she says "whose socks are these?"

The Italian girl must have left her socks in my hamper in one of the nights she spent over. I assume she purposely did this. Who just forgets their socks? I tried to gaslight my girlfriend into thinking that they were her socks. She didn't buy it. She mentioned the socks a few more times. Her grandma died this weekend. She needs to go to Taiwan to bury her. "She told me you better be good while I am in Taiwan. Better not have over whatever girl you are fucking."

I still had sex with her even after she found the socks.

Also I am doing other girls homework now. That's a different story.
women always leave things when they stay over. always. whether it's a hair tie or some underwear or some part of their make-up or toiletries. bathrooms are the worst culprit. sometimes it's just annoying when you have a hook-up, both mutually understood as such, and then the woman 'accidentally' 'forgets' something so there's a pretext to 'meet for a coffee' again to hand it back over.

i ended up leaving a small box full of leftover earrings and jewellery in korea. at one point the pile-up was starting to look sinister. like one of those sorting rooms at birkenau.

i've had some awkward conversations before when a girl staying over has noticed the other girl's trash in the bathroom. always empty your bathroom bin before going on a date. girls put things in there that men don't even know exist.

Last edited by uziq (2025-03-03 06:05:19)

also: wut?

SuperJail Warden wrote:

My girlfriend is onto me.

[...] Her grandma died this weekend. She needs to go to Taiwan to bury her. "She told me you better be good while I am in Taiwan. Better not have over whatever girl you are fucking."
"going back to asia to bury her relative".üder-is-the-three-fingers-thing-in-v0-v2ocavdxemtc1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=cb421298398ca1802f07d3dcea9f23c7e2ef1e66

barely anyone gets buried in east asia, my guy. taiwan and buddhist countries are like 95% cremations. even the local belief systems (including shintoism and taoism) prefer it. i don't think there's any hard rules about such things (the local religions have barely any codified practices), but in taiwan burial space is at an insane premium.

burial and embalming tends to be reserved for, like, royalty or something.

Last edited by uziq (2025-03-03 07:52:21)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think my girlfriend mentioned cremation or something. All I know is that the lady passed away and she needs to go over there to see her out.
it's only conspicuous to me as taiwan, of all asian countries i've visited, conducts so much of their family rituals of celebration and mourning in very public ways. it's a very memorable part of the overall ambience of the island. you will always hear firecrackers in the street or see people burning (fake) money or putting out flower displays or leaving shrines of fruit and other offerings, etc. every street has a local temple and it's very common to see funeral processions or gatherings.

you should go visit with your gf while you're manipulating her and keeping her slavishly attached to you. taiwan is a really special place. plus, it might not be there for much longer.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I was planning to visit Taiwan before China smokes it this summer. But I just bought a car and she is buying a house so money is a bit tight. Besides I can't get off randomly from work like that.

We did go grocery shopping. I think her family bought some food for a shrine or something. She does the whole leave food out for the spirits thing.

Whenever I tell my coworkers some of the ritual practices people get all weird about it. Meanwhile the Catholics are trading flu wine.
lol, it did catch me off guard when i first went to stay there. couldn't read any of the menus or signage, unlike the relatively simple korean alphabet, and on 2 days of every month (iirc) all the local businesses leave tables of offerings outside their entrance as part of religious custom. not for buying or consuming: just tables full of food or piled high with merchandise. confusing as a newcomer where korea has barely any signs of vestigial spiritual practice - everyone is packed into evangelical or prosperity-gospel churches instead. thanks, america.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It is dope you got to experience all of those countries. It took me a little while to get used to the communal eating thing. Hotpot and K BBQ etc. Dim Sum is terrible though.

I genuinely enjoy learning all of the new stuff with girls of different cultures.


Did you make any friends with local men by the way? I see on Instagram there are a lot of white male influencers who go to these countries, nail the girls and disrespect the men while flashing the "Okay" symbol. Obnoxious behavior.
dim sum is a huge category and range of food. runs the gamut from michelin-starred to food poisoning inducing. your mileage may vary.

communal eating is honestly the best way when you're brand new in a place. it's more intimidating to eat alone in a restaurant and be crippled with anxiety when the waiter delivers 4 bowls and 13 different sides to your table. having other people there to drink with and break the ice makes it so much more enjoyable.

and lol, yes i have quite a lot of male friends from all three countries. i mostly socialise by mixing in the music scenes, which are pretty obviously male-dominated. it's good to have drinking and eating buddies, as well as having contacts to get DJ gigs and generally know 'what's on' away from the tourist traps and consumerist esplanades.

ig influencers and streamers are total wastoids. i've been out in asia for long enough to have internalised the local contempt for those types.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I found another sock.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2025-03-03 17:49:20)
I am all that is MOD!

This is going to eat you up inside until you figure out what the hell youre doing
mmmf mmmf mmmf
so forever
many such cases.

i think macb needs a 4-5g chunk of blue fungus or one of those ‘two tabs of acid and an afternoon alone having a good cry’ experiences. time to reset this unhealthy, compulsive behavioural loop with women and his own ego.

Last edited by uziq (2025-03-04 03:35:35)

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