who remembers 1942. who remembers those things called battleships that had some of us happy. just yesterday i rammed an aircraft carrier into a battleship. They better bring some in!
Well, for one war is inevitable everywhere. I don't think there has ever been any point in history where the world has been at peace.  Never going to happen either.  This is game, just that.  It simulates how things might be.  And for some, hypothetically speaking, if it were to really happen in Europe, wouldn't it give the player some sense of what they should do in the actual event, like say how to keep low and avoid people?  Just hypothetically speaking, not saying its a guide or I misworded the entire thing.  As for countries, Germany would be cool, so would Japan getting into somehow, as for France, lol.  France never crossed my mind.  That country surrenders to anyone who steps into their country. (I shouldn't say that, I might go to France for a Culinary Externship someday =P ).  New kits would be like putting new scopes on the guns or putting a scope on the alltogether.  More customization on the guns would make someone truly unique I think.  I would mind changing the scope on the L85 or putting a scope on the G36C would be cool.  I have as of late however, by reinstalling the game and using the hack, to play all the unlocked weapon.  I recant what I said about the DAO, its OK.  I do like the PKM, its a great gun for keeping people away from a flag.  I have since turned the hack off and reinstalled the patch and still would like to see the expansion allow unlocked guns on single player or the gun you unlocked at least.
-Strength Through Team Work-
+2|7156|Sunnyvale, CA

<eN>Madcat wrote:

who remembers 1942. who remembers those things called battleships that had some of us happy. just yesterday i rammed an aircraft carrier into a battleship. They better bring some in!
Are you asking that BF2 introduce battleships? Cause if you are....

Battleships are sweet, but are not used anymore. They became obsolete with the introduction of the fast aircraft carrier and their jet aircraft.

Although, i think some ppl are working on WWII BF2 mods, so perhaps battleships can be included in those.
1, Maps like Karkand at night would be cool!
2, No mortars, remember the mortars from BFV? Totaly useless.
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7159|Cheshire, UK

maltese_pidgeon wrote:

Rakasan wrote:

Forget the expansion pack, how about some patches that include new maps.
i seriously doubt EA would ever do that.

but we can hope...
Further to the above...  BFV had 2 or 3 expansion packs with new maps/vehicles free to download. Rather than it being unusual/unexpected I feel it is the norm for EA.

Blizzard produced Diablo2, the only expansion I remember for that was Lord of Destruction, which I had to buy. They also do WoW, this seems to have had many pach upgrades. I don't know what they have added to the game but for £9 per month subscription I f'kin well want regular and significant patch upgrades too! (don't get me wrong I like Blizzard).

I've never played a game that has had as much value as the Battlefield systems. The community is great the development budget seems to extend for the reasonable life of the game not just until release (and is then passed on to 3rd parties).

Devide the cost to play by the hours played and this has to be one of the cheapest entertainments out there.
All hail EA and Dice, for they are the makers, the provider of that which sustains us and makes us whole.
1, Maps like Karkand at night would be cool!
2, Shoulder mounted stingers
3, HMMVS with TOWs
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7159|Cheshire, UK

McCullough wrote:

1, Maps like Karkand at night would be cool!
2, No mortars, remember the mortars from BFV? Totaly useless.
WTF are you talking about? I could play for days and use almost nothing but mortars!

Hang on, there's something you need to see...
It's a 35MB download and I apologise for that but you need to see this. McCullough, you really need to see this. For those that really got into BFV the Mortar was The specialist weapon. Forget your sprey-and-prey guns, this took real skill. ZULU was the best in our clan. I assure you that this movie was not in any way rigged. This was a collection of clips he made over about a week of evenings playing. He was actually practicing to make movies more than show off the mortar but since hitting helo's with one was what he liked doing...
This is just one aspect of the mortar's power. Ask any top BFV clan how to win on the Reclaiming Hue map and they will tell you that the mortar is the key, with a couple of skilled mortar operatives you could dessimate the US force before they have even left the bridge. You want to attack a fortified position? Do it under the cover of a couple of mortar guys and you'll have a much easier time of it.
I'm proud to have been a member of Mike Coy (BFV) who's job it was to rain hell on the opposition.

All hail the mortar.
Forgive those who know not of what they speak

duffry wrote:

WTF are you talking about? I could play for days and use almost nothing but mortars!

Hang on, there's something you need to see...
It's a 35MB download and I apologise for that but you need to see this. McCullough, you really need to see this. For those that really got into BFV the Mortar was The specialist weapon. Forget your sprey-and-prey guns, this took real skill. ZULU was the best in our clan. I assure you that this movie was not in any way rigged. This was a collection of clips he made over about a week of evenings playing. He was actually practicing to make movies more than show off the mortar but since hitting helo's with one was what he liked doing...
This is just one aspect of the mortar's power. Ask any top BFV clan how to win on the Reclaiming Hue map and they will tell you that the mortar is the key, with a couple of skilled mortar operatives you could dessimate the US force before they have even left the bridge. You want to attack a fortified position? Do it under the cover of a couple of mortar guys and you'll have a much easier time of it.
Great video and well worth the download. My favorite part was part 7 "Heatseekers". Hilarious!
Ok, shooting down choppers is VERY unucuall (dont know how to spell it) use of Mortars.
Very skilled though.
-=ToD=- ZULU
BLASPHOMY I TELL YA, BLASPHOMY!!!! LOL. every weapon has its admirers and the mortar was definately mine. Unfortunately there is little in comparision to this on BF2. There are a few weapons that require some skill to use REALLY effectively, but none have that explosive anti-heli effect that i loved so much :-(

Hope i've opened your eyes McCullough, i do agree on the Karkand at night tho. Night vision on a dark map like that would be class! Sh*t scary too.
+0|7155|Washington, DC
ohh, a jungle map would be cool, but they r the most intensive type of maps. with the amount of polygons in a dense jungle, there would be no end to the cpu/gpu stressing... maybe if everone had a 4.0 ghz AMD and a X800 GT
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7163|Bryan/College Station, TX
Things I would like to see in an expansion:

*  A map that revisits the jungles of SouthEast Asia but with modern weaponary.

*  A map that shows a grouping of Warlords within Africa against British reinforced South African troops. Or a revist of US or UN forces protecting supplies or a convoy from Warlords. This could take place either on the plains, in the city like the movie Black Hawk Down or in the Congo against genecidal maniacs.

* A map that is a series of islands that waterways must be crossed via Boats, APCs or Helicopter. The Boats should be improved to include more hefty attack speed boats (Gunboats) with 5 mm cannons or dual turrent machine guns. This could also be a swamp like jungle map with waterways.

*  Current maps with Night options. Many would look very cool at night. Add tracer rounds to high rate weapons and watch them light of the sky. Esspecially tracers from the Blackhawk mini-guns would be quite the sight.

* Add special air support on a very long timer that is basically an incoming cruise missle or support from an AC-130 high above. It would take a bit to get to you but once it does all hell will break loose on the enemy.

*  Shoulder mounted Stinger missles are a given. Once again I believe this can be achieved with simply making a toggle switch on the Anti-Tank class to make the player become an Anti-Air sub-class.

* Mortars would be very cool and yes they are still used in the military today as indirect fire support. On the same lines as this I would like to see mobile artillery which includes missle barrage artillery.

*  A variant of the M1A MBT that has a semi-automatic gernade launcher on top as well as a 7.62 machine gun. This varriant after all does in fact exist. Also a TOW mounted on a HUMVEE would be very nice.

*  Snipers gun with long range that has a two click scope. This would add quite a bit to realism and be a neat asset when firing either medium or long range.

* Another round of unlocks for the class would also be an added bonus. Making the requirements difficult to get them would only inspire the players to get them. At very least it would give us a second list of weapons to choose for our unlocks. Simply more to choose from would be good.

That's about all I can think about now.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+2|7156|Sunnyvale, CA

kilroy0097 wrote:

Things I would like to see in an expansion:
* Another round of unlocks for the class would also be an added bonus. Making the requirements difficult to get them would only inspire the players to get them. At very least it would give us a second list of weapons to choose for our unlocks. Simply more to choose from would be good.
Has anyone here ever played America's Army? Before each mission you are able to customize your weapon. For example, you could choose from handle sight to a scope, or a flashlight or a grenade launcher ( I don't remember what, exactly, the components were, but you get the idea) . Things like that might make cool unlocks. You could modify your kits from BFHQ and have them set to one or two wep configurations, and swap them just like you would unlocks. I always felt like the kits section of BFHQ was a place where EA could make major improvements.

Although, there would have to be some limitations, or else players like elektrik would have to much of an advantage against the rest of us.

Anyways, Kilroy, i believe that adding more unlocks is a good idea, and very possible.

Last edited by maltese_pidgeon (2005-08-11 09:17:47)

-=ZULU=- You have opened my eyes indeed! After that Mortar lesson i realised that mortars actually can be quite usefull 
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7160|Cologne, Germany

more maps ( china has its jungles, as well as snowy mountains ), and if that's not possible, different weather and light conditions for the current maps. Playing at night would be a real treat, or at sunset or dawn. Rain would be nice, too...

I am not so sure about the idea of new theatres of war, like europe for example. Doesn't fit the original concept of the game, I suppose. Although it is true, that war theoretically could rage everywhere on this planet, it is rather unlikely to break out in europe. between who, I ask you ? sure, it's just a game, but it needs some connection to real life, I think. Hence china and the middle east ( although I pray to god that war with china or some MEC never  becomes a reality. I prefer simulation here ). Africa seems like a possibility, though....

more unlocks, i.e. new weapons ? sure, bring 'em on. But except for the shoulder-mounted stinger ( as a new unlock for AT class, for example ), i cannot think of one...

Personally, I like the idea of model / character customization ( sunglasses would cool on desert maps.. ). Even female models could be a possibility.

But I'd rather have EA deal with the current bugs and fix them than them putting out a expansion pack....
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7159|Cheshire, UK

B.Schuss wrote:

I am not so sure about the idea of new theatres of war, like europe for example.
Israeli conflict would suit the game style but that's just making the whole thing religious and whether or not EA are daunted by Muslim fanatics they would have to worry about Jewish accountants!

(This post is meant to be in jest and in no way intended to cause offence. My intension is not to say that all muslims are fanatics or all jews are accountants, merely to point out that the popular stertotypes of these religious groups could pose a threat to EA security/fiscal stability if disgruntled.)

maltese_pidgeon wrote:

kilroy0097 wrote:

Things I would like to see in an expansion:
* Another round of unlocks for the class would also be an added bonus. Making the requirements difficult to get them would only inspire the players to get them. At very least it would give us a second list of weapons to choose for our unlocks. Simply more to choose from would be good.
Has anyone here ever played America's Army? Before each mission you are able to customize your weapon. For example, you could choose from handle sight to a scope, or a flashlight or a grenade launcher ( I don't remember what, exactly, the components were, but you get the idea) . Things like that might make cool unlocks. You could modify your kits from BFHQ and have them set to one or two wep configurations, and swap them just like you would unlocks. I always felt like the kits section of BFHQ was a place where EA could make major improvements.

Although, there would have to be some limitations, or else players like elektrik would have to much of an advantage against the rest of us.

Anyways, Kilroy, i believe that adding more unlocks is a good idea, and very possible.
hmm.. in order to actually see your customised weapon you must have an honor lvl of 15(take about 1-2 weeks to get), pass all the training, get 36/40 on the marsmanship range, then do advanced marksmanship, and i think you must complete the special forces classe, second one take a lot of patience.  Correct me if wrong.
+2|7156|Sunnyvale, CA
Here read this:


it says 10 new vehicles and 12 new weps... but i'm afraid they are mostly just for the new forces: Navy SEALs, British SAS, Russian Spetznas, MEC Special Forces, Rebel groups and insurgents.

should be fun; night vision!

maltese_pidgeon wrote:

Here read this:


it says 10 new vehicles and 12 new weps... but i'm afraid they are mostly just for the new forces: Navy SEALs, British SAS, Russian Spetznas, MEC Special Forces, Rebel groups and insurgents.

should be fun; night vision!
do we get flash lights too??
look for links on the left side for aritcles from gamespy and others.

Last edited by <eN>Madcat (2005-08-11 20:25:50)

I think as I may have said before, more upgrades for the BFHQ kits would be great. I would love to put some different things on the guns.  Like what I would do if I could, if put a M203 on the L85 and a different scope, but Hey, its my own little word, I have seen some like it though on the net.  Night maps would be great, Nothing like playing Sharqi at night and going through the construction area, it would make sniping more challenging as well as distinguishing teams, would make for some great fighting! Some more armor on the black hawks would be good, or give them a sort of afterburner or something to get them out of danger would be great.  However, wishful thinking once again.
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7159|Cheshire, UK

m4tty wrote:

do we get flash lights too??
Surefires for all!
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7160|Cologne, Germany

flashlights, night vision, flasbangs, tear gas, hooks, I love it all. But I hope they don't do 64-player maps, because i believe that's just too big for special forces combat. It would also hinder real teamplay, which will be much more required I guess.

I also hope we will have real missions in the muliplayer also, meaning Stuff that real special forces to, too, like blowing up communication sites, hostage/POW rescueing, reconnaissance and stuff like that. I say that, because as far as I know, spec ops don't normally get involved in large scale fighting.

there are lots of possible scenarios, where on team would have to complete a series of objects on a map, and the other trying to stop them. You could add a timestop feature like we had in RTCW multiplayer ( was it called timestop ? anyway, you know what I mean ). You'd have a specific amount of time to complete the objects, and at the end of the round, roles would be reversed ( attackers becoming defenders, and vice versa ), and the other team would have to try to beat your time in completing the objects. I just loved that in RTCW.

sad, though, that they don't plan to include german spec ops...

duffry wrote:

Surefires for all!
hehe I had to google that but yeah they sound great seems you can bash someone on the head with one and their skull will come out second best:)

Last edited by m4tty (2005-08-12 02:25:24)

ya thats true instead of the GSG-9 they added some gay insurgent team.

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