my 'lindy' take on the changing sociology of STEM and the sciences is basically playing out, every day, in real time.
STEM jobs and actual research is for H1B rubber dinghy immigrants. even genius kids in the sciences are becoming quants for investment firms. that's where the new elite appeal rests. all the 1500 SAT perfect A's high-IQ asians going to MIT/stanford/caltech/harvard/etc now see the STEM undergrad as a stepping stone to a high-status job in the fake numbers high-finance game.
the people still clinging to this outmoded idea that STEM degrees produce an 'elite' of engineers and technologists are basically petit-bourgeois reddit moderators from 2014. STEM don't pay! and it doesn't carry the same kudos it did even a decade ago.
"become a legendary engineer", "change medicine and help millions of people", "design the next great architectural masterpiece".
actually it's just fin tech and hedge funds. hope you like AI-assisted SaaS apps.
Last edited by uziq (2025-03-07 05:22:51)