Bunny Hopping: A tactic of jumping repeadityly in conjunction with mouse/WSAD movements to allow constant jumping without a loss of speed (sometimes even an increase). In games like RTCW and CS (and a bunch more), it actually takes skill to bunny hop, as you need to have precise timing or you'll run out of stamina and or just stop moving. However, in BF2, it simply means jumping a lot, no skill required. The main problem is a) its hard to hit people while they're in the air, b) hits register a lot less when people are in the air, and c) bunnyhopping in conjunction with the "noob tube" (aka Grenade Launcher the assult kits gets) is really overpowered / annoying. The fact that people can jump 2 feet in the air also makes no sense at all.
Its probably as noob as most of the tactics out there, in fact you could easily say pretty much anything is noob in bf2. But for those who argue tactitcs like bunny hopping or excessive proning/camping or okay for reasons like "whatever keeps you alive is fine" or "its something you do in real life", you have to realise stuff cant work that way. If they made a game that was true to real life, no one would play it, as it would be a shitload of people just camping and waiting for someone to come out, and you can expect there'd be a whole lot more weapon whoring then there is now. What we need is a complete balance of weapons, movement and environment. This has never really been achived in any FPS that i know, but theres a lot BF2 could do to get a bit closer to that magic FPS equilibrium.
Last edited by Col-Khadafi (2005-10-08 14:06:08)